Natural Cures Not Medicine: GMO

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Showing posts with label GMO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GMO. Show all posts

Connecting the Dots: GMOs and Vaccines

Humans suffer from hubris – we think we know better than nature, can fix it, manipulate it, and master it. There are (at least) two major transgressions that follow similar patterns, raise important red flags, and most certainly do not pass the sniff test: GMOs (genetically modified "foods") and vaccination.  Here's what they have in common:

War with Nature
Nature has a sense to it, cultivated over billions of years of evolution. The complexity of botanical systems, the relationship to pests, soil, and the elements sustains optimal diversity and reproduction. It was only when we began to industrialize the process, hijack growth with an eye toward yield, and allow chemical companies to attempt to regulate variables of perceived adversity that we ended up in the mess that GMO crops are in today. Now we have randomly spliced animal DNA with bacterial vectors inserting into plant genomes, disrupting the natural functioning of the plant, and allowing for supersaturation with the toxic, endocrine-disrupting and gut bug slaughtering herbicide, Roundup.
Pharmaceutical companies and doctors think they can outsmart immune systems that have evolved to coexist with microbes, to be primed and educated by them. We are at war with infectious disease, and as a consequence, our fear and malice toward bacteria and viruses have lead us to compromise and alter our immune systems with pathogens entering our bodies through our muscles, accompanied by toxic additives that cripple our natural immune function and cause chronic inflammation. The notion of improving upon our human capacities, as we understand them is discussed by Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo as "transhumanism."

We cannot outsmart nature, we are only just beginning to appreciate her infinite sophistication.

Lack of Pre-marketing Safety Study
Monsanto claims that GMOs are simultaneously equivalent to existing foods (relieving them of any real duty to demonstrate safety), and novel enough that they can be patented. Despite the Frankensteinian effects of genetic manipulation on proteins and gene expression, these foods have never been studied in a human population, let alone assessing for long-term effects. What happens as a result of this fast-track-to-market process is that slow-emerging trends of harm at the population level begin to emerge.  Differing patterns of chronic disease in Europe and America at this point may have some relation to limitations of GMO products in Europe.  There is inherent difficulty in associating cause to effect in chronic disease; however, arguing for the importance of long-term premarketing trials.

Vaccines have similarly, never been studied against an unvaccinated control group, allegedly because they are assumed to be so vital to our health that it would be unethical to withhold them even though basic epidemiology demonstrates that hygiene and nutrition have played the most significant role in elimination of infectious disease.  They have never been studied in their current schedule, nor have the additives (adjuvants) which include known body toxins, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, and polysorbate 80.

Signal of Harm
Despite this lack of effort and incentive to support safety data in these two arenas, both have suffered a signal of harm that should have activated the precautionary principal. Monsanto monitored GM and non-GM fed rats for 90 days, and declared that changes in liver and kidney function were not clinically significant. Seralini et al, copied this design, but extended the observation period to years. Take agander at what happened to these animals. The first tumor sprouted at the 4 month mark. Multiple animal studies have emerged mirroring this study's provocative findings. Glyphosate, the herbicide that has been sprayed in escalating quantities, is an endocrine-disruptor that has been linked to obesity, liver disease, birth defects, autism, and cancer. This is the most enlightening exploration of its toxic mechanisms. Bt-toxin in GMO corn has been found to puncture intestinal cells and circulate into fetal tissue.

Whether in the realm of neurodevelopment, death, autoimmunity, or even susceptibility to the disease intended to provide protection from, vaccines have been demonstrated to harm and several billion dollars of taxpayer money have been paid out to victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Patterns of chronic illness such as atopy and autism have been demonstrated to correlate with vaccine uptake and prospective study of neurodevelopment in monkey's has demonstrated injury.

Suppression of Investigation
Seralini was silenced. His work was roundly attacked, censored from the media, and demands from industry ties for the paper to be retracted from its journal of publication. Several months after Seralini's paper, Richard Goodman, a former Monsanto employee was fast-tracked to the position of Associate Editor for Biotechnology. With Monsanto now at the helm of influential medical journals, the prospects for publication of independent research are diminishing.

The now infamous Andrew Wakefield, who published a paper on the presence of vaccine-strain measles in the guts of autistic children was stripped of his license and maligned for fraud in a witch-hunt intended to suppress any further investigation into this connection. Fortunately, at least 28 independent studies from around the world have confirmed his findings.

Protection of Corporate Profits
The "Monsanto Protection Act" was designed to provide legal immunity to GM technology so that citizens could never litigate on the grounds of harm secondary to GM food exposure. In this way, corporations would be protected above farmers and citizens.
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was established in 1986 to assume liability from corporations so that any incentive to police the safety of their product was roundly eliminated and civilians could only engage in a non-jury-mediated "trial" of red-tape and rejection as a means of seeking justice for injury.

Revolving Door Conflicts of Interest
This is where the rubber meets the road on these issues, and, truly the source of all corruption. When those regulating a system in need of checks and balances are the same people who have profited or are profiting from its protection and success, we have a critical breakdown in protection of the interests of consumers and patience. The revolving door of Monsanto and government ranges from Michael Taylor, FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods and former Monsanto Vice President of Public Policy to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, former Monsanto attorney. Enjoy this pictoral.

The list of interchangeable figures between the CDC, pharmaceutical industry and Vaccine Advisory Committee features more conflicts than exceptions. Notably, in January 2010, Julie Gerberding, former director of the CDC, became the President of Merck's vaccine unit. In January 2011, Elias Zerhouni, former director of the NIH became President of Sanofi-Aventis' research labs. These relationships are known to be kindled far in advance of the job acceptance. The most outspoken mouthpiece of today's vaccine schedule is Paul Offit MD, Merck employee and Rotavirus vaccine patent holder.  This paper details the many layers of profit-motivation that cloud regulators' judgment.  Here's a little video if you'd rather not read.

It is an impossible expectation that objectivity in research support or information dissemination could be exercised under these circumstances. These conflicts of interest undermine any and all safety claims, and leave those engaging with these technologies to look to research that has not been funded by corporate agendas to help navigate true concerns about risk. These are multibillion-dollar corporate giants with dollars to spare when it comes to influencing legislators and regulators.

These arenas and their implicit overlap as discussed here, are slated to unite in a number of in-development GMO-containing vaccines. We are already part of a vast, uncontrolled experiment, and this may add a layer of complexity that will be the ultimate straw that broke the camel's back. If you're anything like me, you want out of this deal you never signed up for. There is a way out. Make informed choices, trust your instincts, vote with your wallet.

Source: GreenMedInfo

Top flowers to grow for bees.

Albert Einstein once said, "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left." 

thanks for this image
It is simple: No more bees; no more pollination; no more plants; no more animals, no more man.

The not-so-new crisis with the decline in bee populations is far more dangerous than the average person can imagine. So, while population science plays catch-up, and while we continue to fight big corporate GMO conglomerates that relish the opportunity to spray the earth with toxic pesticides, there are plenty of things that we, the little people, can do to help out the cause.

Above is a list of some of the more attractive, high-pollen, plants which can be grown in your yard, on your apartment's roof-tops, or hanging outside of your window, in a clay pot. Thankfully, not only will the bees enjoy it - you will, too!

GMO Supporting Food Companies to Avoid and Boycott

by Daisy Luther | The Organic Prepper

A genetically modified rose by any other name may smell sweet, but it could still have frankenthorns that might independently detach themselves and lop off your finger while you’re smelling it.  That’s not unlike a trip to the grocery store these days. There are a lost of ugly surprises in pretty, charmingly-named packages.

It seems like no matter how hard you try to avoid them, GMOs and toxic foods creep into your life.

Take for example, the earthily-packaged “natural” foods that are showcased in your grocery store aisles.  They cost twice as much, have obscure brand names, and tout their health benefits and natural sources.  You can almost smell the freshly tilled soil when you pick up the box.

Unfortunately, this is nothing more than corporate sleight-of-hand.

Many of the products that seem so good are actually just subsidiaries of the companies that were most complicit in blocking GMO labeling, aided and abetted by everyone’s favorite purveyor of death, Monsanto. (Monsanto, incidentally, donated $7,100,500.00 to the fight against the labeling of GMO-containing products.)  Don’t forget that Monsanto is now above the law due to the Monsanto Protection Act, a traitorous rider that Senator Roy Blunt managed to attach to a bill that was subsequently signed into law by President Obama. (you know, that guy in the White House, who made the labeling of GMOs one of his 2007 campaign promises?)

I wish I could make a comprehensive list, but there are more stealthily labeled toxins on the shelves every single day.  It all boils down to a these big companies that own nearly all of the foods sold in the United States. Some of the quietly owned subsidiaries may surprise you.  Included is the amount that the company (and its subsidiaries) donated to defeat California Proposition 37 which would have required GMO labeling, which will be very similar to the I 522 legislation from Washington as well.

Not every item on this list contains genetically modified ingredients. The list is based on the duplicitous marketing of the companies.  More consumers are trying to make healthy choices at the grocery stores, but it’s difficult when companies push their toxic wares and dress them up as health food. Young people in particular fall victim to these schemes.  You have to give a kid credit for purchasing something called “Vitamin Water” over a soda pop, and it’s infuriating that the kid, trying to make a good choice, has been tricked into the purchase by deceitful advertising and marketing.

Some of the products listed, may in fact be exactly what they are portrayed to be, but I choose not to financially support the corporations behind them.

Protect your health and help starve the beast by avoiding products distributed by these companies and their subsidiaries:

Campbell’s - $250,000.00

  • Healthy Request
  • Wolfgang Puck Soups
  • Pace Foods
  • Pepperidge Farms
  • V-8
Cargill, Inc - $202,229.36
  • Truvia Natural Sweetener
  • Shady Brooks Farms
  • Diamond Crystal Salt
  • Liza
  • Nature Fresh
  • Peter’s Chocolate
  • Wilbur Chocolate
  • Honeysuckle White
  • Rumba Meats
  • Good Nature
Coca Cola -  $1,164,400.00
  • Vitamin Water
  • Smart Water
  • Dasani
  • Nestea
  • Minute Maid
  • Honest Tea
  • Odwalla
  • Vitaminenergy
Con-Agra - $1,076,700.00
  • Orville Redenbacher’s Organic
  • Hunt’s Organic
  • Lightlife
  • Alexia
  • Healthy Choice
  • Hebrew National
Dean Foods -  $253,950.00
  • Horizon
  • Silk
  • White Wave
General Mills - $908,200.00
  • Nature Valley
  • Fiber One
  • Cheerios
  • Cascadian Farm
  • Muir Glen
  • Lärabar
  • Gold Medal Organic
  • Food Should Taste Good
Heinz- $500,000.00
  • ABC
  • Bagel Bites
  • Complan
  • Daddies
  • Delimex
  • Farex
  • Greenseas
  • HP Sauce
  • Heinz
  • Lea & Perrins
  • Ore-Ida
  • Smart Ones
  • Tater Tots
  • TGI Friday’s
  • Wattie’s
  • Weight Watchers
  • Wylers

UPDATED TO ADD:  Heinz has divested itself of Hain-Celestial stock over the past couple of years.  Two sources report that the primary investors for Hain-Celestial are companies of extremely dubious consideration for our health:  Phillip Morris, Monsanto, Citigroup, Exxon-Mobil, Wal-Mart and Lockheed Martin.  (Farmwars and Home for Health)

  • Earth’s Best
  • Spectrum Organics
  • Garden of Eatin’
  • Casbah
  • Rice Dream
  • Soy Dream
  • WestSoy
  • TofuTown
  • MaraNatha
  • Mountain Sun
  • Walnut Acres
  • Fruiti di Bosco
  • Health Valley
  • Bearitos
  • Bread Shop
  • Celestial Seasonings
Kellogg’s - $632,500.00
  • Kashi
  • Muslix
  • Nutrigrain
  • Bear Naked
  • Morningstar Farms
  • Gardenburger
Kraft - $551,148.25
  • Snapple
  • ReaLemon
  • Triscuit
  • SnackWell’s
  • South Beach
  • Boca
  • Back to Nature
  • Nabisco
Nestle -   $1,169,400.00
  • Pure Life
  • Pelligrino
  • Perrier
  • Poland Spring
  • Gerber
  • California Pizza Kitchen
  • Tribe Mediterranean
  • Sweet Leaf Tea
PepsiCo $2,249,661.61
  • Miss Vickie’s
  • Sun Chips
  • Aquafina
  • SoBe
  • Harvest Crunch
  • Dole
  • Ocean Spray
  • Tropicana
  • Miranda
  • Tazo
  • Quaker
  • Naked Juice
  • Mother’s
Unilever – $467,000 (source)
  • Salada
  • Knorr
  • Ben & Jerry’s

A little bit of good news…
There are a few companies you can still count on

It isn’t all bad news.  There are a few companies you can still count on – keep in mind that corporate mergers take place every day.  When businesses change hands, there is no obligation to notify the public.  One such cautionary tale took place with the company Dean’s, which acquired Horizon Foods.  They quietly phased out the use of organic products without making any changes to the label and used non-organic milk produced under factory farm conditions.  As well, they dropped the quality of their organic soy and began purchasing cheaper harvests from Asia.  Meanwhile, unwitting retailers had no idea that the company had ceased producing the items organically, and continued to promote the products as they had previous to the acquisition.

Right now, these are some of the GOOD LABELS to look for:
  • 7th Generation
  • Amy’s Kitchens
  • Apple and Eve
  • Applegate
  • Azumaya
  • Blue Diamond
  • Bob’s Red Mill
  • Bossa Nova
  • Cal Organics
  • Cedarlane
  • Cell-nique
  • Choice Organic Teas
  • Clif Bar/ Nectar Fruit
  • Coombs Family Farmers
  • Cosorzio All Natural
  • Country Choice
  • Crystal Geyser Alpine Water
  • Doctor Kracker
  • Dr. McDougall’s
  • Dr. Praeger
  • Eat Raw
  • Echo Farms
  • EcoMeal
  • Eddie’s Pasta
  • Eden Foods (The only company NOT using harmful plastic in the lining of their cans as bonding agent!)
  • Edward and Sons
  • Endangered Species Chocolate
  • Ener-G
  • EnvironKiz
  • Fantastic Foods.
  • Giving Nature
  • Golden Temple
  • Go Naturally
  • Greenway Farms
  • Harvest Bay
  • Hawthorne Valley
  • Ian’s Natural Foods
  • Koyo Organics
  • Lakewood
  • Lesser Evil
  • Let’s Do…Organics
  • LifeStream
  • Living Harvest
  • Lundberg Family
  • Madhava
  • Murray’s Chicken
  • Nasoya
  • Native Forest
  • Natural by Nature
  • Nature Factor
  • Nature’s Path
  • Newman’s Own Organic
  • Organic Prarie
  • Organic Valley
  • Pacific Naturals
  • Pamela’s
  • Peace Cereal
  • Petalumi
  • Rapunzel
  • Real Foods
  • Republic of Teas
  • Road’s End Organics
  • San J
  • Sensible Foods
  • Seven Star Farms
  • Sunergia
  • Tasty Bite Indian
  • Terra Nostra
  • Texmati
  • Theo chocolates
  • Think Organic
  • Turtle Island Tofurky
  • Vermont Mystic Pie
  • Vitasoy
  • Vita Spelt
  • Vivani Chocolate
  • Wizard’s Saucery
  • Woodstock Farms
  • XOXOXO chocolate
  • Yogi Tea
  • Zija
  • Zoe’s Granola

Another way to avoid unscrupulous food producers is through an App called Buycott.  If you happen to have an iPhone, this App can be used to check a product that you see in the stores to see what corporate links exist.  You can find it HERE. (Thank you to Miranda for this link!) If I had a cellphone, I would definitely download this tool.

What you can do
Of course, the best ways to avoid GMOs and toxic additives are to avoid packaged foods altogether.

Raise and preserve your own food
Buy organic and local
Cook from scratch
Avoid processed food

Source: via

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor.  Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at

Farmers begin suing Monsanto over genetic pollution of wheat crops

(NaturalNews) The next wave of farmer backlash against Monsanto has just been unleashed by Ernest filed suit in the U.S. District Court in Wichita, Kansas, alleging that Monsanto's genetic pollution has financially damaged himself and other farmers.
Barnes, a wheat farmer in Morton County, Kansas. He

Barnes' case appears to be well supported by the facts: Last week the USDA announced the shock discovery that genetically engineered wheat strains from Monsanto's open-field experiments had escaped and spread into commercial wheat farms. Almost immediately, Japan and South Korea cancelled wheat purchase contracts from the United States, and more cancellations are expected to follow. The more countries reject U.S. wheat due to GMO contamination (genetic pollution), the lower wheat prices will plunge and the more economic damage will be felt by U.S. farmers.

Monsanto now a confirmed genetic polluter

GMO wheat (i.e. "GE wheat") has never been commercially grown in the United States... at least not on purpose. Experimental fields were approved by the USDA and planted across 16 U.S. states. Until now, it was not known that these GE wheat experiments escaped their designated field plots and began to spread as a form of self-replicating genetic pollution.

For the record, Natural News openly warned about this possibility in a 2012 article called, "Stop Out-of-Control Science." There, I wrote:

Humanity has reached a tipping point of developing technology so profound that it can destroy the human race; yet this rise of "science" has in no way been matched by a rise in consciousness or ethics. Today, science operates with total disregard for the future of life on Earth, and it scoffs at the idea of balancing scientific "progress" with caution, ethics or reasonable safeguards. Unbridled experiments like GMOs have unleashed self-replicating genetic pollution that now threatens the integrity of food crops around the world, potentially threatening the global food supply.

Those words, it turns out, were prophetic. We are now faced with precisely this situation in the U.S. agricultural sector, and farmers are starting to feel the economic losses. GMOs are just one of several areas where so-called "science" actually threatens humanity with total destruction.

See my infographic of all 12 dangerous sectors of science with this infographic:

Monsanto engaged in genetic contamination

As Yahoo News reports:

The petition filed by Barnes claims Monsanto knew there was a high risk the genetically modified wheat it was testing could contaminate other varieties of wheat, and the company failed to follow proper procedures to keep the wheat contained.

Monsanto tested the wheat in many states, including Kansas, the top U.S. wheat-producing state, but did not disclose to farmers in those states that it was testing the controversial wheat there, the petition states.

Monsanto to sue the farmers?

Monsanto claims it will mount a "vigorous defense" against the lawsuit, expressing that it takes no responsibility whatsoever for all the genetic pollution it spews across America's farm lands. If Monsanto's genetically modified, toxin-producing crops just happen to infect your commercial crops, then that's your fault!

In fact, I'm surprised Monsanto hasn't announced plans to sue all these farmers for "stealing" its "intellectual property." That's what the company has done before, of course: sued farmers whose fields were contaminated by Monsanto's genetic pollutants.

Is this not the height of corporate evil? When British Petroleum spills billions of gallons of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, it at least pretends to be sorry about it. But when Monsanto spews its genetic pollution all over the planet, it blames the farmers! It would be like if BP drove an oil tanker right into your front yard, dumped a thousand gallons of oil on your lawn, then sued you for stealing their oil.

That's the Monsanto model. And it's yet another example of the total runaway criminality of this evil corporation that frankly should have its corporate charter yanked. This is one business that deserves to be permanently put out of business and never allowed to operate again. When corporations become such arrogant, destructive and threatening monsters that stomp on our farmers and spew their genetic jizz all across the planet like a bunch of sicko ag perverts, something has gone terribly wrong and needs to be stopped.

The recent March Against Monsanto was only the beginning. I even foresee a day when millions of citizens from around the world engage in a far more aggressive march on the Monsanto headquarters and literally tear the place apart brick by brick until this corporate demon is permanently excised from our planet.

We are winning the war against Monsanto

I also predict -- but do not condone this violence -- that if Monsanto continues to engage in its crimes against farmers, nature and humanity, we are going to start seeing well-planned "acts of justice" against Monsanto executives, employees and scientists. I literally had a bizarre, disturbing dream the other night where a band of activists had kidnapped a Monsanto executive, tied him to a chair, and forced him to admit to all the crimes Monsanto has committed while being filmed on camera. The videos were then released on the internet. I realize this sounds a lot like the plot of a major motion picture, but I believe this could become reality if Monsanto continues on its current path.

Again, for the record, I do not condone the kidnapping of Monsanto executives. Kidnappings and executions are no way to resolve problems in a civilized society. If such an act actually takes place, it would actually hurt the anti-GMO movement and allow the government to paint all GMO protesters as "potential terrorists." So if anyone out there is actually thinking of doing this, please redirect your energy and focus into non-violent protests and other similar actions that are already making tremendous progress. As I said recently on Natural News, I believe we have reached a tipping point of success against Monsanto. Let's continue to pressure Monsanto in a grassroots, non-violent way, okay?

After all, we are winning this war against Monsanto and GMOs. They are in full retreat and completely surrounded... by the truth.


GMO Labeling Defeated in Washington by Monsanto Funny Money

Natural Cures Not Medicine

GMO labeling, once again, was defeated not by informed voters, but by millions of dollars worth of negative ads bought and paid for by Monsanto & company.

via Liberty Beat:
"In a closely fought battle, voters in Washington state have decided not to label Genetically Modified Foods. Initiative 522 appears to have lost by a margin of 45% in favor of labeling and 55% against. In early September, polls showed support for labeling to be ahead by 45%, that number quickly dwindled after a $22 million advertising campaign against the measure was launched by General Mills, Nestle, PepsiCo, Monsanto, DuPont and others."
This win for GMA, the lobbying arm of 'Big Food', comes despite a lawsuit filed over the GMA's suspected illegal political finance activities and money laundering. Acording to
"The attorney general went to court on Wednesday, saying the association gathered and spent more than $7 million in the campaign, shielding its donors and violating public disclosure laws."
The GMA is well known for it's political activities which are aimed at countering grass-roots food rights initiatives such as Washington's I-522 and California's Prop 37; where they contributed a large part of the $40+ million raised to defeat GMO labeling.

Monsanto, one of GMA's largest contributing members($4.8 million to defeat I 522 alone), has had a long history of both anti-science and anti-health stances: claiming that scientists across the globe who question GMO safety are simply conspiracy theorists for thinking Monsanto's claims that pesticides are actually good for the soil and that pesticide exposure is not bad for you, are questionable claims.

Other top donors which contributed to the false propaganda campaign, according to, were:
"General Mills, Inc. ($598,819), PepsiCo, Inc.($1,620,899), Kellogg Company ($221,852), Nestlé USA, Inc. ($1,052,743) and ConAgra Foods ($285,281)"
The GMA, 'Big Food' and the bio-giants may have won the battle for now, but the war is far from over. Many activists are likely to double their efforts after being beaten by corporate cash and political corruption, just as we saw the March Against Monsanto movement gain momentum from Prop 37's corporately funded defeat, this is only the beginning in the fight for our right to know if it's GMO.

BREAKING: There is a Growing Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety Fears

The number of scientists, physicians and legal experts who have signed the group statement, “No scientific consensus on GMO safety” has climbed to 231 in just over a week – and it’s still growing.

The number of initial signatories stood at almost 100 on the day the statement was released, 21 October. It has more than doubled since.

A recent signatory is Dr Belinda Martineau, former member of the Michelmore Lab at the UC Davis Genome Center, University of California, who helped commercialise the world’s first GM whole food, the Flavr Savr tomato. Dr Martineau said:

“I wholeheartedly support this thorough, thoughtful and professional statement describing the lack of scientific consensus on the safety of genetically engineered (GM) crops and other GM organisms (also referred to as GMOs). Society’s debate over how best to utilize the powerful technology of genetic engineering is clearly not over. For its supporters to assume it is, is little more than wishful thinking.”
Another signatory, Dr Judy Carman, director of the Institute of Health and Environmental Research, Adelaide, and adjunct associate professor, health and the environment, Flinders University, South Australia, said:

“Of the hundreds of different GM crops that have been approved for human and animal consumption somewhere in the world, few have been thoroughly safety tested. So it is not possible to have a consensus that they are all safe to eat – at least, not a consensus based on hard scientific evidence derived from experimental data.”

A third signatory, Prof Elena Alvarez-Buyllla, coordinator of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Plant Development and Evolution, Institute of Ecology, UNAM, Mexico, said:

“Given the scientific evidence at hand, sweeping claims that GM crops are substantially equivalent to, and as safe as, non-GM crops are not justifiable.

“We must be especially cautious in the case of proposed release of a GM crop in the centre of genetic origin for that crop. An example is the planting of GM maize in Mexico. Mexico is the centre of genetic origin for maize. GM genes can irreversibly contaminate the numerous native varieties which form the genetic reservoir for all future breeding of maize varieties. In addition, maize is a staple food crop for the Mexican people. So GMO releases can threaten the genetic diversity on which food security depends, both within Mexico and globally.

“Such decisions with broad implications for society should not be made by a narrow group of self-selected experts, many of whom have commercial interests in GM technology, but must also involve the millions of people who will be most affected. As things stand, in Mexico we have an ongoing uncontrolled experiment with no independent scientific or popular mandate, in which GM genes are allowed to crossbreed with native maize varieties. The inevitable result will be genetic alterations with unpredictable effects.”

A fourth signatory, Dr Joachim H. Spangenberg, faculty member at the UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany, said:

“Researchers in ecology and relevant environmental sciences have predicted negative environmental impacts from GM crops for around 25 years. Over the years, many of these impacts have been empirically documented. One example is the development of pest resistance to GM Bt insecticidal crops and weed resistance to the required herbicides for GM herbicide-tolerant crops. These resistance problems are now an increasing problem for farmers – to the benefit of the GM seed and agrochemical corporations – and are forcing farmers back to older, even more toxic chemical pesticides.

“Twenty years ago, the international academic associations of ecologists and molecular biologists met at the International Council for Science.  The two groups agreed that their fields of expertise were complementary and that they needed to cooperate in order to assess the ecological impacts of GM crops in a systematic way. However, many molecular biologists involved in GM crop development today persistently ignore their own blind spots and the science emerging from the complementary environmental segments of the science community, turning the application of GM technology into a social risk.”

Source: via

Sign this petition to ban GMOs and all other toxins from our food supply!

Ban ALL Hazardous Food Additives, Ban GMOs and whole truths on food labels. Sign the petition here.

The FDA needs to do a widespread nationwide ban on many harmful food chemical additives that are making us all sick including:

- MSG (monosodium glutamate) a neurotoxin that negatively affects the brain and nervous system and can cause brain cancer.
- High Fructose Corn Syrup. Possible leading cause of diabetes.
- Aspartame (a.k.a. Equal) another neurotoxin that can cause brain cancer and turns into deadly formaldehyde just after it’s ingested and reaches around 86°F in the body;  the same undertaker’s embalming formaldehyde use to preserve dead bodies before burial.
- rBST harmful growth hormones injected into dairy cattle that gets into the milk supply
- Wheat Gluten.
- Trans Fat.
- Yeast Extract which is at least 60% MSG.
- Fluoride in our drinking water, toothpaste and in oral rinses. Fluoride is equally toxic as lead and has killed people. It does little to no good preventing cavities and it needs to be banned completely.
- 100% complete ban on all planting, growing, harvesting and consumption of all Genetically Modified plants as well as banning GMO living animals such as genetically altered catfish etc.

The mentioned harmful additives are the cause of a variety of cancers and are also the cause of obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and neurological diseases like MS.

We also need the whole truths in food labels as well. If the front of the label says the product is All Natural and MSG free it cannot contain yeast extract which is at 60% MSG. I just seen this on a can of chicken broth made by a major manufacturer. There are many dozens of other food companies out there that do the same.

People are constantly getting sick and now they are totally outraged because the FDA has not taken action. The American people deserve a lot better and are demanding a sweeping change to eat much better healthier highly nutritious nontoxic food than this highly toxic GMO crap currently available in the grocery stores today.

You the FDA, must make these sweeping bold changes and BAN these highly toxic additives and GMOs plus tell the food companies that they cannot print bold face lies on their labels any longer. This must be done NOW!

Sign the petition here:

11-Year Old Tells us What's Wrong with our Food System

Check out this awesome 11 year old food phenom. He breaks down the food system and what's wrong with it in this 5 minute video.


Pro-GMO Lobby Forced to Disclose Donors After Lawsuit

( via

Friday, October 18, the Grocery Manufacturers Association released a list of contributors to the anti-GMO labeling No on 522 campaign after the Washington Attorney General filed suit for violating state election disclosure requirements.

The list was made up of some of the largest food products manufacturers, including many of the most prominent brands in natural and organic food. The following list shows the disclosed companies and the amounts of funding contributed:

Pinnacle Foods Group LLC $120,846The J. M. Smucker Company $241,091Rich Products Corporation $24,049General Mills, Inc. $598,819PepsiCo, Inc. $1,620,899Bunge North America, inc. $94,993Bumble Bee Foods, LLC $36,073Bush Brothers & Company A $16,233
Moody Dunbar, Inc. $1,804Dean Foods Company $120,245Kellogg Company $221,852Nestle USA, Inc. $1,052,743ConAgra Foods $285,281Bimbo Bakeries USA $94,693Welch Foods, Inc. $28,859Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc. $14,429Bruce Foods Corporation $3,006Abbott Nutrition $127,459Campbell Soup Company $265,140Del Monte Foods Company $86,576Sunny Delight Beverages Company $21,043Shearer's Foods, Inc. $25,251Mondelez Global LLC $144,895Land O'Lakes, Inc. $99,803The Coca-Cola Company $1,047,332The Hillshire Brands Company $97,398The Hershey Company $248,305Hormel Foods Corporation $52,908Clement Pappas & Company, Inc. $21,043McCormick & Company, Inc. $102,208Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. $55,313FlowersFoods, Inc. $141,288Cargill, Inc. $98,601The Clorox Company $12,024Total: $7,222,500.

These are the companies that decided that they don't want their customers to know what is in the products they buy. These companies hid behind a national association to disguise their role in influencing elections and misleading consumers. They deserve to lose at least as much as they contributed to their campaign of misinformation. Please join in spreading consumer awareness about these companies and let everyone know to avoid buying their products, so they realize just how damaging their actions can be and hopefully adopt better practices, with consumer safety in mind, in the future.
Source: &

It's on! Farmers begin suing Monsanto over genetic pollution of wheat crops

(NaturalNews) The next wave of farmer backlash against Monsanto has just been unleashed by Ernest Barnes, a wheat farmer in Morton County, Kansas. He filed suit this week in the U.S. District Court in Wichita, Kansas, alleging that Monsanto's genetic pollution has financially damaged himself and other farmers.

Barnes' case appears to be well supported by the facts: Last week the USDA announced the shock discovery that genetically engineered wheat strains from Monsanto's open-field experiments had escaped and spread into commercial wheat farms. Almost immediately, Japan and South Korea cancelled wheat purchase contracts from the United States, and more cancellations are expected to follow. The more countries reject U.S. wheat due to GMO contamination (genetic pollution), the lower wheat prices will plunge and the more economic damage will be felt by U.S. farmers.

Monsanto now a confirmed genetic polluter

GMO wheat (i.e. "GE wheat") has never been commercially grown in the United States... at least not on purpose. Experimental fields were approved by the USDA and planted across 16 U.S. states. Until now, it was not known that these GE wheat experiments escaped their designated field plots and began to spread as a form of self-replicating genetic pollution.

For the record, Natural News openly warned about this possibility in a 2012 article called, "Stop Out-of-Control Science." There, I wrote:

Humanity has reached a tipping point of developing technology so profound that it can destroy the human race; yet this rise of "science" has in no way been matched by a rise in consciousness or ethics. Today, science operates with total disregard for the future of life on Earth, and it scoffs at the idea of balancing scientific "progress" with caution, ethics or reasonable safeguards. Unbridled experiments like GMOs have unleashed self-replicating genetic pollution that now threatens the integrity of food crops around the world, potentially threatening the global food supply.

Those words, it turns out, were prophetic. We are now faced with precisely this situation in the U.S. agricultural sector, and farmers are starting to feel the economic losses. GMOs are just one of several areas where so-called "science" actually threatens humanity with total destruction.

See my infographic of all 12 dangerous sectors of science with this infographic:
Monsanto engaged in genetic contamination

As Yahoo News reports:The petition filed by Barnes claims Monsanto knew there was a high risk the genetically modified wheat it was testing could contaminate other varieties of wheat, and the company failed to follow proper procedures to keep the wheat contained.Monsanto tested the wheat in many states, including Kansas, the top U.S. wheat-producing state, but did not disclose to farmers in those states that it was testing the controversial wheat there, the petition states.
Monsanto to sue the farmers?

Monsanto claims it will mount a "vigorous defense" against the lawsuit, expressing that it takes no responsibility whatsoever for all the genetic pollution it spews across America's farm lands. If Monsanto's genetically modified, toxin-producing crops just happen to infect your commercial crops, then that's your fault!

In fact, I'm surprised Monsanto hasn't announced plans to sue all these farmers for "stealing" its "intellectual property." That's what the company has done before, of course: sued farmers whose fields were contaminated by Monsanto's genetic pollutants.

Is this not the height of corporate evil? When British Petroleum spills billions of gallons of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, it at least pretends to be sorry about it. But when Monsanto spews its genetic pollution all over the planet, it blames the farmers! It would be like if BP drove an oil tanker right into your front yard, dumped a thousand gallons of oil on your lawn, then sued you for stealing their oil.

That's the Monsanto model. And it's yet another example of the total runaway criminality of this evil corporation that frankly should have its corporate charter yanked. This is one business that deserves to be permanently put out of business and never allowed to operate again. When corporations become such arrogant, destructive and threatening monsters that stomp on our farmers and spew their genetic jizz all across the planet like a bunch of sicko ag perverts, something has gone terribly wrong and needs to be stopped.

The recent March Against Monsanto was only the beginning. I even foresee a day when millions of citizens from around the world engage in a far more aggressive march on the Monsanto headquarters and literally tear the place apart brick by brick until this corporate demon is permanently excised from our planet.We are winning the war against Monsanto

I also predict -- but do not condone this violence -- that if Monsanto continues to engage in its crimes against farmers, nature and humanity, we are going to start seeing well-planned "acts of justice" against Monsanto executives, employees and scientists. I literally had a bizarre, disturbing dream the other night where a band of activists had kidnapped a Monsanto executive, tied him to a chair, and forced him to admit to all the crimes Monsanto has committed while being filmed on camera. The videos were then released on the internet. I realize this sounds a lot like the plot of a major motion picture, but I believe this could become reality if Monsanto continues on its current path.

Again, for the record, I do not condone the kidnapping of Monsanto executives. Kidnappings and executions are no way to resolve problems in a civilized society. If such an act actually takes place, it would actually hurt the anti-GMO movement and allow the government to paint all GMO protesters as "potential terrorists." So if anyone out there is actually thinking of doing this, please redirect your energy and focus into non-violent protests and other similar actions that are already making tremendous progress. As I said recently on Natural News, I believe we have reached a tipping point of success against Monsanto. Let's continue to pressure Monsanto in a grassroots, non-violent way, okay?

After all, we are winning this war against Monsanto and GMOs. They are in full retreat and completely surrounded... by the truth.

Los Angeles May Become GMO-Free Zone as City Council Considers Ban

LOS ANGELES ( — Two Los Angeles City Councilmen Friday announced the introduction of a motion aimed at protecting homes, schools, community gardens and public spaces from contamination caused by plants and other genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The motion calls for a “GMO-Free Zone” across the city’s more than 502 square miles that would ban the growth, sale, and distribution of genetically engineered seeds and plants.

City Councilmen Paul Koretz and Mitch O’Farrell introduced the measure at a news conference at City Hall.

“A growing number of problems are being traced to GMOs, including the worldwide disappearance of honeybees (through “colony collapse disorder”); concerns over “seed drift” (for example the recent finding of GMO-pollinated wheat growing in an Oregon farmer’s field); the evolution of “superbug” insects which are growing immune to
the pesticides engineered within GMO crops; and European studies which raise the question of how GMOs impact human health,” according to a statement released by the Council members.

Last October, Koretz and the rest of the City Council voted unanimously to pass a resolution supporting Proposition 37, which requires genetically engineered foods to be properly labeled and prohibits such foods from being marketed as “natural” in California.

Fifty-two percent of residents in Los Angeles County voted in favor of Prop. 37 last year, according to the motion.


Four Proven Natural Cancer Treatments

Over the last 100 years many natural cancer treatments have been successfully used to treat patients in the US and other countries. Many of the physicians and researchers who reported these findings were professionally ruined for “defying” the medical system. This day in age, anyone who speaks of “natural methods” of curing cancer are regarded as “quacks,” which has essentially become a synonymous term with “competition” in regards to the medical industry.

With the exorbitant amounts of money bottle-nosed into cancer research today, you would think that survival would be higher than the two out of three cancer patients who die within 5 years of receiving standard cancer treatment (surgery, radiation and chemotherapy). This isn’t surprising. After all, only one of these three standard cancer treatments is non-toxic (aka. surgery), with the other two being carcinogenic themselves. Studies have actually shown that chemotherapy is only useful in about 1 in 20 cases (aka. 5% chance of success).

It should be noted that pharmaceutical companies have no interest in making drugs from natural agents because they cannot patent nature. This means that these companies try to protect themselves (and their profits) at all cost by preventing the truth about effective natural treatments from reaching the public. You think these companies are protecting YOU? Better think twice – they are simply protecting themselves, and the medical monopoly as a whole. Thanks to PDUFA, the FDA is now primarily funded by drug companies and so ANY competition via natural cancer treatments are put to shame and shoved under the rug. Meanwhile, 1.66 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2013.

Here is a list of four natural cancer treatments, and 12 preventative strategies you can take to help prevent yourself from developing cancer.

12 Preventative Strategies To Prevent Cancer:

1. Avoid GMOs & Choose ORGANIC
GMOs are modified foods which were not meant to be consumed in the first place – modified foods are unrecognizable by the body and thus are treated as “foreign” and toxic. Remove these from your diet and replace them with natural organic foods.

2. Eat high-raw (at least 50-70% raw)
Eating a high raw diet will help alkalize your body and reduce the acidic environment which cancer thrives in.

3. Eliminate processed/junk food
Processed foods and junk food do not nourish our body, and create an environment for cancer growth. This includes things like soda, donuts, candy, chocolate bars, fast food joints, chips, etc.

4. Reduce or eliminate eating animal products
Animal products are extremely acidic to the body. Trying to reduce these or minimize them in your diet is a good step toward maintaining an alkaline state, which cancer cannot thrive.

5. Consider enzyme therapy
Enzymes are critical to how our body processes nutrients and strengthens our immune system. Eating mostly raw foods will ensure enzymes in the food are not broken down – taking a good quality enzyme is a must for most individuals consuming an SAD (standard american diet).

6. Exercise (high intensity and low intensity)
Studies have shown that exercise helps alter immune cells into more potent-fighting disease cells which helps beat off cancerous growths.

7. Vitamin D from sunlight (or supplement if you must – aka. those who live in Northern winter climates)
There is evidence that if you optimize your vitamin D levels with more sun exposure then you can reduce your risk of cancer by more than HALF!

8. Proper sleep
Poor sleeping patterns can lead to reduced melatonin production and an overall reduction in your immunity (melatonin is one of the body’s most important antioxidant!)

9. Stress reduction techniques
Stress is a major cause of disease and illness. In fact, over 85% of diseases are driven by stress.

10. Breathing exercises
This one relates to point #9 – learning to sit still for even 10-15 minutes a day and focus on your breathing will help reduce stress and increase oxygen levels in your body (something cancer HATES!)

11. Reduce toxin & radiation exposure
Reduce your exposure to cell phone towers and bases, x-rays, CT scans, pesticides, herbicides, household cleaners, toxic cosmetics and the like.

12. Learn to LOVE
Remove all barriers and learn to LOVE – be vulnerable, be open, and open your heart space!

There is much controversy amongst cannabis curing cancer, mainly because of it’s label as an “illegal drug.” Aside from this label, the evidence is clear that this plant has outstanding power at fighting cancer – many individuals have cured themselves of the disease using cannabis as a natural treatment. The main theme of these articles is that cannabis shrinks tumours and selectively targets cancer cells making them undergo apoptosis (cell death).

Being able to cure cancer completely, without having to use any harmful chemotherapy or radiation (which literally make the body even more sick, and increase our risk of death), is something cannabis has been routinely shedding light on (and is proven in a majority of articles). In fact, over 34 medical studies have proven that cannabis cures cancer. The list below proves just that (list sourced from the lovely website – I suggest you go check out their blog!):

Cures Brain Cancer

Cures Mouth & Throat Cancer

Cures Breast Cancer

Cures Lung Cancer

Cures Uterine, Testicular, & Pancreatic Cancers

Cures Prostate Cancer

Cures Colorectal Cancer

Cures Ovarian Cancer

Cures Blood Cancer

Cures Skin Cancer

Cures Liver Cancer

Cures Biliary Tract Cancer

Cures Bladder Cancer

Cures Cancer in General

In 1976, the anti-cancer activity of graviola leaves (soursop’s alternate name is graviola) was first noted by the National Cancer Institute, stating that “The NCI, or the National Cancer Institute did some research on the guanabana cancer cure [sic] and came up with some interesting results. The study…showed that the leaves and stems of the plant were incredibly efficient at destroying certain cancerous cells in the body.” This study was not publicly released, however, subsequent research on graviola conducted at Purdue University has proven promising results.

Much of Purdue’s research focused on the anti-tumour properties of annonaceous acetogenins. Oberlies, Chang, and McLaughlin found that tumour cells that are resistant to chemotherapy treatment, or, multi-drug resistant (MDR) cells, were effectively destroyed by acetogenins. MDR cells develop resistance to all chemotherapy treatments, leaving the patient at a dead end. MDR cells require incredible amounts of cellular energy (Adenosine triphosphate; ATP) in order to rid themselves of these chemotherapeutic drugs. This made MDR cancer cells prime targets for acetogenins that were found to effectively block ATP transfer into these cells, inhibiting their function in a way that eventually leads to cell death.

It is important to note as well, that researchers who have explored the mechanisms used by graviola are only  specific to cancerous cells, and not healthy cells. Why? Because cancer cells have a consistently higher level of cellular activity, and thus produce a much higher level of ATP, and is better recognized and targeted by the acetogenin molecules. This is of benefit to the user since chemotherapy targets BOTH normal (such as stomach and hair cells) and cancerous cells, causing the often devastating side effects of nausea, weight loss, hair loss, and overall low quality of life for cancer patients. Graviola only targets cancerous cells, thus our other cells are left untouched.

One study conducted at the Catholic University of South Korea and published in the Journal of Natural Products stated that graviola was 10,000 times more effective against cancer than the popular chemotherapy drug, Adriamycin. A second study from South Korea showed that graviola had no negative activity on healthy cells (unlike the devastating effects Adriamycin has on the body), as we saw previously.

Lei Gong Teng
This plant’s ability to cure cancer only recently came into light when researchers at the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Centre found that compounds from this plant wiped out pancreatic tumours in mice, and showed no signs of tumours after 40 days or after discontinuing the treatment.

The natural compound, triptolide, found in lei gong teng, has been shown in numerous studies to induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancerous cells. In one study, the apoptosis induced by triptolide was mediated by up-regulating the expression of a gene associated with apoptosis called caspase-3 and bax, making triptolide a potential treatment for cancers of the pancreas.

“This drug is just unbelievably potent in killing tumour cells,” said Ashok Saluja, a vice chairman of research at the Masonic Cancer Centre. “You could see that every day you looked at those mice, the tumour was decreasing and decreasing, and then just gone.”

Unfortunately, researchers have now found a way to isolate triptolide into a new drug called minnelide, which is a modified form of the diterpenoid compound triptolide, isolated from the thunder god vine. Under normal circumstances, Big Pharma would not be able to make any money off the thunder god vine, since you cannot patent nature. With this new drug, minnelide, however, Big Pharma will get a big FDA stamp of approval which will allow the newly patented, nutritionally ruined triptolide to be sold for hundreds and thousands of dollars.

Instead, just take the herb itself! There is no need for isolating compounds from a plant, when you can simply purchase the plant itself and consume it fresh and un-tampered.

The variety of phytonutrients in mangosteen are plenty. In fact, the mangosteen is one of the only fruits that contain high levels of xanthones (xanthones are found in small amounts throughout nature, however it is most concentrated in the mangosteen rind). What are xanthones? They are a class of plant derived nutrients that hold tremendous nutritional value – there are over 20 varieties of them, however, the most widely studied are Alpha Mangostin and Gamma Mangostin.

Many Laboratory studies have conclusively found the ability of xanthones to eradicate and destroy cancer cells. Xanthones both destroy cancer and stop tumour development at each stage of the cancer forming process.

Click HERE for access to a few of the many performed studies on this fruit’s amazing cancer curing abilities!


Oberlies, N., Chang, C., & McLaughlin, J. (1997). Structure-activity relationships of diverse Annonaceous acetogenins against multidrug resistant human mammary adenocarcinoma (MCF-7/Adr) cells. Journal of Medical Chemistry, 17, 84-90.

Taylor, L. (2005). The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs. Square One Publishers

Hingorani, S., & Potter, J. (2012) Pancreas cancer meets the thunder god. Science Translational Medicine, 4, p.156ps21

Zhou, G., Ding, X., Huang, J., Zhang, H., Wu, S., Cheng, J., & Wei, Q. (2008) Apoptosis of human pancreatic cancer cells induced by Triptolide. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 14, 1504-1509.

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