Monsanto, "the most evil company in the world", has officially given up on jamming it's GMO crops down the throats of unwilling Europeans. A Monsanto spokesman told the LA Times that GMO applications in Europe "have have been going nowhere fast for several years.”

After the last round of worldwide March Against Monsanto protests, current and ongoing political activism surrounding the use of GM crops, the discovery of genetically contaminated wheat being exported globally from Oregon, and recent studies suggesting bees may be dying off due to Monsanto products; they are battered and bruised but still very much alive and well. Despite the latest backlash and revelations, Monsanto has posted huge quarterly profits and expect 20% revenue growth in fiscal year 2013.
So despite the massive opposition that Big Agra and the GMO industry faces, these companies are still making a killing off of the average consumer's health, the health of our environment, and the health of our bees. What can we do? Strike the root, hit them where it hurts: their bottom line.
Grow your own organic fruits vegetables and get as many people you know to do the same. See our recent article on easy ways to get started on an organic garden at home.
Boycott Monsanto and all GMO products and pesticides: here's a quick reference list
Get active. There's another March Against Monsanto protest coming up on October 12th in a city or town near you. Find one here:
Spread awareness. If you are already awake to the health problems we face with GMOs and the crony policies of Monsanto, then do your part to tell your friends and family about them. Invite them over for an organic dinner and see if they can taste and feel the difference, you'll make a believer out of them in no time.
Help the less fortunate. In the US Monsanto and the entire GMO industry is subsidized by the government. Not only are there farm subsidies that favor the GM industry; food stamps, EBT, and other welfare programs that are meant to feed the poor also heavily favor Monsanto and their co-conspirators. Over 90% of baby formula available through welfare are have GMO ingredients. It's important for those who are able, to help end this GMO madness in the poor communities. One way we can help the less fortunate is by getting REAL food into urban areas. See our previous article on starting a community garden:
Look into apps that you can use to boycott Monsanto, GMOs and more:
Happy Healthing!
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