Natural Cures Not Medicine: natural cure

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Showing posts with label natural cure. Show all posts

Health benefits of maca

With an impressive nutrient profile and potent healing power, maca should be in your refrigerator. 

Bone health:  Maca root contains high amounts of bio-available calcium which can help to strengthen bones and teeth as well as help prevent osteoporosis.

Depression:  Due to a toxic environment full of estrogen simulators, most people have hormone imbalances which can effect every aspect of your health including mood.  Maca has the amazing effect of balancing hormones and can help to naturally fight depression.

Energy:  Enjoy a brisk and prolonged energy burst from maca root, unlike caffeine or sugar which cause harm to your body and give you a "crash" after they wear off.

Reproductive health:  Often reffered to as "nature's viagra," maca root can be taken to help with libido.

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Legalization may be just around the corner for Australia

New South Wales to consider allowing medical cannabis to suffering patients.

With so much data showing the medicinal benefits of cannabis, who can be against it?

     Studies all around the world have shown and are showing that the propaganda that got cannabis banned worldwide is just that, propaganda.  The basis for making cannabis illegal in the United States, where prohibition  originated and then spread outward, is the scheduling.  Cannabis is considered a schedule 1 narcotic in the U.S. which means that it is harmful and has absolutely no feasible medical value, which is now continuing to be proven false.  Ironically, cocaine is listed as a schedule 2 drug, which technically means that the government considers it to be less harmful than cannabis.  Seriously?  Yes.  So, with all the new data coming out, you would expect the old way of thinking to phase itself out, but there are still many people who consider this natural healing herb to be a harmful substance on par with drugs like heroin and methamphetamine. 
     A study out of Spain recently concluded that cannabis could be used and an effective natural treatment for cancer.  Two scientists from the San Francisco bay area also confirmed that cannabis is a powerful anti cancer.  Would you believe that there was even a U.S. government study on the effects and uses for canabinoids found in this plant that concluded its usefulness in fighting cancer?  That is the same government that created and harshly enforces prohibition of this herb based on the assumption that it has zero medicinal benefits.  
     With the recent full scale legalization in Colorado and Washington states, the debate on how to approach cannabis policy has heated up, not just in the U.S., but now other countries are reconsidering their policies regarding cannabis.  New South Wales, Australia is considering taking steps to make cannabis available to sufferers of serious diseases such as cancer, aids, and multiple sclerosis.  A NSW parliamentary inquiry committee held open hearings in March and are expected to deliver their report on the feasibility of using cannabis medically and the legal implications of doing so on may 17th.  Sally Crossing, deputy chair of the advocacy group Cancer Voices Australia, recommended to the inquiry committee that cannabis should be allowed to be used legally for medical purposes.  She mentioned the usefulness of cannabis for pain and vomiting in cancer patients and the added benefit of it causing very few mild side effects.  "There is enough evidnce, there's enough experience in other countries to say that if we do this in a sensible way, with appropriate safeguards, we can help a lot of people who are suffering, not only at the ends of their lives," said Crossing.
     Some opposition is still entrenched, and the NSW police department has expressed their concerns that cannabis use will increase if this happens.  If it is legalized for medical use, they would preffer it to be a refined extract form that can be taken as a spray or a pill rather than the original form.  All forms of cannabis are currently listed as illegal substances in NSW law, but the tide seems to be turning with more and more data from seriously ill patients who benefit greatly from using it. 


Check out other great posts from Natural Cures Not Medicine:

Marijuana: Government Animal Testing

Why Marijuana Is Illegal In The US

Evidence That Cannabis is The Most Nutritional Vegetable in The World

The Health Benefits of Smoking Marijuana

Natural Cures Not Medicine

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Lavender - a versatile natural herb

Chris Sumbs -

Lavender is one of the most widely used, versatile herbs  

Anxiety and depression.

The essential oil of lavender has a calming, sedative, and anti-convulsive effect. It can also increase the effectiveness of other relaxants. According to the Smell and Taste Foundation in Chicago, the scent of lavender increases brain waves associated with relaxation. Commission E, the German counterpart of the FDA that regulates herbal remedies, also approves lavender for treating relaxation and restlessness.


A study conducted at the University of Leicester in England showed that the use of lavender essential oil is just as effective in promoting sound sleep as traditional medication. In fact, many British hospitals offer their patients lavender pillows to help with sleeplessness. Scrapes and wounds. Lavender essential oil has very powerful antiseptic properties. Applying it to wounds can not only increase cell growth causing the wound to heal faster, but it also decreases the appearance of scars. The oils anti-microbial action protects scrapes and wounds from infection, while allowing them heal.  

Digestive problems

Lavender has also been endorsed by Germany's Commission E to treat all sorts of stomach and digestive disorders. It soothes the lining of the digestive tract and promotes the secretion of bile, which helps the body digest fats. In addition to this, lavender can also relieve gas pressure and constipation.  


Massaging lavender oil onto the temples, neck and forehead can relieve neck and head tension and promote relaxation, thus relieving a variety of headaches. Those included are general headaches, gastric headaches, nervous headaches, sinus and tension headaches.

Skin problems  

By massaging lavender oil into the skin, it can be used to treat a number of skin problems such as acne, burns, dry skin, eczema, itchy skin, sunburn, seborrhea, and skin inflammation.  

Women's health problems

For pregnancy, lavender can help sooth and relieve flatulence and indigestion. It can diminish the look of stretch marks and scars. It can relieve cramps, edema, exhaustion, infection, breast abscesses, and post-natal depression. A study of lavender by British researchers suggests that using lavender oil during pregnancy and childbirth can help ease delivery pain and promote a speedy recovery.

Wild Clematis Can Stop A Migraine Full Swing

This "Wild Clematis" or Old Man's Beard - is a fantastic natural cure for migraines. Also called Devil's darning needle, old man's beard, traveler's joy, vine bower, woodbine - Love Vine - Lady’s Bower - Sugar Bowls, Pepper Vine, Leather Flower, and Vasevine. Yes wow! No wonder it's unknown! They can't agree on the name!

The part used: leaves (fresh) uses: migraines, epidermal maladies, and hypertension. 

Precautions: pregnancy, lactation, children, patients with vasculitis; can cause mucous irritation, upset stomach, colic, diarrhea, dizziness, seizures, disorientation, death (rare). 

Dosage: 5 to 60 drops of fresh plant tincture, depending on the intensity of the plant and the weight of the individual. Otherwise, a teaspoon of dried plant in a cup of just boiled water.

Here is another way to tackle a headache / migraine:
Natural Migraine Remedy

Basil Beats Bacteria!

All Hail Basil, the Royal Herb!

Did you know that Basil, the delicious herb known for its use in spaghetti sauce, pesto, and salad dressings actually has a long history and a variety of healing properties. 

 No way?  Yes way!

The word "basil" is derived from the Greek word Basilikohn which means "royal," alluding to the fact that it was held in high regard in ancient times.  Basil was first cultivated in Asia and Africa and is known to be used in several different types of cultural cuisine.  But, here is the real cool part...  It boosts cardiovascular health, is an anti-inflammatory, fights bacteria, and even protects your DNA from environmental damage and radiation.  A study published in the Journal of Microbiology Methods concluded that essential oils from Basil inhibits multiple strains of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria!

Basil is also an excellent source of daily nutrients.  Packed with vitamin k, this super herb is also a good source of iron, calcium, and vitamin k.

     Have tons of basil growing in your garden?  Just pesto the rest-o!

Make a dairy-free pesto: 

  • Chopped basil, 
  • garlic, 
  • olive oil 

Store what you don't use in the freezer
 for an amazing topping later on!

Natural Breast Cancer Cure

This video was made by a lovely woman named Annie Pierce, here in this video she explains her epic journey with breast cancer and how she cured it naturally. You won't get this advice from the FDA or your doctor. Doctors usually just create customers for the pharma industry sales trolls that visit their offices weekly offering big chunks of money to rep their new drugs. That's the truth. If you want more truth... Keep browsing our numerous articles already posted about other hidden natural cures for cancer and other health problems.


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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