It must be the winter holiday season, because the push
to poison Americans with flu shots is once again in full force.
And, as usual, they
are being sold as the ultimate public health and public safety tool, even
though predicting which strain of flu is going to hit this year is a bit like
guessing Powerball numbers.
But no matter. The
call has gone out far and wide: "Get your flu shot now! Protect yourself!
Hurry - time's-a-wastin'!"
Cue the fearmongering
As reported by Newsday on Nov.
14, under the headline, "Be Thankful and Get a Flu Shot Now":
Thanksgiving is a week from Thursday, so you might want to put getting a flu
shot at the top of your to-do list if you plan to be with family and friends
for the holiday. For those who haven't gotten the vaccine yet, it's even more
crucial if you expect to be mingling with a crowd of sneezing, coughing
shoppers at the malls, hunting for bargains on Black Friday.
None of this, of
course, comes without the required fearmongering, from no less than
"official" government sources:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults 65
and older get a flu shot each year because seniors are at the greatest risk of
serious complications if they get the virus. Since it takes about 10 days to
build up immunity after receiving a flu shot, getting vaccinated now should
protect you through the entire holiday season.
They are even
making it easier than ever to get the poisonous flu shot. You no longer have to go to your doctor's office
or the county clinic; you can visit any number of retailers with pharmacies
like Walgreen's, RiteAid and Target for your shot.
And, of course, if
you happen to have a cash flow problem, well, the government's got a solution
for that, too:
Flu shots are covered by Medicare and many private health insurance plans.
In most cases, you will have little to no out-of-pocket costs. Still, call the
site first to make sure it has the vaccine available and ask whether your
insurance will be accepted.
What is not being told
to the general public is this: Flu vaccines still contain mercury, which is a
Now, the
"medical establishment" and the government have pooh-poohed this
fact, brushing it off as a wild conspiracy theory. But in truth, study after
study has shown that even the trace amounts of mercury-containing thimerosal,
which is found in flu shots, can be harmful.
'Mercury is known to cause serious harm'
In 2011, the
Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs published details of a Brazilian study that
confirmed what earlier studies had shown:
Yet another peer-reviewed, scientific study proving the connection between
the mercury in medicine and human illnesses has just been released. The latest
study is the sixth one published in recent months. This report specifically
examines the harm inflicted on developing fetuses and children by Thimerosal, a
mercury-based compound routinely used as a preservative in flu shots.
The study's author,
Dr. Jose Dorea, reviewed the published science which demonstrates that infant
exposure to the amount of thimerosal in vaccines is toxic to human brain cells.
"Mercury is
known to cause serious harm, especially to fetuses and children because of
their smaller size," said Rev. Lisa Sykes, President of CoMeD and mother
of a mercury-poisoned child. "Why remove Thimerosal from pediatric
vaccines only to inject it into pregnant women and children with recommended
flu shots? They removed Thimerosal from other vaccines, so it should also be
removed from flu shots."
Source: NaturalNews
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What is Heavy Metal Toxicity and What Can you Do About It?
Heavy metal toxicity is something i think we don't talk enough about in the holistic industry. However, heavy metals are everywhere, surrounding us in our daily lives and activities.
First of all, i would like to give you a definition of what toxicity means:
-Toxins are proteins formed by bacteria, animals or plants. We talk about toxicity when we evaluate the property of a toxin of being poisonous. Toxicity spreads around the body, taking differents paths through the blood and tissues. When not flushed properly through natural excretion pathways like stolls, urine and sweat, build up and accumulation of toxins appears and usually get stored in our fatty tissues. This is what we call Toxaemia. Toxaemia results in the overall body malfunctions. The immune system is compromised, Ph of blood and tissues acidifies, depression symptoms appears, skin rashes, thyroid problems, chronic migraines, mental and neurological disorders like Alzheimer, Parkinson's, MS, ADD, metallic taste in mouth and chronic inflammation, low libido, PMS, prostate problems, impotence, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease and many more might be the result of toxaemia.
Your body is clever and know how to flush those toxins, but sometimes overload might occurs and this is when trouble comes. Overlaod is most of the time the result of poor lifestyle choices and nutrition. Daily heavy metal poisoning can be due to many factors like cigarettes smoking, high alcohol intake, acidic diet made of too much meat, refined product, inflammatory foods and not enough alkaline forming foods, drinking tap water, conventional dental fillings, lack of physical exercise and recreational drug intake, non-organic foods.
Now there are different types of Heavy metals:
-Arsenic affects neurological functions and can lead to chronic migraines, apathy, confusion. Ways to find out if you are toxic in arsenic is to see if your breath smells like garlic even though you didn't eat any garlic lately. White spots on the nails can also be a high toxicity in arsenic (as well as deficiency in zinc and iron).
-Lead affects hormonal functions and memory. High toxicity can lead to insomnia, tingling of the limb, depression, unusual taste in mouth, light blue pigmentation on the skin might appear in severe cases. Lead is found in water pipes, canned fruits, car batteries.
-Cadmium affects the kidneys, respiratory and squeletal system. High toxicity can lead to bone fragility, gout, loss of smell, hair loss, zinc deficiency, raise in blood pressure. Cadmium is heavily absorb by the lungs. It used in fertilisers, industrial beers production, cigarettes, sodas. So if someone for example drinks too many beers and sodas and smokes too much, a accumulation of cadmuim might occurs and lower zinc levels which could be a result of prostate problems as prostate needs a lot of zinc to maintain proper functions.
-Mercury affect many things like coordination, gums problems, excessive salivation, neuropathy, depression, irritability, fibromyalgia, fear, apathy, abnormal heartbeat. Mercury is all over the place, from longer fish, to vaccines, passing by tap water and conventional dental fillings, it is hard to avoid mercury.
-Aluminium is a neurotoxin which lead to hypersensitivity, migraines, lower kidney functions, sleep disorders and neuro-muscular disease. It is found everywhere too and especially in vaccines.
-Copper affects mainly the emotions. Mood swing, depression, agitation, ADD, anxiety, chronic stress, insomnia, fibromyalgia, raise of blood pressure and hair loss can all be results of high copper toxicity. Copper can also accumulate in the thyroid leading to hyperthyroism. The pill increase the accumulation and retention of copper in the kidneys. It is mainly found in hot water tabs as the hot water pipes are made of copper.
There are many ways to remove and facilitate the excretion of those nasty little things.
My favorite is fresh crushed garlic, everyday with a green salad, with turmeric and cayenne pepper or just the way you like it the most. (avoid on a first date ;) ) Then Coriander is excellent is the removal of heavy metal, take it as a tea, infuse for 5 to 10 minutes with fresh orange peal, 3 times daily for 2 months minimum. Then there is Chlorophyl, fresh juice of it, around 50ml everyday, in the morning before breakfast is absolutely amazing in the general detox of the body and removal of heavy metals. Then, there is the Glutathione-skin brushing-epsom salt-exercise combo which works very well too.
In all cases, keep a balance lifestyle, exercise, eat fresh and organic as much as possible, have fun, be happy, dream a lot, explore your limits, do regular mini detox, socialise and don't be a purist, just be realistic and live your life the way you think is best for you and gives you the motivation to get up every morning and looking forward to a new day.
About the author
Brandon from Brighton
I am a Holistic Health practitioner. I am all about take it easy, keep things simple and balanced and enjoy what Life, World and Nature have to offer. Check my Facebook page out : The Holistic Dude
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First of all, i would like to give you a definition of what toxicity means:
-Toxins are proteins formed by bacteria, animals or plants. We talk about toxicity when we evaluate the property of a toxin of being poisonous. Toxicity spreads around the body, taking differents paths through the blood and tissues. When not flushed properly through natural excretion pathways like stolls, urine and sweat, build up and accumulation of toxins appears and usually get stored in our fatty tissues. This is what we call Toxaemia. Toxaemia results in the overall body malfunctions. The immune system is compromised, Ph of blood and tissues acidifies, depression symptoms appears, skin rashes, thyroid problems, chronic migraines, mental and neurological disorders like Alzheimer, Parkinson's, MS, ADD, metallic taste in mouth and chronic inflammation, low libido, PMS, prostate problems, impotence, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease and many more might be the result of toxaemia.
Your body is clever and know how to flush those toxins, but sometimes overload might occurs and this is when trouble comes. Overlaod is most of the time the result of poor lifestyle choices and nutrition. Daily heavy metal poisoning can be due to many factors like cigarettes smoking, high alcohol intake, acidic diet made of too much meat, refined product, inflammatory foods and not enough alkaline forming foods, drinking tap water, conventional dental fillings, lack of physical exercise and recreational drug intake, non-organic foods.
Now there are different types of Heavy metals:
-Arsenic affects neurological functions and can lead to chronic migraines, apathy, confusion. Ways to find out if you are toxic in arsenic is to see if your breath smells like garlic even though you didn't eat any garlic lately. White spots on the nails can also be a high toxicity in arsenic (as well as deficiency in zinc and iron).
-Lead affects hormonal functions and memory. High toxicity can lead to insomnia, tingling of the limb, depression, unusual taste in mouth, light blue pigmentation on the skin might appear in severe cases. Lead is found in water pipes, canned fruits, car batteries.
-Cadmium affects the kidneys, respiratory and squeletal system. High toxicity can lead to bone fragility, gout, loss of smell, hair loss, zinc deficiency, raise in blood pressure. Cadmium is heavily absorb by the lungs. It used in fertilisers, industrial beers production, cigarettes, sodas. So if someone for example drinks too many beers and sodas and smokes too much, a accumulation of cadmuim might occurs and lower zinc levels which could be a result of prostate problems as prostate needs a lot of zinc to maintain proper functions.
-Mercury affect many things like coordination, gums problems, excessive salivation, neuropathy, depression, irritability, fibromyalgia, fear, apathy, abnormal heartbeat. Mercury is all over the place, from longer fish, to vaccines, passing by tap water and conventional dental fillings, it is hard to avoid mercury.
-Aluminium is a neurotoxin which lead to hypersensitivity, migraines, lower kidney functions, sleep disorders and neuro-muscular disease. It is found everywhere too and especially in vaccines.
-Copper affects mainly the emotions. Mood swing, depression, agitation, ADD, anxiety, chronic stress, insomnia, fibromyalgia, raise of blood pressure and hair loss can all be results of high copper toxicity. Copper can also accumulate in the thyroid leading to hyperthyroism. The pill increase the accumulation and retention of copper in the kidneys. It is mainly found in hot water tabs as the hot water pipes are made of copper.
There are many ways to remove and facilitate the excretion of those nasty little things.
My favorite is fresh crushed garlic, everyday with a green salad, with turmeric and cayenne pepper or just the way you like it the most. (avoid on a first date ;) ) Then Coriander is excellent is the removal of heavy metal, take it as a tea, infuse for 5 to 10 minutes with fresh orange peal, 3 times daily for 2 months minimum. Then there is Chlorophyl, fresh juice of it, around 50ml everyday, in the morning before breakfast is absolutely amazing in the general detox of the body and removal of heavy metals. Then, there is the Glutathione-skin brushing-epsom salt-exercise combo which works very well too.
In all cases, keep a balance lifestyle, exercise, eat fresh and organic as much as possible, have fun, be happy, dream a lot, explore your limits, do regular mini detox, socialise and don't be a purist, just be realistic and live your life the way you think is best for you and gives you the motivation to get up every morning and looking forward to a new day.
About the author
Brandon from Brighton
I am a Holistic Health practitioner. I am all about take it easy, keep things simple and balanced and enjoy what Life, World and Nature have to offer. Check my Facebook page out : The Holistic Dude
97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously had this One Dental Procedure
Do you have a chronic degenerative disease? If so, have you been told, “It’s all in your head?”
Well, that might not be that far from the truth… the root cause of your illness may be in your mouth.
There is a common dental procedure that nearly every dentist will tell you is completely safe, despite the fact that scientists have been warning of its dangers for more than 100 years.
Every day in the United States alone, 41,000 of these dental procedures are performed on patients who believe they are safely and permanently fixing their problem.
What is this dental procedure?
The root canal.
More than 25 million root canals are performed every year in this country.
Root-canaled teeth are essentially “dead” teeth that can become silent incubators for highly toxic anaerobic bacteria that can, under certain conditions, make their way into your bloodstream to cause a number of serious medical conditions—many not appearing until decades later.
Most of these toxic teeth feel and look fine for many years, which make their role in systemic disease even harder to trace back.
Sadly, the vast majority of dentists are oblivious to the serious potential health risks they are exposing their patients to, risks that persist for the rest of their patients’ lives. The American Dental Association claims root canals have been proven safe, but they have NO published data or actual research to substantiate this claim.
Fortunately, I had some early mentors like Dr. Tom Stone and Dr. Douglas Cook, who educated me on this issue nearly 20 years ago. Were it not for a brilliant pioneering dentist who, more than a century ago, made the connection between root-canaled teeth and disease, this underlying cause of disease may have remained hidden to this day. The dentist’s name was Weston Price—regarded by many as the greatest dentist of all time.
Weston A. Price: World’s Greatest Dentist
Most dentists would be doing an enormous service to public health if they familiarized themselves with the work of Dr. Weston Pricei. Unfortunately, his work continues to be discounted and suppressed by medical and dental professionals alike.
Dr. Price was a dentist and researcher who traveled the world to study the teeth, bones, and diets of native populations living without the “benefit” of modern food. Around the year 1900, Price had been treating persistent root canal infections and became suspicious that root-canaled teeth always remained infected, in spite of treatments. Then one day, he recommended to a woman, wheelchair bound for six years, to have her root canal tooth extracted, even though it appeared to be fine.
She agreed, so he extracted her tooth and then implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. The rabbit amazingly developed the same crippling arthritis as the woman and died from the infection 10 days later. But the woman, now free of the toxic tooth, immediately recovered from her arthritis and could now walk without even the assistance of a cane.
Price discovered that it’s mechanically impossible to sterilize a root-canaled (e.g. root-filled) tooth.
He then went on to show that many chronic degenerative diseases originate from root-filled teeth—the most frequent being heart and circulatory diseases. He actually found 16 different causative bacterial agents for these conditions. But there were also strong correlations between root-filled teeth and diseases of the joints, brain and nervous system. Dr. Price went on to write two groundbreaking books in 1922 detailing his research into the link between dental pathology and chronic illness. Unfortunately, his work was deliberately buried for 70 years, until finally one endodontist named George Meinig recognized the importance of Price’s work and sought to expose the truth.
Dr. Meinig Advances the Work of Dr. Price
Dr. Meinig, a native of Chicago, was a captain in the U.S. Army during World War II before moving to Hollywood to become a dentist for the stars. He eventually became one of the founding members of the American Association of Endodontists (root canal specialists).
In the 1990s, he spent 18 months immersed in Dr. Price’s research. In June of 1993, Dr. Meinig published the book Root Canal Cover-Up, which continues to be the most comprehensive reference on this topic today. You can order your copy directly from the Price-Pottenger Foundationii.
What Dentists Don’t Know About the Anatomy of Your Teeth
Your teeth are made of the hardest substances in your body.
In the middle of each tooth is the pulp chamber, a soft living inner structure that houses blood vessels and nerves. Surrounding the pulp chamber is the dentin, which is made of living cells that secrete a hard mineral substance. The outermost and hardest layer of your tooth is the white enamel, which encases the dentin.
The roots of each tooth descend into your jawbone and are held in place by the periodontal ligament. In dental school, dentists are taught that each tooth has one to four major canals. However, there are accessory canals that are never mentioned. Literally miles of them!
Just as your body has large blood vessels that branch down into very small capillaries, each of your teeth has a maze of very tiny tubules that, if stretched out, would extend for three miles. Weston Price identified as many as 75 separate accessory canals in a single central incisor (front tooth). For a more detailed explanation, refer to an article by Hal Huggins, DDS, MS, on the Weston A. Price Foundation website.iii (These images are borrowed from the Huggins article.)
Microscopic organisms regularly move in and around these tubules, like gophers in underground tunnels.
When a dentist performs a root canal, he or she hollows out the tooth, then fills the hollow chamber with a substance (called guttapercha), which cuts off the tooth from its blood supply, so fluid can no longer circulate through the tooth. But the maze of tiny tubules remains. And bacteria, cut off from their food supply, hide out in these tunnels where they are remarkably safe from antibiotics and your own body’s immune defenses.
The Root Cause of Much Disease
Under the stresses of oxygen and nutrient deprivation, these formerly friendly organisms morph into stronger, more virulent anaerobes that produce a variety of potent toxins. What were once ordinary, friendly oral bacteria mutate into highly toxic pathogens lurking in the tubules of the dead tooth, just awaiting an opportunity to spread.
No amount of sterilization has been found effective in reaching these tubules—and just about every single root-canaled tooth has been found colonized by these bacteria, especially around the apex and in the periodontal ligament. Oftentimes, the infection extends down into the jawbone where it creates cavitations—areas of necrotic tissue in the jawbone itself.
Cavitations are areas of unhealed bone, often accompanied by pockets of infected tissue and gangrene. Sometimes they form after a tooth extraction (such as a wisdom tooth extraction), but they can also follow a root canal. According to Weston Price Foundation, in the records of 5,000 surgical cavitation cleanings, only two were found healed.
And all of this occurs with few, if any, accompanying symptoms. So you may have an abscessed dead tooth and not know it. This focal infection in the immediate area of the root-canaled tooth is bad enough, but the damage doesn’t stop there.
Root Canals Can Lead to Heart, Kidney, Bone, and Brain Disease
As long as your immune system remains strong, any bacteria that stray away from the infected tooth are captured and destroyed. But once your immune system is weakened by something like an accident or illness or other trauma, your immune system may be unable to keep the infection in check.
These bacteria can migrate out into surrounding tissues by hitching a ride into your blood stream, where they are transported to new locations to set up camp. The new location can be any organ or gland or tissue.
Dr. Price was able to transfer diseases harbored by humans to rabbits, by implanting fragments of root-canaled teeth, as mentioned above. He found that root canal fragments from a person who had suffered a heart attack, when implanted into a rabbit, would cause a heart attack in the rabbit within a few weeks.
He discovered he could transfer heart disease to the rabbit 100 percent of the time! Other diseases were more than 80 percent transferable by this method. Nearly every chronic degenerative disease has been linked with root canals, including:
Heart disease
Kidney disease
Arthritis, joint, and rheumatic diseases
Neurological diseases (including ALS and MS)
Autoimmune diseases (Lupus and more)
There may also be a cancer connection. Dr. Robert Jones, a researcher of therelationship between root canals and breast cancer, found an extremely high correlation between root canals and breast cancer. He claims to have found the following correlations in a five-year study of 300 breast cancer cases:
93 percent of women with breast cancer had root canals
7 percent had other oral pathology
Tumors, in the majority of cases, occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal(s) or other oral pathology
Dr. Jones claims that toxins from the bacteria in an infected tooth or jawbone are able to inhibit the proteins that suppress tumor development. A German physician reported similar findings. Dr. Josef Issels reported that, in his 40 years of treating “terminal” cancer patients, 97 percent of his cancer patients had root canals. If these physicians are correct, the cure for cancer may be as simple as having a tooth pulled, then rebuilding your immune system.
Good Bugs Gone Bad
How are these mutant oral bacteria connected with heart disease or arthritis? The ADA and the AAE claim it’s a “myth” that the bacteria found in and around root-canaled teeth can cause diseasev. But they base that on the misguided assumption that the bacteria in these diseased teeth are the SAME as normal bacteria in your mouth—and that’s clearly not the case.
Today, bacteria can be identified using DNA analysis, whether they’re dead or alive, from their telltale DNA signatures.
In a continuation of Dr. Price’s work, the Toxic Element Research Foundation (TERF) used DNA analysis to examine root-canaled teeth, and they found bacterial contamination in 100 percent of the samples tested. They identified 42 different species of anaerobic bacteria in 43 root canal samples. In cavitations, 67 different bacteria were identified among the 85 samples tested, with individual samples housing between 19 to 53 types of bacteria each. The bacteria they found included the following types:
Are these just benign, ordinary mouth bugs? Absolutely not. Four can affect your heart, three can affect your nerves, two can affect your kidneys, two can affect your brain, and one can infect your sinus cavities… so they are anything BUT friendly! (If you want see just how unfriendly they can be, I invite you to investigate the footnotes.)
Approximately 400 percent more bacteria were found in the blood surrounding the root canal tooth than were found in the tooth itself, suggesting the tooth is the incubatorand the periodontal ligament is the food supply. The bone surrounding root-canaled teeth was found even HIGHER in bacterial count… not surprising, since bone is virtual buffet of bacterial nutrients.
Since When is Leaving A Dead Body Part IN Your Body a Good Idea?
There is no other medical procedure that involves allowing a dead body part to remain in your body. When your appendix dies, it’s removed. If you get frostbite or gangrene on a finger or toe, it is amputated. If a baby dies in utero, the body typically initiates a miscarriage.
Your immune system doesn’t care for dead substances, and just the presence of dead tissue can cause your system to launch an attack, which is another reason to avoid root canals—they leave behind a dead tooth.
Infection, plus the autoimmune rejection reaction, causes more bacteria to collect around the dead tissue. In the case of a root canal, bacteria are given the opportunity to flush into your blood stream every time you bite down.
Why Dentists Cling to the Belief Root Canals are Safe
The ADA rejects Dr. Price’s evidence, claiming root canals are safe, yet they offer no published data or actual research to substantiate their claim. American Heart Association recommends a dose of antibiotics before many routine dental procedures to prevent infective endocarditis (IE) if you have certain heart conditions that predispose you to this type of infection.
So, on the one hand, the ADA acknowledges oral bacteria can make their way from your mouth to your heart and cause a life-threatening infection.
But at the same time, the industry vehemently denies any possibility that these same bacteria—toxic strains KNOWN to be pathogenic to humans—can hide out in your dead root-canaled tooth to be released into your blood stream every time you chew, where they can damage your health in a multitude of ways.
Is this really that large of a leap? Could there be another reason so many dentists, as well as the ADA and the AAE, refuse to admit root canals are dangerous? Well, yes, as a matter of fact, there is. Root canals are the most profitable procedure in dentistry.
What You Need to Know to AVOID a Root Canal
I strongly recommend never getting a root canal. Risking your health to preserve a tooth simply doesn’t make sense. Unfortunately, there are many people who’ve already have one. If you have, you should seriously consider having the tooth removed, even if it looks and feels fine. Remember, as soon as your immune system is compromised, your risk of of developing a serious medical problem increases—and assaults on your immune system are far too frequent in today’s world.
If you have a tooth removed, there are a few options available to you.
Partial denture: This is a removable denture, often just called a “partial.” It’s the simplest and least expensive option.
Bridge: This is a more permanent fixture resembling a real tooth but is a bit more involved and expensive to build.
Implant: This is a permanent artificial tooth, typically titanium, implanted in your gums and jaw. There are some problems with these due to reactions to the metals used. Zirconium is a newer implant material that shows promise for fewer complications.
But just pulling the tooth and inserting some sort of artificial replacement isn’t enough.
Dentists are taught to remove the tooth but leave your periodontal ligament. But as you now know, this ligament can serve as a breeding ground for deadly bacteria. Most experts who’ve studied this recommend removing the ligament, along with one millimeter of the bony socket, in order to drastically reduce your risk of developing an infection from the bacterially infected tissues left behind.
I strongly recommend consulting a biological dentist because they are uniquely trained to do these extractions properly and safely, as well as being adept at removing mercury fillings, if necessary. Their approach to dental care is far more holistic and considers the impact on your entire body—not JUST your mouth.
If you need to find a biological dentist in your area, I recommend visiting, a resource sponsored by Consumers for Dental Choice. This organization, championed by Charlie Brown, is a highly reputable organization that has fought to protect and educate consumers so that they can make better-informed decisions about their dental care. The organization also heads up the Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry.
Source: MERCOLA.COM & Raw For Beauty
Do you have a chronic degenerative disease? If so, have you been told, “It’s all in your head?”
Well, that might not be that far from the truth… the root cause of your illness may be in your mouth.
There is a common dental procedure that nearly every dentist will tell you is completely safe, despite the fact that scientists have been warning of its dangers for more than 100 years.
Every day in the United States alone, 41,000 of these dental procedures are performed on patients who believe they are safely and permanently fixing their problem.
What is this dental procedure?
The root canal.
More than 25 million root canals are performed every year in this country.
Root-canaled teeth are essentially “dead” teeth that can become silent incubators for highly toxic anaerobic bacteria that can, under certain conditions, make their way into your bloodstream to cause a number of serious medical conditions—many not appearing until decades later.
Most of these toxic teeth feel and look fine for many years, which make their role in systemic disease even harder to trace back.
Sadly, the vast majority of dentists are oblivious to the serious potential health risks they are exposing their patients to, risks that persist for the rest of their patients’ lives. The American Dental Association claims root canals have been proven safe, but they have NO published data or actual research to substantiate this claim.
Fortunately, I had some early mentors like Dr. Tom Stone and Dr. Douglas Cook, who educated me on this issue nearly 20 years ago. Were it not for a brilliant pioneering dentist who, more than a century ago, made the connection between root-canaled teeth and disease, this underlying cause of disease may have remained hidden to this day. The dentist’s name was Weston Price—regarded by many as the greatest dentist of all time.
Weston A. Price: World’s Greatest Dentist
Image: Raw For Beauty |
Most dentists would be doing an enormous service to public health if they familiarized themselves with the work of Dr. Weston Pricei. Unfortunately, his work continues to be discounted and suppressed by medical and dental professionals alike.
Dr. Price was a dentist and researcher who traveled the world to study the teeth, bones, and diets of native populations living without the “benefit” of modern food. Around the year 1900, Price had been treating persistent root canal infections and became suspicious that root-canaled teeth always remained infected, in spite of treatments. Then one day, he recommended to a woman, wheelchair bound for six years, to have her root canal tooth extracted, even though it appeared to be fine.
She agreed, so he extracted her tooth and then implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. The rabbit amazingly developed the same crippling arthritis as the woman and died from the infection 10 days later. But the woman, now free of the toxic tooth, immediately recovered from her arthritis and could now walk without even the assistance of a cane.
Price discovered that it’s mechanically impossible to sterilize a root-canaled (e.g. root-filled) tooth.
He then went on to show that many chronic degenerative diseases originate from root-filled teeth—the most frequent being heart and circulatory diseases. He actually found 16 different causative bacterial agents for these conditions. But there were also strong correlations between root-filled teeth and diseases of the joints, brain and nervous system. Dr. Price went on to write two groundbreaking books in 1922 detailing his research into the link between dental pathology and chronic illness. Unfortunately, his work was deliberately buried for 70 years, until finally one endodontist named George Meinig recognized the importance of Price’s work and sought to expose the truth.
Dr. Meinig Advances the Work of Dr. Price
Dr. Meinig, a native of Chicago, was a captain in the U.S. Army during World War II before moving to Hollywood to become a dentist for the stars. He eventually became one of the founding members of the American Association of Endodontists (root canal specialists).
In the 1990s, he spent 18 months immersed in Dr. Price’s research. In June of 1993, Dr. Meinig published the book Root Canal Cover-Up, which continues to be the most comprehensive reference on this topic today. You can order your copy directly from the Price-Pottenger Foundationii.
What Dentists Don’t Know About the Anatomy of Your Teeth
Your teeth are made of the hardest substances in your body.
In the middle of each tooth is the pulp chamber, a soft living inner structure that houses blood vessels and nerves. Surrounding the pulp chamber is the dentin, which is made of living cells that secrete a hard mineral substance. The outermost and hardest layer of your tooth is the white enamel, which encases the dentin.
The roots of each tooth descend into your jawbone and are held in place by the periodontal ligament. In dental school, dentists are taught that each tooth has one to four major canals. However, there are accessory canals that are never mentioned. Literally miles of them!
Just as your body has large blood vessels that branch down into very small capillaries, each of your teeth has a maze of very tiny tubules that, if stretched out, would extend for three miles. Weston Price identified as many as 75 separate accessory canals in a single central incisor (front tooth). For a more detailed explanation, refer to an article by Hal Huggins, DDS, MS, on the Weston A. Price Foundation website.iii (These images are borrowed from the Huggins article.)
Microscopic organisms regularly move in and around these tubules, like gophers in underground tunnels.
When a dentist performs a root canal, he or she hollows out the tooth, then fills the hollow chamber with a substance (called guttapercha), which cuts off the tooth from its blood supply, so fluid can no longer circulate through the tooth. But the maze of tiny tubules remains. And bacteria, cut off from their food supply, hide out in these tunnels where they are remarkably safe from antibiotics and your own body’s immune defenses.
The Root Cause of Much Disease
Under the stresses of oxygen and nutrient deprivation, these formerly friendly organisms morph into stronger, more virulent anaerobes that produce a variety of potent toxins. What were once ordinary, friendly oral bacteria mutate into highly toxic pathogens lurking in the tubules of the dead tooth, just awaiting an opportunity to spread.
No amount of sterilization has been found effective in reaching these tubules—and just about every single root-canaled tooth has been found colonized by these bacteria, especially around the apex and in the periodontal ligament. Oftentimes, the infection extends down into the jawbone where it creates cavitations—areas of necrotic tissue in the jawbone itself.
Cavitations are areas of unhealed bone, often accompanied by pockets of infected tissue and gangrene. Sometimes they form after a tooth extraction (such as a wisdom tooth extraction), but they can also follow a root canal. According to Weston Price Foundation, in the records of 5,000 surgical cavitation cleanings, only two were found healed.
And all of this occurs with few, if any, accompanying symptoms. So you may have an abscessed dead tooth and not know it. This focal infection in the immediate area of the root-canaled tooth is bad enough, but the damage doesn’t stop there.
Root Canals Can Lead to Heart, Kidney, Bone, and Brain Disease
As long as your immune system remains strong, any bacteria that stray away from the infected tooth are captured and destroyed. But once your immune system is weakened by something like an accident or illness or other trauma, your immune system may be unable to keep the infection in check.
These bacteria can migrate out into surrounding tissues by hitching a ride into your blood stream, where they are transported to new locations to set up camp. The new location can be any organ or gland or tissue.
Dr. Price was able to transfer diseases harbored by humans to rabbits, by implanting fragments of root-canaled teeth, as mentioned above. He found that root canal fragments from a person who had suffered a heart attack, when implanted into a rabbit, would cause a heart attack in the rabbit within a few weeks.
He discovered he could transfer heart disease to the rabbit 100 percent of the time! Other diseases were more than 80 percent transferable by this method. Nearly every chronic degenerative disease has been linked with root canals, including:
Heart disease
Kidney disease
Arthritis, joint, and rheumatic diseases
Neurological diseases (including ALS and MS)
Autoimmune diseases (Lupus and more)
There may also be a cancer connection. Dr. Robert Jones, a researcher of therelationship between root canals and breast cancer, found an extremely high correlation between root canals and breast cancer. He claims to have found the following correlations in a five-year study of 300 breast cancer cases:
93 percent of women with breast cancer had root canals
7 percent had other oral pathology
Tumors, in the majority of cases, occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal(s) or other oral pathology
Dr. Jones claims that toxins from the bacteria in an infected tooth or jawbone are able to inhibit the proteins that suppress tumor development. A German physician reported similar findings. Dr. Josef Issels reported that, in his 40 years of treating “terminal” cancer patients, 97 percent of his cancer patients had root canals. If these physicians are correct, the cure for cancer may be as simple as having a tooth pulled, then rebuilding your immune system.
Good Bugs Gone Bad
How are these mutant oral bacteria connected with heart disease or arthritis? The ADA and the AAE claim it’s a “myth” that the bacteria found in and around root-canaled teeth can cause diseasev. But they base that on the misguided assumption that the bacteria in these diseased teeth are the SAME as normal bacteria in your mouth—and that’s clearly not the case.
Today, bacteria can be identified using DNA analysis, whether they’re dead or alive, from their telltale DNA signatures.
In a continuation of Dr. Price’s work, the Toxic Element Research Foundation (TERF) used DNA analysis to examine root-canaled teeth, and they found bacterial contamination in 100 percent of the samples tested. They identified 42 different species of anaerobic bacteria in 43 root canal samples. In cavitations, 67 different bacteria were identified among the 85 samples tested, with individual samples housing between 19 to 53 types of bacteria each. The bacteria they found included the following types:
Are these just benign, ordinary mouth bugs? Absolutely not. Four can affect your heart, three can affect your nerves, two can affect your kidneys, two can affect your brain, and one can infect your sinus cavities… so they are anything BUT friendly! (If you want see just how unfriendly they can be, I invite you to investigate the footnotes.)
Approximately 400 percent more bacteria were found in the blood surrounding the root canal tooth than were found in the tooth itself, suggesting the tooth is the incubatorand the periodontal ligament is the food supply. The bone surrounding root-canaled teeth was found even HIGHER in bacterial count… not surprising, since bone is virtual buffet of bacterial nutrients.
Since When is Leaving A Dead Body Part IN Your Body a Good Idea?
There is no other medical procedure that involves allowing a dead body part to remain in your body. When your appendix dies, it’s removed. If you get frostbite or gangrene on a finger or toe, it is amputated. If a baby dies in utero, the body typically initiates a miscarriage.
Your immune system doesn’t care for dead substances, and just the presence of dead tissue can cause your system to launch an attack, which is another reason to avoid root canals—they leave behind a dead tooth.
Infection, plus the autoimmune rejection reaction, causes more bacteria to collect around the dead tissue. In the case of a root canal, bacteria are given the opportunity to flush into your blood stream every time you bite down.
Why Dentists Cling to the Belief Root Canals are Safe
The ADA rejects Dr. Price’s evidence, claiming root canals are safe, yet they offer no published data or actual research to substantiate their claim. American Heart Association recommends a dose of antibiotics before many routine dental procedures to prevent infective endocarditis (IE) if you have certain heart conditions that predispose you to this type of infection.
So, on the one hand, the ADA acknowledges oral bacteria can make their way from your mouth to your heart and cause a life-threatening infection.
But at the same time, the industry vehemently denies any possibility that these same bacteria—toxic strains KNOWN to be pathogenic to humans—can hide out in your dead root-canaled tooth to be released into your blood stream every time you chew, where they can damage your health in a multitude of ways.
Is this really that large of a leap? Could there be another reason so many dentists, as well as the ADA and the AAE, refuse to admit root canals are dangerous? Well, yes, as a matter of fact, there is. Root canals are the most profitable procedure in dentistry.
What You Need to Know to AVOID a Root Canal
I strongly recommend never getting a root canal. Risking your health to preserve a tooth simply doesn’t make sense. Unfortunately, there are many people who’ve already have one. If you have, you should seriously consider having the tooth removed, even if it looks and feels fine. Remember, as soon as your immune system is compromised, your risk of of developing a serious medical problem increases—and assaults on your immune system are far too frequent in today’s world.
If you have a tooth removed, there are a few options available to you.
Partial denture: This is a removable denture, often just called a “partial.” It’s the simplest and least expensive option.
Bridge: This is a more permanent fixture resembling a real tooth but is a bit more involved and expensive to build.
Implant: This is a permanent artificial tooth, typically titanium, implanted in your gums and jaw. There are some problems with these due to reactions to the metals used. Zirconium is a newer implant material that shows promise for fewer complications.
But just pulling the tooth and inserting some sort of artificial replacement isn’t enough.
Dentists are taught to remove the tooth but leave your periodontal ligament. But as you now know, this ligament can serve as a breeding ground for deadly bacteria. Most experts who’ve studied this recommend removing the ligament, along with one millimeter of the bony socket, in order to drastically reduce your risk of developing an infection from the bacterially infected tissues left behind.
I strongly recommend consulting a biological dentist because they are uniquely trained to do these extractions properly and safely, as well as being adept at removing mercury fillings, if necessary. Their approach to dental care is far more holistic and considers the impact on your entire body—not JUST your mouth.
If you need to find a biological dentist in your area, I recommend visiting, a resource sponsored by Consumers for Dental Choice. This organization, championed by Charlie Brown, is a highly reputable organization that has fought to protect and educate consumers so that they can make better-informed decisions about their dental care. The organization also heads up the Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry.
Source: MERCOLA.COM & Raw For Beauty
How the "silver" fillings your dentist gives you are killing you
Jonathan Landsman and Dr. David Kennedy, an outspoken and intelligent critic of conventional dentistry revels the scientific proof about how mercury-based “silver” fillings cause many of the most serious health conditions of our time. If you or someone you love has mercury fillings – in the mouth – I urge you to take the time and watch this video – now.
In fact, Dr. Kennedy makes one of the boldest comments I’ve ever heard about the dangers of mercury toward the end of the video. I’m sure you’ll agree – Dr. Kennedy is a blessing to humanity for his tireless efforts.
Source: Natural News
Study Reveals Shocking Amount of Mercury in Many Foods we Eat
According to The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency: Mercury poses a health risk to everybody but especially to young children and fetuses because they’re still developing. Prolonged low level exposure may cause learning disabilities by hurting the ability of children to think and read. Adults who have been exposed to high levels of mercury may experience trembling hands and numbness or tingling in their lips, tongues, fingers, and toes. Acute mercury poisoning especially through ingestion, can damage the brain, liver, kidneys, and even cause death.
(Natural News)…Research published in Environmental Health and conducted in part by a scientist at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy has revealed that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is contaminated with the toxic heavy metal mercury. [...] (source)
High-fructose corn syrup is used in almost everything, it seems. A second study conducted by David Wallinga, M.D., entitled “Not So Sweet: Missing Mercury and High Fructose Corn Syrup” reveals that nearly one-third of all grocery items sweetened with HFCS were contaminated with mercury. [...]
Most people don’t know how high-fructose corn syrup is really made. One of those processes is a bizarre chemical brew involving the creation of caustic soda by exposing raw materials to pools of electrified mercury in a large vat. Through this process, the caustic soda gets contaminated with mercury, and when corn kernels are exposed to this caustic soda to break them down, that contamination is passed through to the HFCS.
Another toxic chemical, glutaraldehyde, is also used in the production of HFCS. It’s so toxic that consuming even a small amount of it can burn a hole in your stomach.
But don’t worry: The Corn Refiners Association insists that HFCS is a “natural” ingredient, and their Chicago-based PR firm Weber Shandwick is now also claiming that HFCS has been declared “natural” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It hasn’t really, of course, but that doesn’t stop the press releases from claiming it has. (If you think a liquid sugar processed with glutaraldehyde and contaminated with mercury is “natural,” then you’ve been duped. There’s nothing natural about a processed food ingredient made with toxic chemicals.)
A Weber Shandwick representative calls me every time I post an article about HFCS, by the way, usually with demands that I remove the entire article. I’ve invited the Corn Refiners Association to a phone interview to defend their position that HFCS doesn’t cause diabetes or obesity, and to answer questions about whether HFCS is really “natural.” So far, they have declined to be interviewed. It seems they don’t want to face real questions from an honest journalist who refuses to be censored by powerful corporations.
One thing I’ve got to say about the Corn Refiners Association is that they have a well-funded PR machine running around the internet trying to make everybody remove stories that say anything negative about HFCS.
I’ve noticed that the Corn Refiners Association is a master at spinning the truth. For example, the president of the CRA, Audrae Erickson, said this in a statement responding to the mercury findings: “Our industry has used mercury-free versions of the two reagents mentioned in the study, hydrochloric acid and caustic soda, for several years.”
Well sure, that’s true. But what is Erickson NOT saying? She’s not saying that ALL the HFCS is made without mercury. She just says that somewhere in the industry, somebody is using a mercury-free version of the caustic soda. That doesn’t mean all the HFCS is mercury free, yet if you don’t read her statement carefully, you might be misled into thinking that. Her statement, in fact, leaves open the possibility that 99% of all HFCS might still be manufactured using mercury.
Note carefully that Erickson does not say all HFCS sold in the U.S. is free from mercury. Instead, she makes a clever statement that results in most readers assuming that’s what she means. The CRA is well known for using this kind of language spin tactics.
NaturalNews challenges the CRA to state that all HFCS is free from mercury.
Sources: Real Farmacy &
Image: |
(Natural News)…Research published in Environmental Health and conducted in part by a scientist at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy has revealed that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is contaminated with the toxic heavy metal mercury. [...] (source)
High-fructose corn syrup is used in almost everything, it seems. A second study conducted by David Wallinga, M.D., entitled “Not So Sweet: Missing Mercury and High Fructose Corn Syrup” reveals that nearly one-third of all grocery items sweetened with HFCS were contaminated with mercury. [...]
Most people don’t know how high-fructose corn syrup is really made. One of those processes is a bizarre chemical brew involving the creation of caustic soda by exposing raw materials to pools of electrified mercury in a large vat. Through this process, the caustic soda gets contaminated with mercury, and when corn kernels are exposed to this caustic soda to break them down, that contamination is passed through to the HFCS.
Another toxic chemical, glutaraldehyde, is also used in the production of HFCS. It’s so toxic that consuming even a small amount of it can burn a hole in your stomach.
But don’t worry: The Corn Refiners Association insists that HFCS is a “natural” ingredient, and their Chicago-based PR firm Weber Shandwick is now also claiming that HFCS has been declared “natural” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It hasn’t really, of course, but that doesn’t stop the press releases from claiming it has. (If you think a liquid sugar processed with glutaraldehyde and contaminated with mercury is “natural,” then you’ve been duped. There’s nothing natural about a processed food ingredient made with toxic chemicals.)
A Weber Shandwick representative calls me every time I post an article about HFCS, by the way, usually with demands that I remove the entire article. I’ve invited the Corn Refiners Association to a phone interview to defend their position that HFCS doesn’t cause diabetes or obesity, and to answer questions about whether HFCS is really “natural.” So far, they have declined to be interviewed. It seems they don’t want to face real questions from an honest journalist who refuses to be censored by powerful corporations.
One thing I’ve got to say about the Corn Refiners Association is that they have a well-funded PR machine running around the internet trying to make everybody remove stories that say anything negative about HFCS.
I’ve noticed that the Corn Refiners Association is a master at spinning the truth. For example, the president of the CRA, Audrae Erickson, said this in a statement responding to the mercury findings: “Our industry has used mercury-free versions of the two reagents mentioned in the study, hydrochloric acid and caustic soda, for several years.”
Well sure, that’s true. But what is Erickson NOT saying? She’s not saying that ALL the HFCS is made without mercury. She just says that somewhere in the industry, somebody is using a mercury-free version of the caustic soda. That doesn’t mean all the HFCS is mercury free, yet if you don’t read her statement carefully, you might be misled into thinking that. Her statement, in fact, leaves open the possibility that 99% of all HFCS might still be manufactured using mercury.
Note carefully that Erickson does not say all HFCS sold in the U.S. is free from mercury. Instead, she makes a clever statement that results in most readers assuming that’s what she means. The CRA is well known for using this kind of language spin tactics.
NaturalNews challenges the CRA to state that all HFCS is free from mercury.
Sources: Real Farmacy &
Forms To Exempt Your Child From Forced Vaccinations
Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:
The Tuberculin Purified Protein Derivative (Mantoux skin test). TubersolT determines that a person has been previously exposed to or had a previous infection by M. tuberculosis or a variety of non-tuberculosis bacteria. A positive reaction may also represent an allergic reaction to the components of the test. It cannot tell whether a person has active tuberculosis disease.
TubersolT contains Tween 80T as preservatives. A very recent study (December, 2005) discovered that Tween 80T , also known as polysorbate 80, can cause anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal reaction characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure, hives, and breathing difficulties in persons previously exposed. Researchers concluded that the anaphylactic reaction was not a typical allergic response caused by histamines and IgE antibodies, but it was caused by a serious disruption that had occurred within the immune system. REF: Coors, Esther A, et. al. "Polysorbate 80 in medical products and nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions." Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. 95 (2005): 593-599.
There is no tuberculosis epidemic in ___________________________[city] to warrant the mandate of such testing.
There is no tuberculosis crisis at the ___________________________ to warrant the mandate of such testing.
Symptoms commensurate with tuberculosis are known to be:
The CDC reports the following persons represent these high-risk categories for contracting TB:
Those coming into close contact with persons known or suspected to have TB
Foreign-born persons from areas where TB is common: Asia, Africa, or Latin America
Elderly persons (over 65 yrs.)
Health care worker who serves high risk patients-AIDS, TB, indigent
Healthcare worker in close contact with medically underserved, low income populations
I am not an Intravenous Drug Abusers
Vaccine Refusal / Exemption Forms
Below, you will find a right to refuse vaccinations form that we typically use. We have this one displayed for you to copy and paste. We also have the right to refuse Hep B in hospital for newborn as well as a right to refuse a TB test (refusal forms below). Please realize that should you sign one of the vaccination refusal forms from your doctor's office or the hospital, you may be acknowledging that you are putting your child's life in danger. Read the forms very carefully and do not acknowledge anything that states vaccines saves lives, are necessary for health, etc. When these in-office or in-hospital refusal forms are signed by parents they could be used against parents for endangerment of a child by Child Protective Services.
Vaccine Refusal Form
We, _________________________, hereby state that we have chosen not to vaccinate our child,_________________ because we are philosophically opposed to the concept of vaccines.
We maintain this is a responsible and ethically justifiable position for the following reasons:
-vaccination is a medical intervention performed on a healthy child that has the ability to result in injury or death of that child;
-the fact that there can be no guarantee that the deliberate introduction of killed or live microorganisms into the body of a healthy child will not compromise the health or cause the death of that child, either immediately or in the future;
-no predictors have been identified by medical science that can give advance warning that injury or death may occur in any individual child;
-there are no guarantees that the vaccine will indeed protect the child from contracting a disease;
-there is an absence of adequate scientific knowledge regarding the way vaccines singly, or in combination, act in the human body at the cellular and molecular level.
Therefore, we believe that vaccination is a medical procedure that could reasonably be termed as experimental each time it is performed on a healthy child.
Our state law makes provisions for non-vaccination of children whose parents object to vaccines for religious or philosophical reasons. We accept full responsibility for the health of our child, and because of philosophical conviction, do not wish our child vaccinated. In the event of any infectious condition, our child would of course remain at home. We further understand that during the course of an outbreak of any so called "vaccine preventable disease" would occur at your facility, our child is subject to exclusion from your facility for the duration of the outbreak.
________________________________________ | _______________________ Date |
________________________________________ | _______________________ Date |
Hep B In-Hospital Vaccination Refusal
DATE: __________________________
To All Doctors and hospital personnel:
This is to inform you that we are refusing the hepatitis B shot for our new born baby.
This letter is intended to supersede any consent, implied or otherwise, to papers signed at the time of, or before, hospital admission for the birth of our child.
The legal position on this is clear: however convinced a doctor-or nurse-may be that certain a treatment is in a patient's best interest, no medical treatment may be given without the patient's consent.
We want to be very clearly understood: we do NOT give consent for the vaccine to be given.
_________________________________________, mother
_________________________________________, father
TB Testing
To Whom It May Concern:
I hereby declare that, I, ____________________________________, withhold my consent on Tuberculosis screening on the grounds that such testing is in violation of my United States of America Constitutional 1st Amendment Right to religious freedom. It would be a violation of my religious beliefs to knowingly contaminate the body with inorganic and/or organic substances, such as the mycoplasma antigens, that can cause injury, illness, or other harm to my well-being.
I further assert the following:
- Coughing up blood/ Chest infection
- Severe weight loss
- Night sweats
- Constant exhaustion
- Loss of appetite
I, _______________________ have not exhibited any of these of symptoms. There is no reason to suspect that I may be infected with Tuberculosis.
I, _______________________ do not fall into any of these categories. The chance that I may be infected with Tuberculosis is minute and thus, provides no basis to suspect I may be infected with Tuberculosis.
Overall, I am a healthy adult who poses no serious, infectious health threat to others. My overall good health has been confirmed during visits to my primary physician and other healthcare givers.
I have included these assertions to show that by not being tested for Tuberculosis, I pose no
threat to the health and well-being of others here at
Notary Public:
__________________________ ______________________
Signature Date
__________________________ ______________________
City, State My Commission expires
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