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"We feed our daughter cannabis to stop her thousands of seizures each week"

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Parents say toddler can now walk and talk for the first time thanks to treatment.

Charlotte Figi has Dravet syndrome - a rare and severe form of epilepsy
She suffered from thousands of seizures every week and couldn't walk
In desperation, her parents tried treating her with medical marijuana
After just a few months she started walking and talking for the first time
Her seizures have also almost completely stopped

Doctors told Paige and Matt Figi that their daughter, Charlotte, would not survive much longer after she was diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy.
But after years of researching possible cures, her desperate parents have resorted to feeding her marijuana - after stumbling across the controversial treatment online.

‘But we were desperate and Matt practically begged me to try it. We had tried everything else and nothing was able to help our daughter.
‘But after just one treatment, we were astounded - I couldn't believe the effect it had on Charlotte.
‘She's like a totally different girl. We never thought that marijuana would help us give our daughter a chance at life.’

Six-year-old Charlotte had her first seizures when she was just three-months-old, she had a normal birth and has a twin sister.
Within a week, she had started to suffer from violent seizures several times a day. 
She was eventually diagnosed with Dravet syndrome - a rare and catastrophic form of epilepsy that begins in infancy.
Children with the condition tend to develop normally as babies but progress starts to plateau in the second year of life.

There is currently no cure and treatment options are limited - they mainly involve using anti-epilepsy drugs to treat the seizures.
Little is known about the long term prognosis of people with Dravet syndrome.
Mrs Figi, from Denver, Colorado, said: ‘We tried every medication possible to help stop the seizures and Charlotte was having thousands of small seizures a day.
‘Matt was serving in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan, so I was struggling to look after our children alone.
‘By the age of five, Charlotte was having a 300 seizures a week and had lost the ability to walk, talk and eat.
‘Matt was back and forth from Afghanistan throughout Charlotte's life, he had to eventually leave the military because he couldn't keep flying back during missions and training.
‘The doctors told us to prepare for her death - they told us that she wouldn't pull through.’
At this point, Mr Figi stumbled across an article online that claimed a child with the same condition as Charlotte had been treated effectively with cannabis.
Mrs Figi said: ‘We were so desperate, Matt had heard of another child with the same condition who had used cannabis to help dramatically reduce the child's seizures.
‘When we first gave her the cannabis oil she went from having hundreds of seizures a day to none. 
‘She went for seven days without a twitch. It was unbelievable.

‘She now only has a few seizures a week.
The oil is extracted from the cannabis leaf using alcohol. This is then diluted to a precise dosage.
‘Charlotte receives cannabis oil under her tongue, twice a day. The exact dosage is carefully measured and strictly controlled.’
Mrs Figi has been in contact with the Stanley brothers who run a non-profit organisation, called the Realm of Caring Foundation, which provides cannabis to adults and children suffering from epilepsy, cancer, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's, who cannot afford it.

The six brothers have been working for years cross-breeding a strain of marijuana that has medicinal properties but does not trigger psychoactivity or induce a 'high'.
According to CNN, the strain is low in tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the compound in marijuana that is s psychoactive. 
It is also high in cannabidiol, or CBD, which has medicinal properties but no psychoactivity. Scientists think the CBD quiets the excessive electrical and chemical activity in the brain that causes seizures.
Mrs Figi recalls: ‘Joe and his family were really nervous and apprehensive to treat Charlotte as she was the youngest patient they had ever had.
‘I had to assure them that it would be okay and that I had already had to sign a do not resuscitate order.
‘After a month of success they changed the name of the strain to Charlotte's Web, which I think is a great name for it.

‘The Stanley brothers do it for very little money and sell the cannabis for pennies.’
Parents all over the U.S. have been inundating Mrs Figi with phone calls and emails expressing their hope for a possible remedy to the syndrome.
She said: ‘Over 200 paediatric patients will be trying Charlotte's Web in the next few weeks, we expect there will be thousands soon.
‘I don't have a political agenda, I just want parents to be able to treat and help their children.
‘Parents need access to this medicine as soon as possible.’
Medical marijuana is currently legal in 20 U.S. states

Phoenix Rising: The Story of Rick Simpson

Natural Cures Not Medicine proudly presents this New film about Rick Simpson!

-- Please share this with your favorite TV stations and demand that they broadcast it. This is TV quality, three series, about as professional as you can get (Chris knows what he is doing, he has worked on many many projects and documentaries and you have most likely watched some of them, for instance on History channel). There is no reason why your TV station should not broadcast it. Thank you for your help in getting this documentary on your TV screens as soon as possible. JB

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How to Naturally Protect Yourself from Fukushima Radiation

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You might recognize the name Fukushima – just a couple years ago, a massive tsunami hit the nuclear power plants on Fukushima’s coast, which led to major radioactive leaks into the atmosphere and ocean. The government, and regulation authorities told the public “not to worry,” and that the levels of radiation were not harmful – well, they were wrong.

Just a few weeks ago, Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority raised the rating of radioactive water leak  from the Fukushima nuclear power plant to Level 3, making this incident much more serious than previously imagined (on an international scale of radioactivity). They upgraded the level from Level 1 (which was initially assigned to a leak of 300 tons of radiation-contaminated water from a tank at the Fukushima plant).

This level of radiation, now labelled as “serious threat” (level 0 being no threat to level 7 being the highest threat) should be taken into consideration, especially when it comes to diet. There are many harmful effects of radiation, and many of them go unnoticed in the body. Even over time, a low level of radiation exposure can lead to major digestive imbalances, blood alterations and destruction of tissue and organ systems at a cellular level. Symptoms may include things such as fatigue, headaches, nausea, scalp issues, and dry/itchy skin – in more extreme cases (aka. if you lived in Fukushima, or within a couple mile radius of the disaster), symptoms may include mood changes, memory problems, brain damage, attention disorders and slowed information processing and psychomotor abilities.

In particular, our circulatory and reproductive systems are incredibly sensitive to any level of radiation – the effect is reduced blood lymphocytes which can lead to higher incidence of body infections (also known as “mild radiation sickness”) – symptoms are often flu-like and can increase your likelihood of developing cancers of the blood (leukaemia and lymphoma) in the future. Long-term radiation exposure can affect our reproductive system, leading to birth defects and still-births (as well as infertility).

Here is a list of 10 foods which can be used to help protect your body against the harmful effects of radiation:

Helps remove heavy metals from the blood stream. It draws lead, uranium and mercury from your organs and blood which helps assist the kidneys in flushing out your system.

Red Beets
Studies have shown that beets can help aid the body in rebuilding damaged haemoglobin. With radiation exposure, haemoglobin gets broken down, so it is important to protect our blood systems at all costs. Eating beets has actually been found to help absorb and detox radioactive isotopes in studies with animals.

Dandelion is an amazing plant! Most of us don’t think twice when we rip them out of our lawns because they are considered “weeds” and not “aesthetically pleasing” but these plants are detox miracles. It helps keep free radicals at bay and ensures a healthy functioning liver (which ensures that toxins are properly eliminated from the body).

Apples & Sunflower Seeds
Apples and sunflower seeds contain high levels of pectin which helps to bind and remove radioactive residues from the body. Particularly, these two foods protect against caesium-137 which collects in the endocrine glands, pancreas, thymus and heart. Caesium-137 emits gamma rays, as well as beta rays which are incredibly toxic to the cells in our body. Consuming plenty of apples, and a healthy amount of sunflower seeds is a perfect snack addition to your day, and can help protect your body from radiation.

Burdock Root
This root helps remove radioactive isotopes from the body! Consuming 1-4 ounces (120-300 grams) of fresh burdock root, whether lightly cooked in a tea infusion or juiced using a juicer (this is the best method, because raw is always best – enzymes are not destroyed) can help reverse and prevent the DNA damage done by radiation.

Leafy Greens
All greens contain the molecule chlorophyll which is incredibly alkaline and helps provide protection from radiation damage. Since the early 1950s, studies have proven the miraculous effects of chlorophyll and radiation. These effects are even greater when darker green vegetables like mustard greens, and alfalfa leaves as well as kale and collards are used. Consuming two or more green vegetables together gives the greatest radiation resistance.

Glucosides in buckwheat can help protect from radiation exposure, if consumed before radiation exposure has occurred. Cereal grasses help to cleanse our bodies of radiation in a similar way that other green foods do like leafy greens (rich in chlorophyll) and blue-green algae.

A great way to protect and treat yourself from radiation is ginseng! Ginseng’s ability to help heal radiation damage is still being studied, but preliminary studies have pointed to the conclusion that it is a wonderful healing agent for any type of radiation exposure. Consuming between 100 to 200mg of ginseng twice per day was found to help speed up recovery of individuals exposed to radiation (healing of bone marrow, skin, internal organs and blood cells).

Compounds in rosemary fight against the mutagenic effects of radiation. Studies have shown that the carnosic acid and carnosol found in rosemary allows it to provide this anti-mutagenic effect. As well, rosemary was found in another study to be 3.34 times better at protecting against radiation effects than a variety of other compounds studied.

Sources: Live Love Fruit

GMO Giants Suing to Overturn EU Bee-Killing Pesticide Ban

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Bayer has just sued the European Commission to overturn a ban on the pesticides that are killing millions of bees around the world. A huge public push won this landmark ban only months ago -- and we can't sit back and let Big Pesticide overturn it while the bees vanish.

Bayer and Syngenta, two of the world's largest chemical corporations, claim that the ban is "unjustified" and "disproportionate." But clear scientific evidence shows their products are behind the massive bee die-off that puts our entire food chain in peril.

Just last month, 37 million bees were discovered dead on a single Canadian farm. And unless we act now, the bees will keep dying. We have to show Bayer now that we won't tolerate it putting its profits ahead of our planet's health. If this giant corporation manages to bully Europe into submission, it would spell disaster for the bees.

Sign the petition to tell Bayer and Syngenta to drop their bee-killing lawsuits here:


Organic Farmers Are Suing Monsanto Over Genetic Patents

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For Immediate Release
Jim Gerritsen
(207) 429-9765
Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association
American Farmers Appeal to U.S. Supreme Court to Seek Protection from Genetic Contamination and Invalidate Monsanto's Patents on Genetically Engineered Crops

New York - September 5, 2013 - A group of 73 American organic and conventional family farmers, seed businesses and public advocacy groups asked the U.S. Supreme Court today to hear their case against Monsanto Company challenging the chemical and biotech seed giant's patents on genetically engineered seed. In Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) et al v. Monsanto, the plaintiffs have been forced to sue preemptively to protect themselves from being accused of patent infringement should their fields ever become contaminated by Monsanto's genetically engineered seed, something Monsanto has done to others in the past.

In a June 10th ruling earlier this year, a three-judge panel at the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled that a group of organic and otherwise non-GMO farmer and seed company plaintiffs are not entitled to bring a lawsuit to protect themselves from Monsanto's transgenic seed patents "because Monsanto has made binding assurances that it will not 'take legal action against growers whose crops might inadvertently contain traces of Monsanto biotech genes (because, for example, some transgenic seed or pollen blew onto the grower's land).'"

"While the Court of Appeals correctly found that the farmers and seed sellers had standing to challenge Monsanto's invalid patents, it incorrectly found that statements made by Monsanto's lawyers during the lawsuit mooted the case," said Daniel Ravicher, Executive Director of the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) and lead counsel to the plaintiffs in OSGATA et al v. Monsanto. "As a result, we have asked the Supreme Court to take the case and reinstate the right of the plaintiffs to seek full protection from Monsanto's invalid transgenic seed patents."

The Petition filed today by lawyers for the family farmers may be found here.

The plaintiffs brought the pre-emptive case against Monsanto in March 2011 and specifically seek to defend themselves from nearly two dozen of Monsanto's most aggressively asserted patents on GMO seed. They were forced to act pre-emptively to protect themselves from Monsanto's abusive lawsuits, fearing that if GMO seed contaminates their property despite their efforts to prevent such contamination, Monsanto will sue them for patent infringement.

"We have been farming for almost forty years and we have never wanted anything to do with Monsanto," said Jim Gerritsen, an organic seed farmer in Maine and President of lead PlaintiffOSGATA.  "We believe we have the right to farm and grow good food the way we choose.  We don't think it's fair that Monsanto can trespass onto our farm, cjim gerritsenontaminate and ruin our crops and then sue us for infringing on their patent rights.  We don't want one penny from Monsanto. American farmers deserve their day in Court so we can prove to the world Monsanto's genetically engineered patents are invalid and that farmers deserve protection from Monsanto's abuse."

In the case, the plaintiffs are asking the courts to declare that if organic farmers are ever contaminated by Monsanto's genetically engineered seed, they need not fear also being accused of patent infringement. One reason justifying this result is that Monsanto's patents on genetically engineered seed are invalid because they don't meet the "usefulness" requirement of patent law, according to Ravicher. Evidence cited in the plaintiffs' court filings proves that genetically engineered seed has negative economic and health effects, while the promised benefits of genetically engineered seed - increased production and decreased herbicide use - are false.

As Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story wrote in 1817, to be patentable, an invention must not be "injurious to the well-being, good policy, or sound morals of society," and "a new invention to poison people ... is not a patentable invention."  Because transgenic seed, and in particular Monsanto's transgenic seed, is "injurious to the well-being, good policy, or sound morals of society" and threatens to "poison people," Monsanto's transgenic seed patents are all invalid.

With the rapid adoption of Monsanto's genetically engineered seed technology, America's farmers have been faced with a rampant rise in superweeds, with more than 49% of U.S. farmers reporting glyphosate-resistant weeds on their farm in 2012, up from 34% that farmers reported in 2011. In addition, scientists are reporting the growing failures of Monsanto's genetically engineered insecticide-corn, with reports from scientists in the Midwestern corn belt states detailing the rise of super insects becoming resistant to the genetically engineered Bt toxin, leaving farmers vulnerable to the voracious corn rootworm, the number one threat to corn farmers.

"For the past twenty years, Monsanto has used its political and financial power to foist a deeply flawed technology on America's farmers, consistently underestimating the real risks of genetic engineering while putting America's farmers, the environment and the public in harm's way simply in the name of profit," said Dave Murphy, founder and executive director of Food Democracy Now!, a grassroots movement of more than 650,000 farmers and citizens. "As the leading arbiters of justice in the U.S., it behooves the Supreme Court to hear this important case to protect America's farmers from abusive patent infringement lawsuits and invalidate Monsanto's flawed patents as their products have been shown to be damaging to human health and the environment and failed to live up to the marketing hype."

Complete background on the OSGATA et al v. Monsanto lawsuit is available here.
About OSGATA: The Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association is a not-for-profit agricultural organization comprised of organic farmers, seed growers, seed businesses and supporters. OSGATA is committed to developing, promoting, and protecting organic seed and it's growers in order to ensure the organic community has access to excellent quality organic seed free of contaminants and adapted to the diverse needs of local organic agriculture. 

Eco-Groups Suing Obama Admin Over GMO Crops In Wildlife Refuges

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By Mike Ludwig, Truthout

Environmental advocates are once again suing the Obama administration to stop the farming of genetically engineered crops in national wildlife refuges, this time in five refuges in four Midwestern states.

In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in federal court, the environmental groups charge that the US Fish and Wildlife Service unlawfully entered into farming contracts to grow genetically engineered crops at national wildlife refuges in Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois without completing an environmental impact review required by federal law.

The Fish and Wildlife Service has allowed farming on national wildlife refuges for decades, and environmentalists claim agriculture has harmful impacts on wildlife, biodiversity and native grasses in the refuges. In recent years, farmers have switched to genetically engineered crops - also known as genetically modified organisms, or GMOs - that are altered to produce or be resistant to pesticides...



Top 10 Reasons to Bring your Kids to the Farmers Market

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The Farmers Market is a great place to bring your kids for so many reasons! The Farmers Market allows you to provide your family with wholesome, healthy food while supporting your local community at the same time.

Here's the reality- Family farmers need your support! Now that large agribusiness dominates food production in the U.S., small family farms have a hard time competing in the food marketplace. Buying directly from farmers gives them a better return for their produce and gives them a fighting chance in today’s globalized economy.

And health-wise, your doing your family a great favor! Much of the food found in grocery stores is highly processed and grown using pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and genetic modification (GMOs). Some of it has been irradiated, waxed, or gassed in transit. These practices may have negative effects on human health. In contrast, most food found at the farmers market is minimally processed, and many of our farmers go to great lengths to grow the most nutritious produce possible by using sustainable techniques, picking produce right before the market, and growing heirloom varieties. (Make sure to ask each farmer about their growing practices. We've found that most sustainable farmers enjoy talking about their love for the soil and the great lengths they go to produce healthy, pesticide free food!)

Top 10 Reasons to Bring your Kids to the Farmers Market


1. Develop healthy emotional eating habits.

One of the biggest myths about emotional eating is that it's prompted by negative feelings. Yes, people often turn to food when they're stressed out, lonely, sad, anxious, or bored.

But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too! It's no accident that McDonald's named their kids deal a "Happy Meal"! They do this to form a lifelong emotional bond between being happy and eating at McD's, and it works!

You can beat the fast food marketing guru's at their own game. Simply swap out the fast food and replace it with a fun day at the Farmers Market! Do this on a regular basis and your kids will start to equate healthy real food with those happy family days at the market.

Here's a great article on 7 Steps to Become a Conscious Eater

2. Connect kids with "real food"

There is a huge disconnect between most Americans and their food. For the most part, we've stopped questioning where our food comes from, how it is raised and if it is good for our health. To a large extent, this is why our supermarkets shelves are lined with so many boxes of processed junk. And most of it is Genetically Modified (GMOs). We are the ones buying it so they keep making it!

We can break that cycle with our kids and the Farmers Market provides a great opportunity to further the food connection discussion. It's much more effective when you practice what you preach. Buying from local sustainable farmers reinforces the message.

3. Talk with real farmers 

As you know, kids are naturally curious. This is a good match because farming is really amazing. Think about it: plant seeds in dirt, add water, get vegetables! Of course there's a lot more to it than that.

As we mentioned above, a lot of the farmers we meet are very proud of the work they do and they're very happy to talk about it. With a little coaching (if necessary) you're kids can ask some great questions, like- Why are you a farmer? What's your favorite things to grow? What's that hardest thing to grow? The easiest? Do you use chemicals or pesticides? Why, or why not?

A cool side-effect of this is that the next time you go to the market your kids will remember the farmers. It's great to make new friends, especially when their doing something as important as growing your food.

4. Let them buy their own food

If we really want to teach our kids about the value of real food, they should know how to shop for it

Depending on your kids age(s), give them a few bucks to buy some of their own food to bring home. This in itself is a great learning experience. Will they think long and hard about what to buy? Or will they buy the first thing they see? Learning to shop wisely and consider all the options is a great skill to have.

And let's be honest, if we really want to teach our kids about the value of real food, they should know how to shop for it!

PS- If you have young kids, instead of actually shopping maybe you can just let them give the money to farmer. Little kids (and the farmer) will probably enjoy this!

5. Cook the food you bought at home

Getting kids involved in cooking is great. Basic cooking skills open so many choices for them later in life and alleviate them of the need to buy ready made, highly processed meals. But it's not always easy.

Cooking the food you just bought, or the food THEY just bought if you followed the step above, makes this a whole lot easier. It's the next logical step- "We bought these veggies from the nice farmer, now we get to cook them!"

For snack ideas, check this out: Quick Clean Eating: 40 Non-Processed Snacks for Busy Moms!

6. Introduce new foods

Face it, some kids are just picky eaters. The 3 steps above may have a profound effect on their willingness to even TRY something new, right? Let's go through this- We met the farmer, learned about how they grew this, we bought it, we took it home and now we cooked it. It's just natural to want to taste it!

7. Learn about nutrition

For older kids, the Farmers Market provides an opportunity to learn about nutrition and why real foods are so important to maintain a healthy body. If your kids compete in sports, you can teach them why nutrients will make them better athletes. Even if they don't play sports they can understand that real food is packed with vitamins and minerals that make them stronger, smarter and healthier.

Additionally you'll be able to choose non-GMO foods and support non-GMO farmers.

8. Get away from the screens

TV screens, computer screens, iPad screens, phone screens- ARghhhh! Yes, I know you are reading this on a screen (unless somebody printed it for you). Screens are awesome but they have their time and place. Food has a huge impact on childhood obesity but at the same time most kids are on their butts too many hours per day.

Do we really have to watch Lion King one more time? The Farmers Market is a great excuse to bust away from the TV, or Xbox or Facebook, Instagram, - whatever, and get some fresh air.

9. Family bonding

A trip to the Farmers Market provides a great way to spend time together as a family. It's easy to enjoy each others company when you're doing something healthy. With little kids you can play fun games like finding food that's different colors or shapes. With older kids try a scavenger hunt and offer a family prize if the goal is hit.

It may take a little work (and a bribe or two) but the market can be a fun family outing. Who knows, you may end up creating one of those fond memories that your kids can carry and pass on to their kids. How great would that be!

10. Teach the importance of community

The growing number of farmers markets in the United States gives us hope. They serve not only as a way for people to purchase local food but also as a chance for them to connect with others within their communities. Buying local promotes a sense of pride in you home town.

Farmers markets allow you to teach your kids that they can make a difference by voting with their dollars. When you shop at a large grocery store chain, a fraction of your dollars stay local. Supporting local farmers keeps the money in your community where it can be reinvested for the good of the town.

Ready to find some farmers markets?

Here's a great farmers market directory to help you. It's like Yelp, but only for locally grown food!

 Enter your zip code or the name of your city at Eat Local Grown

How To Grow An Organic Salad Garden For The Whole Family

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A bowl of fresh salad greens is always a welcome addition for dinner. Growing your own lettuce is a snap. You will get the freshest, tastiest and most nutritious greens, and you can have a constant supply for many months out of the year.
Image: Real Farmacy

A small raised bed is ideal for this. It will be cleaner, easier to maintain and harvest, and provide the best soil conditions for plants. Patio containers do well enough, but they dry out faster than a garden bed. The bigger the container, the better.

The optimal size bed for a salad garden is 4’ x 4’ square, which allows for easy reach from all sides. This area should provide plenty of salad greens for a small family.

Many things can be used to frame the bed, from straw bales to cinder blocks to wood to rock edging. It should be at least 8” tall. Try to find a locally-produced source of high quality garden soil with compost, worm castings, or well-rotted manure mixed in. A bit of organic granular fertilizer  will help too. Bagged garden soil from the big box stores is not ideal, being a lifeless substrate suffused with chemical fertilizers.
Locate the salad garden in a spot that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight and is close to a source of water. If you’re in a hot climate, try to give it some afternoon shade. Do not put landscape fabric underneath the bed, as this will impede beneficial earthworms and prevent natural soil mixing. Cardboard can be laid over grass, which will smother vegetation but decompose fairly quickly and add organic matter.

Now, on to planting the salad garden. Leaf lettuce is ideal for the home gardener with little space, because you can keep picking the outer leaves and it keeps growing. While head lettuce is great, it takes longer to mature, is more finicky, and is harvested once.

Try to find leaf lettuce varieties that are recommended for your climate. Plant a couple of different types, such as Buttercrunch and Romaine lettuce, which will give you different textures. Include a red leafed variety for a color splash.

It is best to grow leaf lettuce from seed. Simply sow three seeds every six inches and cover with a very thin sprinkling of soil. Lettuce seeds need to “see the sunlight” to sprout. Water lightly every day.  They will take 10-14 days to sprout, but once they begin growing it won’t be long before harvest time. Pick the outer leaves and let the plants keep growing.

And finally, time your plantings 3 weeks apart for an extended harvest. Plant the northern half of the bed first, then plant the southern half three weeks later. Plant in a diamond pattern (3 seeds 6 inches apart) for optimal use of space.

If the lettuce goes from dark green to light green, fertilize with organic fish emulsion every couple of weeks. To add some diversity to your salad, plant long-lasting kale or Swiss chard in the “back” (the northern side) of the bed. Perhaps set aside one row for radish, which sprouts and grows quickly, for a spicy crunch in the salad.


How to get the Benefits of Soy without the Health Risks

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Who hasn’t heard of the marvels of soy? The marketing bandwagon has touted soy as the next perfect health food for decades. In fact, its health benefits have been aggressively pushed in advertisements on national TV.
And from 1992 to 2006, soy food sales increased from $300 million to nearly $4 billion!i That just goes to show that soy has fast become synonymous with healthy eating.
But could something that sounds so healthy be actually dangerous? Before you take another bite of tofu and another gulp of flavored soy milk, we believe you should read another side of the soy story. Read the report How to Get the Benefits of Soy Without All the Health Risks.


Asians consume large amounts of soy, that’s why they lead long, healthy lives.

The report How to Get the Benefits of Soy Without All the Health Risks tells you that they are consuming far less soy than Americans! In fact a Japanese man consumes about 2 teaspoons of soy in a day, far less than Americans, who guzzle soy milk by the gallons and have substituted meat with processed tofu (so they can feel that they’re not missing out). Find out why moderation is actually the key to the Asians’ healthy diet.

Modern soy foods have the same benefits as traditionally fermented soy.

Most modern soy food from soy milk to soy burgers are processed, which means they contain natural toxins called “antinutrients”. Learn what these antinutrients can do to your health and how much danger they pose. Learn why traditional, fermented soy disposes of these natural toxins to make for “healthy soy”.

Soy formula is safe for infants.

Learn how mega doses of phytoestrogens in soy formulas are putting your infant’s normal sexual development at risk. The report How to Get the Benefits of Soy Without All the Health Risks will show you why your infant should be off soy formulas! You’d be shocked to know that you are feeding your baby with 5 birth control pills worth of estrogen with soy infant formulas. Just imagine how that much estrogen can mess up your baby’s sexual development.

How Dangerous Is Soy?

Soy is no laughing matter. Aside from containing antinutrients which are natural toxins, it has a number of alarming compounds that may put your total health in peril.
  • Soy contains goitrogens which lead to depressed thyroid function.
  • It also contains phytates which prevent absorption of life enhancing minerals.
  • It is also loaded with phytoestrogens which sometimes block the hormone estrogen and have adverse effects on human tissues!
These are only a few of soy’s hidden dangers. Read the report How to Get the Benefits of Soy Without All the Health Risks and you will be alarmed at how long you have been in the dark!
You will also be shocked that you have actually put yourself in danger of diseases that you had hoped to avoid by eating soy. Read on about a sampling of health effects that non-fermented soy puts you at risk for!
  • Breast Cancer
  • Brain Damage
  • Infant Abnormalities
These are just a few of the alarming health conditions mentioned in the report among many others.

If There’s Unhealthy Soy, There’s Also Healthy Soy

But soy is not the Total Health Enemy it’s cut out to be – if it is fermented! Find out what fermented soy products will be better for your health. Learn about vitamin K2 (the forgotten vitamin) found in these recommended fermented soy products:
tempehmiso soupnattosoy sauce
Find out how vitamin K2 promotes heart health and gently redirects calcium back to your “bone bank”. Discover that K2 is slowly emerging as a key vitamin to fight the signs of aging. Learn how to benefit from “soy” without the health risks that non-fermented soy brings.

Do Not Be Conned by Marketing Ploys

You have been unknowing victims of a massive marketing ploy for years. And for purposes of “profit” your health has been put at risk. We are here to inform you on how to keep the dangers of soy away from your family and avoid eating more soy. But bear in mind, though you may become eventually convinced to avoid soy products altogether, you also unwittingly find soy in your meat extenders, even in the oil used to fry your food! Find out how to protect yourself further from the unseen dangers of soy.
  • Learn how to become an adept label reader.
  • The FDA has enforced rules that require food companies to inform consumers about what goes in their food.
  • Know what tips there are to totally avoid non-fermented soy foods.

Sources: and 

Revealed: More Than 5000 Children’s Products Contain Toxic Chemicals

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Corporations spend untold millions on complex marketing campaigns, targeting the subconscious primal emotions of you and your children so you feel compelled to buy their products. But it takes a state law to pry out the more dangerous information about these same products.
Image: Real Farmacy

The Washington Toxics Coalition and Safer States compiled a report detailing the toxic chemicals used in children’s products, based on information provided by manufacturers In compliance with Washington State’s “Children’s Safe Products Act of 2008.” Reporting requirements began in 2012, giving us information that was previously unavailable to the public.

Washington State developed a list of 66 “Chemicals of High Concern to Children.” 41 of these chemicals were reported in more than 5,000 products. Retailers include Walmart, Gap, Gymboree, H & M, J. C. Penney, and Claire’s.

A variety of chemicals linked to cancer, hormone disruption and reproductive problems were reported such as phthalates and solvents, as well as toxic metals like cadmium and mercury. Products containing these chemicals include clothing, footwear, toys, games, jewelry, accessories, baby products, furniture, bedding, arts and crafts supplies and personal care products. SEE THE FULL REPORT HERE

All of this begs the question: Why are retailers still putting known toxic chemicals in children’s products? Children are more susceptible to the effects of toxins. With the billions in profits and millions spent on other avenues like marketing, isn’t it possible to make a toy with no toxic chemicals or metals?

Supposed “safe standards” set by federal regulators hardly ease the concerns of parents who are familiar with the corruption in agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA didn’t even ban bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles until the industry suggested it after already abandoning its use.
“Safe standards” applied to one particular item do not account for accumulation in the body over time or toxic effects that may arise when combined with other chemical exposures.

For example, research has shown that phthalates build up in the body.  Several European countries have banned the use of phthalates in children’s products based on sound science. Yet U.S. manufacturers pretend this body of evidence does not exist and continue putting our kids’ health in jeopardy.

There is a campaign called Mind the Store, spearheaded by Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, that urges the top ten retailers to eliminate the use of toxic chemicals in consumer products. Support them and support a healthier future.

Justin Gardener,

The Cancer Causing Metal Millions of Us Have Eaten, Worn and Injected

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                     Written By:SAYER JI, FOUNDER

Aluminum is considered by most health authorities perfectly acceptable to eat, wear as an antiperspirant, and inject into your body as a vaccine adjuvant, but new research indicates it has cancer-causing properties, even at levels 100,000 times lower than found in certain consumer products.
A concerning new study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistrydemonstrates clearly that exposure to aluminum can increase migratory and invasive properties of human breast cancer cells.  This has extremely important implications, because mortality from breast cancer is caused by the spread of the tumor and not from the presence of the primary tumor in the breast itself.  This profound difference, in fact, is why a groundbreaking new NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE COMMISSIONED EXPERT PANEL recently called for the complete reclassification of some types of non-progressive ‘breast cancer’ and ‘prostate cancer’ as essentially benign lesions – bittersweet news for the millions who were already misdiagnosed/overdiagnosed and mistreated/overtreated for‘CANCER’ OVER THE PAST 30 YEARS.  
Another recent relevant study, also published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, found increased levels of ALUMINUM in noninvasively collected nipple aspirate fluids from 19 breast cancer patients compared with 16 healthy control subjects. The researchers commented on their findings: “In addition to emerging evidence, our results support the possible involvement of aluminium ions in oxidative and inflammatory status perturbations of breast cancer microenvironment, suggesting aluminium accumulation in breast microenvironment as a possible risk factor for oxidative/inflammatory phenotype of breast cells.”[1]
A key implication of this research is that the common ingestion (food additive), injection (as a vaccine adjuvant), and topical application (antiperspirant) of forms of aluminum may be contributing to the burgeoning cancer epidemic in exposed populations. Given this possibility, the further use of aluminum in foods, cosmetics and drugs should be halted until adequate risk assessments can be made thoroughly proving its safety.  (Since we do not use the precautionary principle to guide risk assessments and their regulation in the US, instead opting for a chemical and drug-industry favoring “weight of evidence” standard, this likely will not happen; however, we can use this information to apply the precautionary principle in our own lives)
When it comes to aluminum’s presence in ANTIPERSPIRANT FORMULAS, a very concerning study published last year in the Journal of Applied Toxicology identified the primary form of aluminum used in underarm cosmetics – aluminum chloride – as capable of altering breast cancer cells in a way indicative of ‘neoplastic transformation,’ or, the transformation of a healthy cell into a cancerous one:
“These results suggest that aluminium is not generically mutagenic, but similar to an activated oncogene [cancer-causing gene], it induces proliferation stress, DSBs and senescence in normal mammary epithelial cells; and that long-term exposure to AlCl(3) generates and selects for cells able to bypass p53/p21(Waf1) -mediated cellular senescence. Our observations do not formally identify aluminium as a breast carcinogen, but challenge the safety ascribed to its widespread use in underarm cosmetics.”
Even more disturbing was their finding that these changes, which included “contact inhibition and anchorage-independent growth” (two markers of malignancy), were caused by concentrations “…up to 100 000-fold lowerthan those found in antiperspirants, and in the range of those recently measured in the human breast.”[2]
This new study dovetails with recent research demonstrating that aluminum binds to cellular estrogen receptors, indicating it may disrupt and/or drive proliferation within hormone-sensitive tissues. One research team coined a new term – “METALLOESTROGEN” – to describe an entirely new class of metal-basedENDOCRINE DISRUPTERS, including aluminum, antimony, arsenite, barium, cadmium, chromium (Cr(II)), cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenite, tin and vanadate. This reclassification of what were formerly perceived to be hormonally inert substances should help to alert consumers to the significant health risk associated with the use of ‘unnatural’ products containing these elements.
While there is little extant animal research demonstrating aluminum’s cancer causing properties, which is why it has not yet been classified with respect to carcinogenicity, “aluminum production” has been classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).[3]  There is also a 2011 study published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology that foundALUMINUM CONTENT IS HIGHER IN NIPPLE ASPIRATE FLUID OF BREAST CANCER-AFFECTED WOMEN VERSUS HEALTHY CONTROLS.
Aluminum, of course, is widely distributed within our environment (reaching, at present, the highest level in documented history), and has even been implicated in ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOLS (i.e. geoengineering/ ‘chemtrails’); which, incidentally, may be one reason why our soils are becoming saturated with the metal to levels toxic to plants, and why biotech corporations are presently working on developing ALUMINUM-TOLERANT GM plants.
Because our regulators consider ALUMINUM PERFECTLY  ’SAFE TO EAT,’ apply topically, and INJECT INTO OUR BODIES to “IMPROVE NATURAL IMMUNITY,” the emerging view of aluminum as possessing cancer-causing effects will put additional responsibility on consumers to educate themselves and make choices to protect themselves from avoidable exposure.

How One Man Battles Cancer With Wheatgrass

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(NaturalNews) When conventional doctors told 74-year-old Danny McDonald of Dunaff, Ireland, that he had stomach cancer so severe that it would likely kill him within three months, he decided to ignore their advice to undergo toxic chemotherapy treatments and instead embrace a nutritional approach to healing. Four years later and Danny is doing great, thanks to daily protocol he adopted that involves juicing and drinking wheatgrass, a nutrient-dense “superfood” with a variety of amazing health benefits.

According to Sunday World, Danny became aware of his condition when an ulcer suddenly burst inside his abdomen one day. After being rushed to a hospital from the farmhouse where he lives, doctors struggled to contain the bleeding, only to discover that Danny actually had a severe form of stomach cancer that had spread throughout his body. They warned him that the only way to get rid of it, in their opinion, was to undergo conventional chemotherapy treatment.

Unlike most people, Danny decided to think for himself by researching other methods of treatment. He later notified his doctors, to their chagrin, that he would be opting for his own homemade treatments involving wheatgrass rather than the poison. Not surprisingly, they were quite angry with his decision, insisting that he would be “dead in a matter of weeks” if he refused to comply with their advice. But Danny stood his ground and chose the wheatgrass instead.

“I told the doctors I wasn’t prepared to undergo the course of treatments they had suggested,” Danny is quoted as saying by Sunday World. “I knew it would kill me. They were furious I had come to that
conclusion. The consultant warned me I’d be dead in three months.”

Defying the advice of conventional doctors could save your life

Far from being a rushed or uninformed decision, Danny’s choice to use wheatgrass as treatment for his cancer was based on numerous accounts he had heard from a friend about the amazing healing capacity of wheatgrass. Over time, Danny became increasingly more convinced that wheatgrass is capable of healing all sorts of health conditions, including CANCER. So he decided to put his 60 years’ worth of farming experience to task by growing his own wheatgrass.

“I didn’t know what to expect, but I was determined to give it a go,” recalls Danny. “Within seven days the burning sensation I had in my side was gone and I was beginning to feel a lot better. I stopped taking the tablets which had been prescribed and I haven’t taken one since. A month later the pain had completely disappeared and I knew I was on the mend. The WHEATGRASS was working. I had made the right decision to reject the advice of the doctors.”

Not only was Danny able to discontinue use of the synthetic medications he had been prescribed, but he also gained back all the weight he had lost as a result of using them for his illness. Starting with just one ounce of wheatgrass juice a day and working his way up to seven ounces of wheatgrass a day, Danny effectively cured his cancer and is now a living testament to the life regenerating power of wheatgrass.

“I know a lot of DOCTORS think wheatgrass doesn’t have the qualities to kill cancer, but I am living proof that it does,” he adds. “And although many doctors won’t admit it publicly, gradually they are coming around to see the benefits of wheatgrass. People ask me how I did it and I just say one word, ‘wheatgrass.’”
The following video explains more about how to juice wheatgrass for your own health:


How to make a raw and vegan chocolate coconut creme torte

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Raw Vegan CHOCOLATE COCONUT CREAM TORTE by :Eric Rivkin Recipe from Eric new E-book :TO LIVE FOR.
Image: To Live For

Bottom Layer Crust:1 cup raw almonds or pecans, soaked 2 hours, rinsed 1 cup fresh or dried finely shredded unsweetened coconut
1/2 cup pitted dates
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
¼ tsp cinnamon
Dash of cayenne

In a food processor with the S blade, mix until a crumb texture is reached. Set aside.

Coconut Cream Filling
2 cups firm young coconut pulp
5 bananas
1/4 cup coconut oil
4-5 pitted medjool dates
½ tsp vanilla extract or caviar scraped from 1 bean
Blend ingredients until creamy. Set aside and refrigerate.

6-8 large firm strawberries, de-stemmed and sliced 1/8” thick

Top Chocolate Layer
1 cup young coconut pulp
3 Tbsp coconut oil
½ cup raw cacao powder
3 pitted medjool dates
3 black mission figs
½ tsp vanilla extract or caviar scraped from 1 bean
¼ tsp cinnamon
Dash of cayenne
Blend ingredients until thick and smooth, adding just enough coconut water to turn over in blender. Set aside.

1 cup assorted berries - raspberry, blueberry, sliced strawberries
1 tsp honey
Mint leaves (optional)
Blend the honey with about a few of the strawberries to make a glaze. Toss gently with the berries and mint and refrigerate until ready to serve.

1. Press crust recipe evenly into a 9” spring-form torte pan with a removable side greased with a little coconut oil.
2. De-stem, then slice the strawberries the long way and press the large pieces against the inside of the torte pan. Use the smaller heels in the garnish..
3. Pour in and spread the Coconut Cream Filling.
4. Freeze for 2 hours to firm up.
5. Pour on and spread the top chocolate layer mix. Refrigerate or freeze again until firm.
6. When ready to serve, first arrange the fruit garnish on top.


10 Things You May Not Know About Wheatgrass

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1. Nicknamed “liquid gold,” one serving of wheatgrass juice is the rough equivalent of one and a half pounds of dark leafy green vegetables.

2. Because of its high chlorophyll content, wheatgrass has a strong alkalizing and detoxifying effect on the body.

3. Growing wheatgrass at home is easy from seeds or whole grain wheat berries, by hand or with a sprouting kit. Perfect for having wheatgrass on hand for smoothies at all times!

4. Like all chlorophyll-rich green plants, wheatgrass is high in oxygen and therefore an excellent source of natural energy.

5. Wheatgrass is superior to other green plants because it has more than 100 elements needed by humans.

6. Most often, wheatgrass is found as juice but powder supplements are also available and can be mixed into juices, smoothies or water. The best time-saving supplements are from freeze-dried organic wheatgrass juice powder

7. Known to improve digestion, wheatgrass only takes one minute to digest.

8. Even though the word “wheat” is in its name, wheatgrass is gluten-free.

9. The best time to have wheatgrass juice is on an empty stomach and one hour before eating so that all the beneficial nutrients are completely available to the body for absorption.

10. Depending on how toxic your body is, wheatgrass juice can cause headaches or increased bowel movements as the body detoxifies. Otherwise, expect lots of energy as the only side effect.

Read more:


Bayer and FDA Knowingly Exposed Thousands of People to HIV

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Bayer Sells AIDS-Infected Drug Banned in U.S. in Europe, Asia – Unearthed documents show that the drug company Bayer sold millions of dollars worth of an injectable blood-clotting medicine — Factor VIII concentrate, intended for hemophiliacs — to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries in the mid-1980s, although they knew that it was tainted with AIDS. Bayer knew about the fact that the drug was tainted and told the FDA to keep things under wraps while they made a profit off of a drug that infected its patients.

If these allegations are true, then both Bayer and the FDA are at fault for this catastrophe. FDA regulators helped to keep the continued sales hidden, asking the company that the problem be ”quietly solved without alerting the Congress, the medical community and the public,” according to the minutes of a 1985 meeting



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