Natural Cures Not Medicine: Acid

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Showing posts with label Acid. Show all posts

4 Ways to Eliminate Acid From the Body

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How does your body eliminate acid? Dr. Robert O. Young says there are four ways your body tries to regulate pH balance. Find out what those elimination channels are so you can concentrate on those for optimal health.


Foods To Lower Blood Pressure

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If you suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), or consume a diet which places you at risk for developing high blood pressure, you are at risk for experiencing heart attacks and strokes as well as kidney failure. Most people have high blood pressure and don’t even know it until they get a heart attack or stroke!

Consuming highly processed foods like fast food with incredibly high sodium levels are extremely damaging and is often the main culprit in raising your blood pressure. Another factor that puts you at risk for high blood pressure is fat – that is, the highly saturated and trans fatty acids which clog your arteries and make it hard for blood to flow freely through your veins, causing build-up and thus, high blood pressure.

Foods that help reduce high blood pressure

(1) Garlic
You can change your cholesterol levels and naturally lower your blood pressure levels with garlic! In fact, most members of the allium family (onions, garlic, leeks, etc.) have been shown to reduce cholesterol, high blood pressure and the flu. Countries who consume large amounts of garlic have also been correlated with the lowest levels of cardiovascular disease.

(2) Kiwi
A recent study in 2011 found that just 3 kiwis a day may naturally lower blood pressure (opposed to eating just one apple a day). The study took place over 8 weeks, and at the end of the study, individuals who consumed the kiwis had significantly lower systolic blood pressure than those who ate only 1 apple a day. Kiwis are lutein-rich (an antioxidant), which helps beat free radicals which are often linked to high blood pressure. Kiwis are also one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits, as reported by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (along with grapes, and wild blueberries).

(3) Grapes
A study at the University of Michigan showed that grapes may help fight high blood pressure and heart disease (especially if you consume a salty diet). Grapes are incredibly high in antioxidants which fight off free radicals that normally lead to heart failure and hypertension. Grapes also lower inflammation in the body and allow the blood vessels to breathe and relax to prevent higher blood pressure.

(4) Leafy Lettuces
Eating green leafy vegetables on a consistent basis can help lower your risk for developing high blood pressure. Leafy greens are incredibly vitamin and mineral rich (with things like calcium, potassium, and manganese) which protects against heart disease and stroke. Lettuces are also nitrate-rich which has been linked to a reduction in blood pressure.

(5) Bananas
Bananas are very high in potassium which helps regulate blood pressure. Foods with potassium nitrate (like bananas and dates) have been reported to be even better than supplements using potassium chloride for lowering blood pressure, according to a UK study. Eating just two bananas a day can lower blood pressure by up to 10%!

(6) Watermelon

Citrulline in watermelon helps to normalize blood pressure. Eating up to 1/2 of a large watermelon per day can help lower high blood pressure, especially when the fruit is ripe, and when this antioxidant is at it’s highest levels. Citrulline is a type of amino acid that is converted into another amino acid, called Arginine (which people normally take to help lower their blood pressure). However, eating the more natural form of this compound is best, so make sure you eat the whole watermelon in it’s true, natural form!

Source: Live Love Fruit

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10 Foods To Avoid With Acid Reflux

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An estimated 25 million American adults have acid reflux, or a severe form of heartburn, and experience the issue on a daily basis. More than 60 million suffer from heartburn once a month. And while simple overeating can be to blame, there are several foods that only exacerbate the condition and make it worse. Here you will learn of many foods to avoid with acid reflux.
Heartburn isn’t something to take lightly. In addition to the almost unbearable pain, the acid consistently irritating the esophagus can lead to lasting damage and increase your risk of esophageal cancer.
Interestingly, health professionals prescribe medications known as proton pump inhibitors to reduce the amount of acid build up when the condition is actually caused by too little acid in many cases, not too much acid. In some cases, the disorder is caused by a faulty valve between the stomach and the esophagus. However, in others, it is only made worse by diet.
“After food passes through your esophagus into your stomach, a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) closes, preventing food or acid to move back up. Gastroesophageal reflux occurs when the LES relaxes inappropriately, allowing acid from your stomach to flow (reflux) backward into your esophagus.”
Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux
In addition to utilizing these 5 natural remedies for acid reflux, here are some foods to avoid when heartburn and acid reflux are a common problem:
·         Chocolate - Apparently chocolate works to relax the sphincter muscle, allowing acids to flow back into the esophagus. But that isn’t the only reason it’s bad for acid reflux—it also contains the next thing on our list:
·         Caffeine - Whether you get your daily jolt from coffee or soda, caffeine is a known contributor to acid reflux.
·         Soda - The bubbles in soda can expand in the stomach, causing acids to back up. Sodas that are caffeinated are doubly bad.
·         Alcohol - Like chocolate, alcohol relaxes the sphincter, allowing acid to flow freely. One drink may not be a problem, but when paired with other heartburn culprits, you’re only asking for greater pain.
·         Citrus fruits - The acid content in these fruits are especially problematic when consumed on an empty stomach or when paired with other acidic foods.
·         Tomatoes - While they are otherwise good for you, tomatoes are very acidic too.
·         Spicy foods - Among other foods to avoid with acid reflux, hot and spicy foods can make heartburn a problem. Simply swap out milder alternatives for the spicy dishes you like.
·         Fried and other high fat foods - Fried foods are a common heartburn culprit, but even high fat dairy and meat products can be problematic for some sensitive people.
·         Meat – Meat is one of the hardest foods to digest. Limit consumption and try to choose non-fatty meats like chicken or turkey.
·         Dairy – Dairy may provide temporary relief, but it could also cause problems.
If acid reflux is a problem for you, learn your triggers and how best to avoid them. In the end, you will have to find out exactly which foods are OK, and which foods to avoid with acid reflux. Learn to know your body.

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7 Foods That Prevent Grout

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Gout is a disease that is caused by uric acid build-up in the body. Uric acid is formed when the digestive system breaks down purines in our food. A diet low in purines helps by allowing excess uric acid to be flushed out in the urine.

Some foods that prevent gout:

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that is an anti-inflammatory. Research has found that supplementing with bromelain may relieve the pain associated with gout.

Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been found reapeatedly in clinical studies to reduce chronic inflammation. One study in mice found that a compound in ginger may help to reduce the inflammation associated with uric acid buildup.

Turmeric has long been recognized as an anti-inflammatory by many cultures and has been proven in several studies. Some experts recommend a daily dose of turmeric to reduce the inflammation associated with gout.

Cherry Juice
Cherry juice has been used to alleiviate gout symptoms for decades. Small studies in Italy and the United States have reported sucess with cherry juice as a gout treatment, though scientists are not certain what mechanism is active in producing this result. Cherry juice does not appear to lower uric acid levels directly but research suggests that its antiinflammatory properties may play a role in reducing gout attack occurrence from 3-4 times per year to about once a year.

Hot Peppers
Hot peppers are rich in vitamin C which has been shown to reduce uric acid levels.

Watercress contains moderate levels of vitamins and minerals and is reputed to be very beneficial to the kidneys. It may help to rid the body of excess uric acid.

Studies have found that the higher a person's vitamin C intake, the lower the incidence of gout. Try adding lemon to your water every day to alleviate gout symptoms.

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Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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