The Health Benefits of Smoking Marijuana

Smoking marijuana has numerous health benefits and they are:
A lot of people say cannabis has no medicinal value when it is smoked. Let's finally put this myth to bed.
To the dude against medical cannabis who says "...whats next medicinal heroin...medicinal cocaine...?"
ReplyDeleteIn fact cocaine and heroin are already used medicinally so get your facts straight!
Here's another Fact. No recorded deaths or overdose from Cannabis ANYWHERE!!!! EVER!!!
To the dude against medical cannabis who says "...whats next medicinal heroin...medicinal cocaine...?"
ReplyDeleteIn fact cocaine and heroin are already used medicinally so get your facts straight!
Here's another Fact. No recorded deaths or overdose from Cannabis ANYWHERE!!!! EVER!!!
For real. 0.o -_-
Deletethats right daveland high five just proves cnn will put anyone on even if they have no idea wtf there talking about people like that dude are murders and there killing people!!!!!i think he needs therapy for his control issues
DeleteThat guy from the 'Marijuana Harms Families' shit is a fucking idiot. Marijuana has been proven to be medically benificial by, what like, 20 states now so shut up. And as for you bitching about 'what comes next, medical cocaine or heroin?' well guess what dumb ass cocaine was used in the US as a local anesthetic and treatment for fevers until 1914, and are you seriously questioning wether or not we have medical heroin? you ever heard of morphine, percocet, hydrocodone, oxycontin, lortabs, vicodins, and the literaly hundereds of other medications that are derived from opium, which is what they fucking MAKE HEROIN OUT OF!?!?!?! What a fuckin jackass, this is why I hate people.
ReplyDeleteYou hate people? Have you taken your medicine yet?
DeleteWhen a person who has a mental illness, smokes habitually, that person becomes irritable. That person's language and thinking skills deteriorate to the point where profanity is the only option to express one's emotions. Chill out, everything has its place and time with moderation
Delete@ Jacob Kenyon,I'm a 57yr. old grandmother of 7 and I'm on a Disability Pension for a number of ailments, two of which are in the "Mental Illness" category, as I suffer from severe anxiety,stress and depression. So you're trying to categorize ALL of us that have a mental affliction of becoming IRRITABLE when smoking "Habitually" .. that's a rather odd statement to make, considering that the out come of the medication (Medical Marijuana) is CHILLING OUT ... lol ... there's plenty of reading material all over the web that is scientifically proven on the positive out come of using this natural plant as a medicine and NOT have to ingest chemically made medicine!!! Hours of reading, good luck ... and hopefully you have a GREAT memory for all of the information that there is to read :D ... are you keeping up with me yet young man? lol ... and my emotions are just fine as well thank you .. just too funny!!!!!
Delete@ Jacob Kenyon ... Are you a medical doctor or specialize in any area of Human Physiology? I'd even settle for medical scientist ... why you may ask? You are spewing forth a bunch of nonsense about something that you obviously know NOTHING about. I'm a well adjusted,57 year old grandmother of 7 and when I *HABITUALLY*,as you put it, ingest (I choose to vaporize my meds), I don't all of a sudden become some raving lunatic spewing filth out of my mouth nor do I have problems with the English language or any of the other six languages that I also speak,read and write! Nor do I give in to my emotions, any more than any other NORMAL human being. I also have a huge list of medical problems that I face ... Severe Anxiety,Stress and Depression disorders,do NOT make one unable to CHILL OUT, as you so eloquently put it, because of HABITUALLY,again,as YOU put it, is absolutely ridiculous in it's self! Young man,I suggest you read up before you point fingers. That's providing that you don't have a disability that prevents you from reading and retaining scientific proof of the benefits of marijuana.BTW ... I wrote this without help,while on my meds ... I think I sound pretty much in control of myself :D .. have a good night and good reading :)
Delete@ Susan Baldwin Lack of Vitamin E aka Tocopherol, is linked to Anxiety, especially in the instance of Cannabis use, have you tried anything rich in CBD?
Delete@ Susan, lack of Vitamin E aka Tocopherol is linked to anxiety, especially from Cannabis. Have you tried any high CBD strains?
DeleteJacob, i also am on disability for ptsd, anxiety and a bunch of other shit that are along those lines so when i first read your post i was like, what dude...but i think you are trying to be funny so i'm over it but i just wanted to say to you that sometimes you have to be careful what you say (write) because other people may take you literally and now might think that what you said is a medical fact or something so just think before you write. anyways thats all i wanted to say
Delete"medical cocaine, medical heroine"...what this fellow doesn`t want to admit is that cannabinoids are being used all over the world for towsands of years. heroin, it is a medicine, it was created as a medicine.cocaine is a plant, the plant of coca does not produce cocaine, produces leaves.... Hipocrisy
ReplyDeleteHave to point out herion and cocaine are used in medicine, the fromer sold as morphine.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU. I also don't understand how the natural opiate or coca is less desirable than a chemically refined, ultra-processed, cut-with-dangerous-additives pill...kinda like street cocaine would be, eh? The FDA is just a bunch of pushers, they just have better drugs.
DeleteMust point out that morphine (made of opium) and cocaine are both used in medicine.
ReplyDeleteAnd Cocaine too..0.o
DeleteOxycodone, etc.
Deletethis guy is full of crap, alcohol and tobacco, as well as prescription drugs are infinitely more dangerous than hemp. crazy people who have been brain squashed thoroughly! hemp is safer than peanuts
ReplyDeleteThis Randy Thomason character is a complete ignorant fool. Are you kidding me? How old is he? Does he still believe in Santa Claus too? Wow, amazing how blatantly stupid certain people still are today.
ReplyDelete''Gods nature has created..'' But 'not' for expanding your mind or consciousness? Typical religious double-standards. As long as it is in name of 'God' and 'health', they will find a legal way to exploit this plants properties for financial gain. Religion just found a way to sell dope!!
ReplyDeleteU mad... 0.o Butthurt u r..-_-
Delete''Gods nature has created..'' But 'not' for expanding your mind or consciousness? Typical religious double-standards. As long as it is in name of 'God' and 'health', they will find a legal way to exploit this plants properties for financial gain. Religion just found a way to sell dope!!
ReplyDeleteFor all who believe that marijuana is a gateway drug I dare for you to provide proof. And not the statistics written by partial parties. It is not a narcotic, it is all natural and non addictive. Let alone the Almighty did not say that it is evil,bad or a sin. It is illegal because it represents freedom park, pro choice, natural living and not commerce. Not one death can be contributed to marijuana, nor can anyone truthfully say that it prompted them to use another drug. All in all , the only threat marijuana presents is the loss of revenue to the rich and the cult like Bible thumping Hippocrates.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what I thought and medical meth adderol?
ReplyDeleteYa and isn't medical meth adderoll?
ReplyDeleteis not cocaine similar as procaine anyways all pharma. pain drugs come from a base of opiates.....
ReplyDeleteMan dissing it's benefits and spitting false acclaims shouldn't be allowed to go on TV. is either ignorant or works aside the pharmaceutical companies. Caffeine is a gateway drug that according to studies has 95% of Americans alone consuming it which includes infants. Last time I checked, for Caffeine, it can kill you and is higher in addiction. Cocaine doesn't heal your body, it could only be used as a pain-killer but doesn't need to even be used with Cannabis. Etc. Etc. Etc. on different used drugs in the hospitals. Zen. Amen.
ReplyDeleteToo bad cocaine and methamphetamines are already accepted for medicinal use. And although heroin has been illegal about as long as cannabis, stronger, more addictive SYNTHETIC opioids are legal and commonly prescribed. Do they even use common sense when coming up with propaganda or do they just rely on the viewer having even less common sense?
ReplyDeleteThe only reason why marijuana is a "gateway drug" in the U.S. is because people have to expose themselves to the harder drugs by going through drug dealers to obtain it. If marijuana was legalized then you take that aspect out of the picture. Ohh, your worried about your kids getting a hold of it, GUESS WHAT, THEY ARE DOING THAT NOW AND IT IS ILLEGAL AND CAN HARM THEIR LIVES BY GETTING THEM INVOLVED IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM IF THEY HAPPEN TO GET CAUGHT WITH IT. You do the math and tell me which is a better outcome.
ReplyDeleteMedical heroin.... ummm any opiate there are a bunch to chose from, Vicodin, percocet, morphine, roxi, and a host of others.
ReplyDeleteMedical cocaine would be methylphemidate better known as ritilian.
Medical Meth is adderall
What a douche this assclown is
This people that says you will start using other drugs.. It is the most stupidist thing this people saying.. they have probably never used it to help. I am an asthmatic, I smoked marijuana for 18 years never once got addicted as I smoked one joint a day and divided it into three, it helped me so much, also have trauma from a car hi-jacking and lots of pain.. this same marijuana took away the pain and my blood pressure became stabilized.. when I stopped the mauana, I am permanently on three drugs for my asthma alone, when I smoke marijuana I do not have to use any drugs... I am now 55 and only when I need it I will smoke it and my asthma .. My friend had sugar diabetes and cancer .. the two together was very strenuous on his health as it had a lot of pain because if he had a sore it would fall into a large hole... skin would rot ... by using brown vinegar on the wound diluted with distilled water it healed the wound and the marijuana helped to keep him stabilized and without pain. He would have died 1 year after prognosis and lasted another 8 years before dying of his heart... all though the doctors said that your heart grows stronger when having chemo... that was not true made people sicker.. they go in remission and then still die.. with natural stuff, you can become healed.. One other thing what this idiot in the movies said then you can legalize heroine etc.. no you can't as all the other stuff needs chemicals to work...
ReplyDeletei know people that used coke & never smoked pot.
ReplyDeletehes seems upset just because she said god made it and he is to in his Christan life to realize it just a god made plant and is only illegal due to our nations love of money
ReplyDeleteLast year it has been proven that not marijuana, but alcohol, which is the most socially accepted harddrug, is in fact the gateway drug.
I know this is a fraud, because medical marijuana exists in the form of a round ball capsule called Marinol. It is not necessary to smoke it, it comes in a capsule when prescribed by a doctor. As for the person who wrote it helps him with asthma, why does he still take 3 asthma medicines marijuana helps? His asthma attacks are obviously anxiety induced.
ReplyDeleteGod made poison ivy as well.
Marinol does not work like marijuana. It only contains the THC. That is only a small part of whats in marijuana that helps patients. The other substances they can't extract without damaging them.
DeleteThere are other substances in marijuana that help. Marinol only contains the THC. The other substances cannot be extracted without damaging them to the point they're no good.
DeleteWe used "cocaine" and "heroine" alone as drugs for medicine for many years before the side affects were proven to be terrible for the body. There were even commercialized product that used these drugs such as coca-cola. We still use these drug as everyone has pointed out in pills that people are prescribed too. So to only have terrible arguments such as "whats next" or "i hate the smoke" is ridiculous to even state. There are huge lists that not only show that marijuana as a medicine is way more beneficial to our bodies but also the many ways to ingest this medicine, and that no one has died ever from this drug. What this comes down too is people never thinking for themselves or thinking outside boxes. They were taught either by parents or guardians or teachers and "role models" that this is very very terrible for you or "sin". They only think about what was taught and only regurgitate out what was taught. The only way for things to change is to get more people thinking than more people mimicking.
ReplyDeleteLeave it to someone who follows religious dogma to decide it's OK for other people to determine if marijuana is OK and safe for you, but not OK for you to decide that for yourself. Lady, stop trying to fight Prop 19 and then convince people marijuana is OK - people like you are why so many others are uninformed about how safe and non-toxic marijuana really is. If you demand to keep it regulated away from the public, people are always going to think there's something unsafe and wrong about it - AND THERE ISN'T.
ReplyDeleteAre people still believing this bullcrap. Goddamn its not a horrible drug whatsoever, its the big corporate assholes convincing congress its bad. Honestly!!! You seriously think kids go buy some cocaine after they buy a 10 sac of some marijuana? If you do you are a sheep and the governments slave! That is complete and utter bullshit, no one in higher power wants citizens to provide free medicine. They want you to buy a pill for every ailment. Ganja is a miracle plant ( produces over 100,000 commercial uses from the stock, several others from the offspring) and people are being denied there constitutional rights! IT NEVER HAS BEEN A GATEWAY DRUG. IT DOES NOT KILL BRAIN CELLS. Ugh it angers me deeply to see people are still caught up in this ignorance. Potheads are not stupid just because they smoke a plant. I would bet a lot of money that puppet in the video is just paid to say that.
ReplyDeleteThis guys is a fucking tool. There is no death caused by Cannabis, I smoke it daily, it's been 5years now and I've never touched anything else than cannabis. I know people who has been smoking it daily for over 40years and they are not meth heads and shit, this guy is just plain stupid, lives in a stupid country like U.S and most people in U.S are fucked up on something, you just live in a shitty country and you are just a waste of life Sir. Cannabis is natural, meth, coke, acid... that's all chemical you ignorant dork. Let's nerf the world! We are all forced to teach the wrong things because they are that powerful, and leads to a uneducated world and that will fuck up everything. You can't go against science. They prooved it, there is only good things to Cannabis. The union: business behind getting high is a great documentary that everyone should be forced to watch.
ReplyDeleteIts funny how people will take all kinds of harmful medications that have side effects much worse than the actual ailment but still say how bad a natural substance that needs no processing and has no side effect and is not addictive and...well, you get my point. Excuse me, I have to go get high, knock off a liquor store, speed down the highway to get home to beat my wife said no pot smoker ever.
ReplyDeleteNicotine which is an addictive drug (says so on the label) is found in cigarettes among a ton of other carcinogens, which are not only bad for the human body, but for the environment as well, is legal. Alcohol, which is also harmful to the body and has been linked to several diseases as well as driving related deaths, is legal as well. They run ads for both these things in magazines, newspapers and plaster their stores with all this advertisement to get you to buy their new and improved whatever. Marijuana, whether it be for recreational or medicinal purposes, is not a narcotic and is being treated like the worst thing in the world, despite how beneficial it is. Marijuana is not a gateway drug, (in fact it is an herb not a drug). People do other drugs because the desire rises in them to try it out, or they've been exposed to it as a result of their environment, or a combination of both. Granted that may not always be the case. I smoke marijuana and grew up in an environment where the adults in my life did cocaine among other things and I've never once had the urge, nor desire to do any of these things. If people are so concerned, they should put an age limit on who can purchase these things. You have to be 18 to buy cigarettes and 21 to buy alcohol; storebought death if you ask me. All I see is a bunch of scared adults when they should open their eyes. There's enough hypocrisy going around as it is.
ReplyDeleteIt's all up to the person if they end up trying something else such as coke or heroin, which aren't even natural substances which are obviously harmful to your body. I've been smoking for 2 years now and I am making more money now since I got a good job, I got a car and a loving girlfriend, smoked about a pack of cigarettes the whole 2 years, how come I haven't done coke and heroin yet or became a cigarette smoker? because I don't need it nor do I want it because I know its not worh it and how bad it really is, I just like some marijuana after a long day around 11pm before bed, is lighting a small bowl at night an hour before bed and reading a book really going to make me inject heroin next day? I don't think so. It's all up to the person if they're a bum and got nothing going sure theyll sit at home all day and smoke weed get stoned and repeat over and over, of course they will end up trying something else because they got nothing to do!!! thats their fault or the governments fault for that.
ReplyDeleteI had a friend die recently of a heroin overdose, she was not a junkie, she may have tried it before but she was clean, she was drunk the last time anyone saw her, and upset. She was a mere 28. I have heard that the reason we Have a war on drugs is bc Pot is the compettion for CIAs black market imports and profits ie. heroin, cocaine, drugs which can be controlled. If Pot was controllable theyd deal that and we wouldnt have the war on drugs we'd have prohibition, because something has to perpetually feed the growing monster corporatrions started by the banking cartel around the turn of the last century, namely the AMA, FDA, The Prison system, the MIC, and the list goes on
ReplyDeleteSince when can you you use Cocaine or Heroine straight off the plant?
ReplyDeleteIt needs to be processed, unlike cannabis which can be smoked or eaten straight off the plant.
Since when can you you use Cocaine or Heroine straight off the plant?
ReplyDeleteIt needs to be processed, unlike cannabis which can be smoked or eaten straight off the plant.
Cocaine and Heroine need to be processed, unlike Cannabis which can be eaten or smoked straight from the plant.
ReplyDeleteAlso Hemp can be used to supplement the tree and cotton industry along with many other uses, unlike cocaine for example which has to be refined using petrol which kills the Rivers and trees when the petrol is flushed away, alkso cotton needs bleaching agents which can cause Alzheimer in the water supply from the aluminium which it reacts to.
Marijuana is less harmful than that Excedrin that was used to compare it to. The only thing marijuana is a gateway to is the refrigerator. What has proved to be the gateway drug is alcohol. The anti-marijuana person wants to make pot the culprit of family issues but the real problem is not pot but pot prohibition that causes families the most problems. Causing entanglements with law enforcement and courts that are detrimental to a young persons future.
ReplyDeletealso theres suboxains which is medical heroin to ween ppl of heroin but still gets u high
ReplyDeletedoes no-one who is against weed realise that our own governments used to use cocaine speed and other "a class" drugs to our own soldiers during the war and even now use other types of drugs on our soldiers and in our prison systems
ReplyDelete"Medical cocaine". I suggest he talk to a pharmacist since cocaine is widely used in medicine already. Benzocaine, lidocaine, novocaine.... & many many more. I doubt he cares about facts though since he is anti-marijuana. I do find the dispensary owner a hypocrite. She says it's a god given plant, but then she wants it regulated. Which is it? Not that I buy into the whole god bs, but she apparently does.
ReplyDeleteUm, to the guy in the video who's against pot, can he show me a heroin or cocaine plant? Heroin is PROCESSED from opium, and cocaine is PROCESSED from the coca plant. Marijuana IS the plant. There is no processing involved (except for hash, oil, etc., but that's not the point) to get to the healing substance. You grow it and use it as is.
ReplyDeleteHeroin is available in the UK and Canada as Diamorphine. Cocaine is available as cocaine hydrochloride. These things already exist so why not Cannabis. Actually in the UK and Canada we have Sativex, but that is $157 a bottle for what costs me $20 at a compassion club. That's the real problem Cannabis doesn't require the patient to be dependent on doctors and pharmaceuticals. Its about money, nothing more and it has to stop. People who get rich of pain and suffering are lower then child molesters, and should be sharing jail cells with them.
ReplyDeleteYes heroin is already a legalized drug all around the world in case if u dont know it.. Sad ignorant people from the church.
ReplyDeleteIts funny that people say weed ruins peoples lives and that its a gateway drug and that its bad for you. Look at cigarettes and look at alcohol 2 legal drugs that kill people everyday and that actually harm people and families. Look at the side affects to every drug that is legal everyone pretty much states suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Weed is safer then all drugs and all legal drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol to name a few
ReplyDeletethe plant cocaine comes from is extremely medicinal without any type of highs. the people in the Andes Mountains use it to breath better in the thin mountain air and it helps for tooth aches if you chew on the leaves. soooo that tards comment is completely irrelevant. yes there is medicinal cocaine and its GOOD FOR YOU
ReplyDeleteOk I have never wanted to go to any other drugs and I'm 29 I've been smoking since I was 17 so its not a gatway drug
ReplyDeleteWTF is he talking about theres already legal forms of many other drugs heroin-delotta cocaine-procaine marijuana-k2 but the legal form of marijuana is the only one that is worse for you than the actual drug itself, any reason why? I think because there was nothing wrong with the drug anyway so trying to simulate its effects resulted in these life threatning side effects, also people have been known to go crazy off that bullshit. like whats the big deal government?
ReplyDeleteMarijuana is not a drug dump ass first of all nobody have ever died from marijuana and nobody ever will becouse it's not a drug it does not kill people it helps peolpe to chill the fuck out not be talking shit like this guy in the video "what next medical kokain or medical heroin" motherfucker from kokain and heroin and ciggaretes and alcohol alot of people die every fuckin day then what the fuck is he talkin about ? ,and only reasone some people who use marijuana are paranoid and can't live their live normaly is the big full of shit LAW nothing else !! LEGALIZE MARIJUANA !! ONE LOVE "JAH"
ReplyDeleteSee How many people have died from marijuana from year 0 to 2013 ? hmm... the answer is 0 nobody has ever died from marijuana so how can people even call it a drug. and now see how many people have died from kokain and heroin and other disgusting shit like ciggaret's and alcohol from year 0 to 2013 ? the answer is many many milions of people (people are you fuckin blind)? ! and I CAN TELL YOU WHY YOU SAY THAT MARIJUANA IS A GATEWAY THING TO HARD DRUGS BECOUSE YOU SAY IT'S A DRUG AND IT KILLS YOU AND IT'S BAD WHEN IT'S NOT AND IT'S NOT MANY SMART PEOPLE IN THE WORLD SO THEY BELIVE WHAT YOU SAY AND THEN THEY THINK THAT MARIJUANA IS A DRUG SO SOME PEOPLE ARE WEAK AND STUPID ENOUGHT TO BELIVE IT. AND THEY THINK THAT THEY ARE DOING DRUGS WHEN THEY ARE USING MARIJUANA SO THEY SAY FUCK IT WHY CAN'T WE DO OTHER DRUGS. THAT'S THE FUCKIN GATEWAY YOU ARE ALL TALKING ABOUT SO MUCH. and LAW is the only reason some people who use marijuana can't live normaly becouse it's much much more people who think that marijuana is bad so people who use marijuana don't want to be walking around and doing they thing. becouse people who law blinded them think it's bad and they start judging people who use marijuana and think that they are some drug addict motherfuckers and they are fucke'd up all the time and they are durty and they don't think straight but marijuana is a natural herb like all other herb on this planet.!
Oh and medicinal LSD is called vicodin. It's like the people who are against legal marijuana are so oblivious to the things going on around them. Like many people have already listed many pharmaceuticals that are derived from opiates and have to be chemically synthesized, it's stupid to say "marijuana is a gateway drug". What gateway? All the stuff that is worse than marijuana is already out there and if you have a prescription you can get whatever drug you want, whether it be cocaine, heroin, lsd etc. Except for the one thing that actually should be listed as a pharmaceutical drug - cannabis. (which has never done any harm to any person in the history of the world). And @adam mcleod "The only reason why marijuana is a "gateway drug" in the U.S. is because people have to expose themselves to the harder drugs by going through drug dealers to obtain it." - Where i live, there are even separate drug dealers, the ones who deal with marijuana don't deal harder drugs, they only deal in cannabis and the ones that deal harder drugs (eg. amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, lsd) deal only those drugs, and don't dabble in pot-dealing... People need to understand, we're not all just a bunch of idiots who think drugs are cool or whatever they imagine us to be, i mean, we don't just smoke/snort/eat every drug that is put in front of us. I'm sure some of the "stoner community" is that retarded and eventually ends up doing harder drugs, but we are not all like that. I just love how people say "marijuana is bad, marijuana is bad" after which they go get wasted off alcohol and then vomit/piss/scream/break stuff on the street late at night, when did you ever see a dude who is stoned out of his mind get up and start screaming or breaking stuff? Hell, when did you ever see a dude who is stoned out of his mind get up, period (:D).
ReplyDeleterofl did you hear Randy from in the video? He said "what next medical cocaine?". Ummmm didn't the U.S. try that one before? I think they need a new spokesperson that isn't ignorant of history. I'm not amazed to find you can't comment on their site either
ReplyDeletemy only questions is .... Has Thomasson ever been high!?
ReplyDeleteHas Thomasson every been high?.. how can u have so much hate for something u probaby have never experienced
ReplyDeleteWhat if cannabis cured cancer? Could it really be THAT easy? If it is true, and the government knew about it...they're in deep shit.
ReplyDeleteThe National Institute of Health proved it does cure cancer...
DeleteThe most potent forms of cannabis for medical purpose are RAW and OIL and they're both NOT psychoactive, so it's the end of the discussion ;-)
DeleteLook for "raw cannabis" and "Rick Simpson"
Just another lamer that wants to stick his nose in everyone elses business. What we do in the sanctity of our own home is no one's business! And I just love how numbnuts keep grouping Pot with hard core narcotics such as coke and heroin. Maybe he'd be better served imposing his beliefs on the government who says alcohol is ok because it's legal? Since according to his theory, everyone that has a drink occasionally HAS to be a bad parent, abusive, etc.
ReplyDeleteWe had medical cocaine and medical heroin clear up until the 30s in the US and most of the world... Australia was the last to ban heroin for medical use. Its all about the big drug companies trying to make a profit selling their drugs. Instead of using what comes from the earth >.<
ReplyDeletePeople who have no clue whatsoever about the plant should not really have a say in the matter. Gateway drug my ass!! Why did they even interview that Ass Hat?
ReplyDeleteOh the gateway tired of that. I have degenerative joints and major back problems. I cannot afford the surgeries and use pot to alleviate the pain. I hate pills and do not trust what the doctors prescribe as they are all chemically made anyway. I have been smoking or eating pot products for years and I guess coke and meth will be my next choice. NOT! What a clown.
ReplyDeleteIf it's A natural gift from god then why are you trying to regulate it so strictly
ReplyDeleteThis lady is a hypocrite if she believes this is natures gift from GOD then why is she supporting the state strictly regulating it. I suppose she probably believes water which is natures gift from God should be strictly regulated too....and it is!
ReplyDeleteGateway was an invention of idiocracy. I've smoked it for Fibromyalgea for many years and have never used Meth or Coke.
ReplyDeleteNone of my suppliers deal coke or meth.
This is sad for you think.
I just love how ignorant people just assume that when someone is using medicinal marijuana they are smoking it. Gateway drug.. people who use this phrase are just brainwashed sheeple. Many of the medicinal properties are better absorbed through ingesting the leaves and buds or through the concentrated oil. Thousands have been cured of cancer with this oil! And still our families.. our children, are subjected to torture by chemo. Unacceptable. I have Fibromyalgia and live with a daily pain level of 7 and up because it is "illegal" for me to use a plant! Sure they "decriminalized" it in Maryland and, there is a bs "law" that if you can "adequately prove" you are using it for medicinal purposes you won't be prosecuted. Unfortunately, I live in subsidized housing because I am disabled from this and, if I were to use it I would loose my housing and all assistance if "caught with it" so, it's not worth the risk. I am now forced to sell everything I own to move out west where I can find relief. And for all the nosy, ignorant sheeple... I will be ingesting it, not smoking it. However, I don't have anything against anyone who chooses to inhale. It is the most efficient, and the quickest way to relieve pain.
ReplyDeleteAlmost all of you are retards. (except the few that actually stated facts)You need to do research before you speak on these things. Uneducated morons are part of the reason weed is still illegal.
ReplyDeleteit is not hard to believe so many dumb asses out there would let their friends and family die over propaganda of lies , this is probably the safest plant that cures so many ailments and prevents them as well , now really would you let some one suffer when there is a proven cure, well iam not i dont care who made the law but I wont let my family or friends be murdered over a law made for the profits of government Murderers
ReplyDeleteit is so easy to become educated on this subject but dumb people will always stay dumb ,that is why there is so many followers and not leaders it is easier to listen to propaganda and media because their just to lazy to do some easy research and yet these same people will morn for their lost love ones when there was never a need to loose any one , we have one of the Greatest cures here, the laws made on this plant were only made to make government and rich corporate murders Richer , no murder law will stop me from saving my loved ones health and lives.
ReplyDeleteWow... firstly, marijuana SHOULD be legalized. Why should any one person have the right to say 'who deserves medicinal marijuana'?
ReplyDeleteThere is NO GOOD ANSWER I assure you.
Look, I'm not religious.. but if this lady believes it is gods plants.. right.. ok so I believe the universe gifted us with this plant.. Lets go from there, RIGHT THERE, NOTHING ELSE needs to be said. This plant is for anyone who so chooses they will benefit from its ingestion of any kind. Not to mention how many of us FREE PEOPLE feel about being the sole decider of WHAT *WE* INGEST..
As for that tool of a higher up fool who told that guy to testify that marijuana is a gateway drug.. that is hilarious.. "What's next? Medical cocaine?" Actually, that came first, what do you think?
"In 1859, an Italian doctor, Paolo Mantegazza, returned from Peru, where he had witnessed first-hand the use of coca by the natives. He proceeded to experiment on himself and upon his return to Milan he wrote a paper in which he described the effects. In this paper he declared coca and cocaine (at the time they were assumed to be the same) as being useful medicinally, in the treatment of "a furred tongue in the morning, flatulence, and whitening of the teeth.""
"A chemist named Angelo Mariani who read Mantegazza's paper became immediately intrigued with coca and its economic potential. In 1863, Mariani started marketing a wine called Vin Mariani, which had been treated with coca leaves, to become cocawine. The ethanol in wine acted as a solvent and extracted the cocaine from the coca leaves, altering the drink's effect. It contained 6 mg cocaine per ounce of wine, but Vin Mariani which was to be exported contained 7.2 mg per ounce, to compete with the higher cocaine content of similar drinks in the United States. A "pinch of coca leaves" was included in John Styth Pemberton's original 1886 recipe for Coca-Cola, though the company began using decocainized leaves in 1906 when the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed. The actual amount of cocaine that Coca-Cola contained during the first 20 years of its production is practically impossible to determine"
"In 1879 cocaine began to be used to treat morphine addiction. Cocaine was introduced into clinical use as a local anesthetic in Germany in 1884, about the same time as Sigmund Freud published his work Über Coca"
clearly.. there is a lot wrong with simple restricting marijuana to medical use.. and the fact that marijuana would be mocked as being a predecessor forming a pathway to have cocaine 'medicinal-ized' is a joke. cocaine IS already used medically.
RSO..the rick simpson story! Even if you have a license to use pot you are NOT allowed to extract the essential oils! Ingesting these oils give you basically 90% of the active ingredients of the plant. Why is it illegal to extract the oil?? Because it WORKS! Rub some on your skin cancer...gone! We are run by big bucks and pharmaceuticals are the biggest money makers...FFS we have about 10 drug stores in our tiny city so these legal 'Drug dealers" can fill their pockets! If we all had pot plants and extracted the oils they would go broke! All my friends that smoke pot are relatively healthy and no constant visits to the doctor! Whats that tell ya!
ReplyDeleteRSO..the rick simpson story! Even if you have a license to use pot you are NOT allowed to extract the essential oils! Ingesting these oils give you basically 90% of the active ingredients of the plant. Why is it illegal to extract the oil?? Because it WORKS! Rub some on your skin cancer...gone! We are run by big bucks and pharmaceuticals are the biggest money makers...FFS we have about 10 drug stores in our tiny city so these legal 'Drug dealers" can fill their pockets! If we all had pot plants and extracted the oils they would go broke! All my friends that smoke pot are relatively healthy and no constant visits to the doctor! Whats that tell ya!
ReplyDeleteHow about Ritalin? That was a 80's-90's hard drug for kids with ADHD. Thank the Gods we don't use it to much (if at all).
ReplyDelete"What's next medical cocaine and medical heroine" this guy has obviously never heard of the local anaesthetic Novocaine and the heroine derivative Morphine. Uneducated fucktard
ReplyDeletethe man from cali in this video is IGNORANT, and i hope he reads this
ReplyDeleteGateway drug is propaganda. I know tonsil of people who smoke daily and have never touched cocaine or heroin. It's a plant and the fact alcohol and tobacco two thing's that are proven to kill you are legal there is no reason left pot is illegal period
ReplyDeleteGateway drug is propaganda. I know tonsil of people who smoke daily and have never touched cocaine or heroin. It's a plant and the fact alcohol and tobacco two thing's that are proven to kill you are legal there is no reason left pot is illegal period
ReplyDeleteSo meth is legal for medicinal purposes. Look up Destoxin or Destoxyn. I don't know how to spell it, but it's medicinal meth.
ReplyDeleteThere's been commercials like these for a local dispensary for years in my state :/
ReplyDeletethis man from marijuanaharmsfamilies is also part of a site that's against the LGBT community. already lost any kinda credibility with me
ReplyDeleteLighting a doob right now and man I gotta tell ya I feel the need to jab a needle in my arm I dunno why? Yeah right More like i need some doritos and a bottle of water and some video games. What a load of shit I have smoked for years and never wanted to do hard drugs because of it. My ex-wife drove me to the hard stuff mot pot. I smoke for ptsd and high bp AND I have stage 4 kidney failure and have had since 2009. My doctor still can not believe I have not needed to start dialysis.
ReplyDeleteI love how no one complains about alcohol during this heated marijuana debate or even tobacco. 2 substances that are very legal, and have killed MILLIONS of people to date. Marijuana has zero cases of overdose ever recorded if Im not why is alcohol and tobacco ok?
ReplyDeleteEvent he "Cannabis Educated" people are not very "educated". Why does everyone focus on THC? That is one of 110 cannabinoids contained in one trichrome. There is a more highly important molecule called CBD aka Cannabidiol. This molecule decreases aggression, increases sociability, thwarts drug seeking behavior, helps with penile dysfunction, treats bulemia and anorexia, and also prolongs REM sleep capabilities. This plant should be a staple to our diet. Our bidy has an entire system diecated to these molecules. Hell autism has just been linked to mutations in the endo-cannabinoid signaling in the body. Not using Cannabis is like not breathing in air. Your lungs were designed for this very purpose, so why not use the endo-cannabinoid system for what it was designed for?
ReplyDeletei like what you said man, ^^ everyone already said whats true, no need to rant anymore, everyone knows what needs to be done, just wont ever happen. government has too much control over everything.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fucking ass hat. " It leads to harder drugs!" Well then I guess milk is a gateway drug since I drank that before I had my first beer. Ignorant, ignorant idiot.
ReplyDeleteLet's get right down to the root of the problem , first problem is the denial that a whole way of governing isn't following the national consensus of marijuana use . Please give me a break , the whole world is on something , and I mean everyone has a drug of choice , deny all you want within a few minutes of talking with you I will get it out of you , it might have never even been in your awareness .
ReplyDeleteSecond , and the very root of the argument , " Who has the rite to tell another human that the properties of a biological plant or any concoction that grows out of the earth , the same earth that spawned the people themselves , can or cannot be used ? A general consensus ? Well the general consensus is legalize . Give us back our planet .
Gateway drug? Did we just warp to the 80's war on drugs? Are you still so stupid and ignorant to misunderstand all of us who are willing to stand up and say we do pot, whether it's for medical benefits or stress relief or to just hang out? Why do you think there are so many marijuana users? And tell me, in places where pot is legal, how is the rate of "hard" drug use? I'll tell you, it's down. That's not a gateway drug then is it? How about alcohol? There are deaths directly related to DUIs and overdose and absolutely none where pot was the cause of death. Maybe it was found in a cocktail but betcha it included booze. And the other drugs out there are a different class altogether despite how the Feds have labeled marijuana. That's just someone wanting to control a substance that would otherwise do a lot of things. Save our oil crisis by providing hemp oil for autos, etc. Save our economy by regulating dispensaries without the feds busting them up. Save economy again by providing jobs. Save our trees by providing a quickly renewable resource for paper products and clothing and know the list. Wake up and smell the weed man. Everyone is sick of the BS and no one cares it's illegal. People everywhere smoke it and if you don't know that you're ignorant. Legalize it, let us grow our own (and while we're at it, let us grow our own heirloom tomatoes and other seeds that haven't been GMO-tainted). Tax it if you must when it goes to retail but let gardeners have their hand at it too. It's cheaper for us that way and the lazy folks will still buy it from your market where the product is grown at your government-run greenhouse anyway. Stop being two faced and let us smoke without being criminals. God didn't give us this beautiful plant for it to be demonized and made illegal. might do you some good. And if you think all of us standing around passing a joint are off onto a drug binge featuring cocaine or heroin, why don't you ask us? And then just take a puff and realize it's no big thing. Pot can be used recreationally by completely responsible and sane people. I can't say the same for alcohol or any other drug. How do I know? I've used daily most of my adult life and I'm a respected small business owner now for 5 years. Could I do that on heroin or cocaine? No.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason he is against marijuana is he is a hardcore bible bumper. Which I believe we are suppose to separate church from state. I don't understand why we would base our countries laws off a book that we cant even prove. Might as well make laws protecting citizens from vampires and werewolf's since Twilight series has so many followers.
ReplyDeleteI think that most the people who say marijuana has no medical purpose only gets their education from a fictional book or a church. Smart people right?
ReplyDeleteThe best way to use medicinal marijuana is RAW and as OIL and both are NOT psychoactive!
ReplyDeleteSearch for "raw cannabis" and "Rick Simpson"
Marijuana was made illegal after prohibition ended and was done for two reasons ,
ReplyDeleteReason 1 : jobs created by government to stop bootleggers were no longer there so they needed an alternative.
Reason 2: Dupont created nylon and needed hemp removed from society.
The end of prohibition was the main reason marijuana was made illegal the second was to remove hemp from society because nylon was created.
ReplyDeleteFirst, the Bible says absolutely nothing about cannabis, marijuana or for that matter opium or cocaine, but it does tell us that God our Father planted all the herbs and gave us humans "dominion" i.e. so that we could base our science and culture on the FACT that we rule the planet. It was a Bible "THUMPER" or a Christian fundamentalist who told me he "got through Bible College on dope" [Why, by the way, do all you people call it "pot"? That word and the variations of four-letter insults that make your posts hard to read seem to me to suggest either that smoking it causes your vocabulary to diminish or that dim people are naturally drawn to smoking/otherwise taking it. Neither of these possibilities is, it seems to me, a good advertisement for your case.]
ReplyDeleteI gave up the weed because it was making me paranoid. It is also, presumably, pretty carcinogenic if you smoke it - not to mention the effect of the hot tobacco it is usually smoked with. I am not, by the way, denying it can have medicinal effects nor an advocate of people's being criminalised for using it.
As for heroin, a strong derivative of opium, an old herbalist I once knew told me it was "the queen of herbal medicines", and I have no reason to doubt his description.
haha yes that guys views are very outdated, claiming it is a gateway drug for meth and coke? What about the rest...
ReplyDeleteGateway is alcohol so what if you just want to get high why should you have to be dying to enjoy something nature has provided for thousands of years
ReplyDeleteHow the fuck,does that guy compare heroin or coke legalization to weed? Those drugs have potential to kill/ pull people to addiction. Weed doesnt have 1 death on its hands, and im pretty sure alcohol is a bigger gateway drug then weed in the way that drinking actually impairs your thinking.
ReplyDelete"What's next medical cocaine? Medical heroine?"
ReplyDeleteUhhhh... No, they're not next, because both already exist in pharmaceutical grade drugs.
Alcohol is much more of a gateway drug to stimulants like cocaine and crystal meth.
Cocaine and heroine already exist as medical grade pharmaceuticals. Alcohol is more of a gateway drug to stimulants like Cocaine and Crystal Meth.
ReplyDeleteGate-Way drug..? Is he on drugs..? I suffer from Fibromyalgia, terrible Chronic Pain syndrome, lyme arthritis, migraines, and permanent spine damage. For years I have been taking opiate pain killers which help very little. I had smoke Marijuana like 25 years ago. A friend re-introduced me to it and for the first time in like 20 years I was totally pain free. It was fantastic. I had forgotten what it was like to not live every moment of every day hurting. For the first time in 20 years I slept pain free and woke feeling so much better. So to those that nay say the medical benifits of Marijuana, they have no idea what they're talking about. And probably suffer little to no pain on a continual basis. You also don't see Marijuana smokers out there crashing cars or committing terrible crimes. They're all at fast food joints satisfying their munchie cravings and at home watching movies lol
ReplyDeletethis man should really be embarrassed, he makes himself sound ridiculously stupid and completely ignorant. yes, dummy herion was used as a medication and there are pills out there (in your pharmacies) that act just like cocaine. so really guy, if you are the example of people who are against marijuana we have nothing to worry about.
ReplyDeleteThe gateway drug is not marijuana, It's ALCOHOL!
ReplyDeleteWhen a person has or had their first drink back in the day...pretty sure that lead to marijuana....
Marijuana is not a gateway drug.. Alcohol is.
Think about it.
More people die from alcohol (& cigarettes) than people strictly smoking marijuana.
But it's ok because the government regulates this & makes money...
even though it's killing TONS of people.
And marijuana is bad & a gateway drug ? Even though it helps people with their illness...
Think about that.
Ive buried dozens of friends from Alcohol & Prescription pills or Opiates in general. Marijuana has NOT killed anyone I know and has personally helped my pain from back surgery and 2 ligament replacement knee surgeries. Even if it was being used as recreational high so what! it is all natural and doesnt kill people while alcohol kills every single second of the day!
ReplyDeleteHere's a better way of smoking marijuana without coughing. When the smoke is filtered efficiently, it's much better for you and easier on your lungs.
ReplyDeleteYou already have medical cocaine and heroin. What an irony!
ReplyDeleteFree marijuana, is is God's gift.