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5 Natural Insect Repellents

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It’s summer again and without little thought many people will be spraying bug sprays on their skin like no tomorrow. Little do people know that when they put these sprays and lotions on their skin, they are actually putting pesticides on their body (insect sprays are pesticides known as insecticides). DEET is the active ingredient in most conventional bug sprays and lotions. Few people know that DEET is a registered pesticide and a member of the toluene chemical family. What is toluene? Toluene is an organic solvent that is one of the main ingredients in paint removers, as well as rubber and plastic cements. DEET actually has the ability to melt plastic and synthetic fibers.

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and anything put on your skin gets directly absorbed into your bloodstream. This means that when you spray DEET containing repellents on your skin, it gets absorbed through the skin and passes into the blood. Research has shown that up to 17% of the chemical DEET is absorbed into the bloodstream once applied to the skin. Not only does it cause skin irritation, but it has major effects on the central nervous system by causing motor deficits and learning and memory dysfunction.

Putting chemicals on our skin in any form, is not good for our health. Below are five recipes that can be used to make your own natural bug sprays. For the spray, try to find some BPA free bottles you can use to make the mixes. These recipes are fast, easy, and can be mixed up in seconds (depending on which option you choose).

Option 1: Super Strong Repellent (when you need serious bug control)

1 32 oz. bottle of apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp. each of dried Sage, Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme & Mint
1 large glass jar with lid

1. Put vinegar and herbs into glass jar and seal
2. Shake well every day for 2-3 weeks
3. After 2-3 weeks, strain the herbs out and store the mixture in the fridge.
4. Dilute mixture half and half with water in a spray bottle. Use as needed

Option 2: Basil Lemon Spray

1 cup water
1/4 cup witch hazel
5 drops of lemon essential oil
10 drops of basil essential oil
20 drops of citronella essential oil

Put all ingredients in a BPA-free bottle, shake, and use as needed.

Option 3: Minty Madness Spray

1 cup water
1/4 cup witch hazel
20 drops of peppermint essential oil
20 drops of citronella essential oil

Put all ingredients in a BPA-free bottle, shake, and use as needed.

Option 4: Geranium Lavender Spray

1 cup water
1/4 cup witch hazel
5 drops of geranium essential oil
10 drops of lavender essential oil
20 drops of citronella essential oil

Put all ingredients in a BPA-free bottle, shake, and use as needed.

Option 5: Spearmint Lemon Spray

1 cup water
1 cup witch hazel
3 tbsp. spearmint leaves
3 tbsp. lemongrass
3 tbsp. citronella
A couple dried cloves

1. Boil 1 cup of water and add the herbs
2. Mix well, cover (important to cover!) and let cool
3. Strain the herbs out and mix water with witch hazel
4. Store in a spray bottle in a cool place (like the fridge)

Sources : Live Love Fruit

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Homemade Mosquito/Ant/Flea Repellant

Farmers using more pesticides as pests become immune to GMOs

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As plant and agriculture biotechnology is advancing, so too are the pests which these technologies are aimed at preventing. In a natural cycle of evolution, present on all life forms, life must overcome adversity by evolving to it's environment and conditions. This phenomena is now becoming present in modern agricultural pests as we see common insects that feed on plants adapt to the use of genetic and conventional pesticides.

This phenomena is partly why the industrial farming industry has been forced to use more chemical pesticides like Monsanto's Roundup now that pests like the rootworm are becoming immune to the GMO seed's internally produced pesticides.

GMO seeds are already under the fire after the recent March Against Monsanto protests, the revelation that GM wheat has contaminated the world wheat supply, the seemingly retaliatory destruction of GMO crops in Oregon, and the recent independent studies showing the dangerous effects of pesticide producing GMOs and spray on pesticides. The latest revelations regarding the growth of pests that are immune to GMOs are likely to only add more fuel to the anti-GMO fire which is already blazing.

One of the very negative side effects of these revelations are that farmers will be forced to not only use the GMO seeds, but will also have to douse the crops with extra pesticides which are shown to cause many negative health and environmental effects. Just a few weeks ago 50,000 bees died in Oregon from pesticide exposure

There are more natural ways to deal with pests, even simply rotating crops will help manage pests, not to mention the many natural and organic pest management techniques. The rising tide of public awareness of the issues surrounding GMOs, Monsanto, and chemical pesticides is forcing a change of tone from corporate world; who are now trying to shift marketing plans and products to a more health oriented plan. It's better late than never, but the alternative food and health industry and movement is already years ahead of them and making huge advances in market share. Support local, independent, and alternative and the rest will be forced to change.

Parents turning to medical marijuana to heal sick children

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In 17 states kids are able to get medical marijuana, by prescription, to treat everything from autism to cancer to seizures. Growers are now breeding the plants with low levels of the substance THC, which reportedly helps kids get the medicinal benefits of marijuana without the high.Tell me again why marijuana and hemp are still federally prohibited.


Media censorship: 40 tons of GMOs destroyed in Oregon

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Though the controlled corporate media apparatus is suppressing the story, 40 tons of GMO crops were torched, prompting an FBI investigation. There has been a complete media blackout.  It was only reported locally live on KXL Radio and echoed by the Oregonian, where the ONLY web mention exists, hard to find because the headline wording carefully avoids the most likely keywords for a search.

Here’s what happened — 40 Tons of GMO Sugar Beets were set ablaze in Eastern Oregon. FORTY TONS — the entire acreage of two full fields of crops in the ground were set ablaze over a three night period of time. That means arson.

Evidence is that 6,500 plants were destroyed by hand, one plant at a time. That, in turn, implies a lot of people were involved. Would you want to stick around once a fire was going and wait to be discovered? No, someone (many someones) probably wanted to move as quickly as possible. We are talking about a movement — and this is exactly the kind of retribution that many have warned was coming; when lawmakers and corporations refuse to honor the Constitution and instead engage in ‘legalized’ criminal acts such as enabled by the ‘Monsanto Protection Act.’

More than a decade ago, environmental saboteurs vandalized experimental crops across the country in a revolt against high-tech agriculture. Foes of genetic engineering also struck in 2000, when members of the Earth Liberation Front, with roots in Oregon, set fire to agriculture offices at Michigan State University. ELF’s position was that genetic engineering was “one of the many threats to the natural world as we know it.”
But ELF cells normally come forward immediately to claim responsibility, because to them, its all about publicity to educate the public. Since there has been no statement about the recent arson this may have simply been Oregon farmers who have said, ‘Enough!’ Another clue that this may be the case is that this comes on the heels (two weeks) of Japan’s rejection of the entire Oregon wheat crop for the year (a tremendous financial blow because over 80% of Oregon Wheat is exported) because one report said one field was contaminated with at least ONE GMO plant.

The rightful fear is, because of pollination processes, once you introduce a GMO crop of a given variety anywhere, the wind and insects will spread its genetic contamination to non GMO fields, and thereby ruin the entire industry for a region. In fact, Oregon farmers have tendered a multi-billion dollar class action lawsuit against Monsanto, joining a long list of states doing so. Monsanto has experimented with GMO crops before they were approved in 16 states. They were supposedly all destroyed, but state after state is finding out the hard way, that Pandora’s box has been deliberately left open.

But while other governments in Europe and elsewhere are passing laws to ban GMO crops, and burning entire crops themselves, in America, our government is passing laws protecting Monsanto from legal repercussions, and therefore, it seems, farmers are forced to burn the crops, themselves. This means that where in other countries, citizens are being protected from corporate crimes, in America, citizens are forced to become ‘terrorists’ to survive. That’s how blatantly corrupt our corporate police state has become, I’m afraid.


Study: GMOs and monoculture killing US agriculture

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A new study shows that the US Midwest staple crop system - predominantly genetically modified (GM) - is falling behind other economically and technologically equivalent regions. Western Europe, matched for latitude, season and crop type as well as economic and technological development, outperforms the US (and Canada) with regards to yields, pesticide use, genetic diversity and crop resilience, as well as farm worker wellbeing.
The study, headed by Jack Heinemann at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, is a damning indictment of the large-scale, monoculture model in the US, the world’s largest producer of maize since the records began in 1961, and is increasingly relied upon to provide more and more of the world’s calorie intake [1]. This serves as a warning to the UK environmental minister Owen Paterson, who proposes to introduce GM crops into the UK [2].

US Midwest and European yields compared

Maize, rapeseed, soybean and cotton yield data were obtained from the United Nations Food and Agriculture organisation (FAO) FAOSTAT database for the United States, Canada and the total group Western Europe (Austrian, Belgium-Luxembourg, France, Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland). Records from 1961 to 2010 were used, while 2011 and 2012 data were included through projections and additional statistics. They conducted statistical covariance (ANCOVA) analyses to test whether the yield differed significantly between locations, year, percentage of GM crops used and any other interactions.
First compared was rapeseed and maize, which have similar agroecosystems (latitude, growing seasons and equally developed agriculture systems across the two continents as well as access to biotechnological and intellectual property (IP) rights options, which are legal protection for so-calledcreations of the mind, allowing industry to own GM seeds through claiming them as novel inventions. The major difference between the continents is the near saturation of GM varieties in N. America compared to a virtual absence in W. Europe. Between 1961 and 1986, the US maize yield averaged
5 700 hectogram/hectare (hg/ha) more than W. Europe, totalling 54 379 hg/ha. (A hectogram = 100 g). However, after 1986, there was a significant change in yield between the compared regions. W. Europe averaged 82 899 hg/ha, slightly more than the 82 841 hg/ha in the US (see Table 1).This suggests that GM has offered no benefit whatsoever in the US – contrary to what has been claimed - while the overall increase in yields in both regions were due to improved management and conventional breeding (see Figure 1).
Table 1 Yield data of maize and rapeseed in the US (and Canada) versus Western Europe
AgroecosystemCropAverage yield (hg/ha)
United States 1961 – 1985
Western Europe 1961 – 1985
United States 1986 – 2010
Western Europe 1986 – 2010
Canada 1961 – 1985
Western Europe 1961 – 1985
Canada 1986 – 2010
Western Europe 1986 – 2010

Figure 1   Yield data for maize show more improvement and less variability in Europe compared to the US despite Europe’s lack of GM varieties
Further, the difference between the estimated yield potential and the actual yield, or the ‘yield-gap’ appears smaller in Europe. Over the entire period of 1961 to 2010 the US reached marginally significantly higher yield averages, but when taking into account the interaction between year and location, a steeper increase in European maize yield was found in recent years, as consistent with the actually higher yields in Europe than in the US, despite the latter’s use of GM. Yield data from 2011 and projected yields for 2012 reveal a downward trend in the US compared with Europe. Fluctuations in yield are more severe in the US, a sign of reduced resilience to environmental stressors, which can also spark dramatic price changes in agricultural markets.
Rapeseed (or canola) shows a similar pattern when comparing yields from Canada, the next earliest adopter of GM after the US, with W. Europe. The average yield has always been lower in Canada by an average of 11 000 hg/ha during 1961-1985, and an even larger average difference between 1986 and 2010 of 17 300 hg/ha, the period when Canada moved to GM and Europe did not. Wheat yields have consistently increased in both regions, but increasing at a steeper rate in Europe. Neither region grows GM wheat, again highlighting that gains in yields over recent years are not dependent on GM technologies and that the combination of biotechnologies used in Europe is demonstrating greater productivity than in the US.

Low genetic diversity of US crops

Despite its size, the US agro-ecosystem has had very low levels of on-farm genetic diversity, with 80-85 % of maize in the 1980s for example being based on a single innovation – the T cytoplasm. Across the world, the low genetic diversity is a concern, with varieties of many staple crops decreasing in recent years. As FAO pointed out, China went from having 10 000 varieties of wheat in 1949 to 1 000 in the 1970s, while the US has lost 95 % of the cabbage, 91 % of field maize, 94 % of the pea, and 81 % of their tomato varieties in the last century.
Powerful economic and legislative forces continue to drive uniformity. There are two major farming policies in the US that affect sustainability – innovation (through development of licensing and IP rights) and public subsidies. Subsidies increase with higher acreage, promoting monoculture farming. The larger and more uniform the crop, the bigger the cost reduction on pest control, harvesting mechanisation and planting, which has been a major driver of GM crop adoption. With the huge subsidies given to industrial farms, the US is able to sell its staple crops including maize, wheat, sugar and milk at 73, 67, 44 and 61 % of cost price to the world market, which likely undermines the emergence of more sustainable production systems. Historically, low on-farm diversity has led to food production and price uncertainty.
The huge scale of production of staple crops has led to a reduction in seed varieties available to small-scale farmers and poorer farmers, as well as organic farmers. While staple crops are being used on a large-scale for non-food industries, with maize being put into ‘household’ products such as cosmetics and medicines e.g. asparin and deodorant, antibiotics, tobacco, fuel, pastes and adhesives, textiles, building supplies and solvents among other things. The concentrated control of such products by large corporations and companies in these breadbasket regions of the world has far reaching consequences beyond national borders. The US has gone from a system based on public seed saving and exchanges between large and small farmers in the 19th century to one based on strict patents and patent-like protections of varieties, forcing seed saving to disappear. The advent of hybrid varieties in the 1970s which act as a ‘biological patent’, with the next generations seeds not transmitting the commercial traits uniformly, the power of seed control is left in the hands of the commercial breeders, along with the ‘legal patent’ system. This has driven the US industry away from mainly small-scale, specialist breeders to even larger and fewer specialist breeders.  Patents on GM crops are only exaggerating this trend. Seed saving on crops such as soybean was still common until they became available as GM cultivars and came under the control of patents in the 1990s.
Breeder concentration may lead to a loss of agrobiodiversity. The corn leaf blight epidemic of 1970 is a clear example of how the lack of genetic diversity can create a huge risk to food security, revealing the dangers and unsustainability of monoculture practices and genetic uniformity.
What has happened to seed diversity as a result of American agricultural innovations? Using the seed catalogue provided by Monsanto to the US Department of Justice antitrust investigation of the seed industry, Heinemann’s team analysed the number of seed cultivars on offer. They found that the true genetic base of corn was much narrower than the numbers of names and numbers would suggest. One single variety of corn, “Reed Yellow Dent”, contributes to 47 % of the gene pool used for creating hybrid varieties.  The germplasm is limited to around 7 founding inbred lines in the US Maize belt. Similar findings were made for soybean varieties, with a decrease in the number of cultivars by 13 % from the years 2005-2010. A reduction in diversity is consistent with a trend towards reduced yields over the last decade or so, with adverse high temperatures and droughts. Maize and soybean yield predictions for 2012 were the lowest since 2003.
With this worrying trend of reduced yields comes a global increasing dependence on cereal crops for our calorie intake. Though the world produces more calories for food than it did in 1970, the proportion of calories derived from maize grew from 4 % in 1970 to 5 % in 2007. This heavy reliance on a crop that shows the large variability in losses due to biotic and abiotic stresses as highlighted by the authors is a sign of instability and not sustainability. This is in clear contrast to the agro-ecological advances made based on increased on-farm diversity that has seen significant increases in rice yields, reduced pesticide use as well as higher farmer incomes. Intercropping of maize with tobacco, maize with sugarcane, maize with potatoes and wheat with broad beans have all been shown to increase yields of at least one of the crops, or even overall yields as well as reduced disease [3].

Pesticide use higher in US

Pesticide use has increased overall since the introduction of GM crops (see [4] Study Confirms GM Crops Increase Pesticide UseSiS 56), largely a result of the most common GM trait providing tolerance to Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup. Insecticide use has officially gone down slightly, though dwarfed by the increases in herbicide use. This coincides with the introduction of Bt crops genetically engineered to produce an insecticide (which is not included in official ‘pesticides applied’ when insecticide use is analysed). However, Europe also showed a reduction in pesticide use during the same period. In the US in 2007, herbicide use was up by 108 % from 1995 levels, while insecticide use dropped to 85 % of 1995 levels. In Europe however, more impressive reductions were found, with France reducing herbicide use to 94% of 1995 levels and chemical insecticide levels to 24% of 1995 levels. By 2009, herbicide and pesticide use was down to 82 % and 12 % of 1995 levels respectively. Similar trends were seen in Switzerland and Germany.

Farm workers role sacrificed for monoculture farming

Another symptom of the American monoculture farming system is the sacrifice of farm workers. The number of farms has decreased since its peak in 1935, with the loss of 2 million farms by 2007 despite the acreage of the agroecosystem remaining the same to this day. For corn, 69 % is grown by Large or Very Large Farms as defined by the USDA, i.e., having sales in excess of $250 000 and $500 000 respectively. This comes with the inability of farmers to innovate and breed new varieties due to the monopolisation of the seed market and IP patent agreements which have all but abolished public breeding programmes. As the authors state [1]: “Loss of farmer experimentation will likely reduce resilience and adaptation to climate change, natural disasters or as an outcome of conflict.” The GM crop system, with its strict IP patent agreements and commercial development, contributes to the concentration of the seed market, as exemplified by the soybean varieties planted today: 0.5 % of soybean varieties were developed by the public sector in 2007, compared to 70 % in 1980. Seed prices have risen as a result, climbing by 140 % since 1994. With climate change affecting the global yields since the 1980s and 1990s for soybean, there is no evidence that strict IP instruments or biological patents have increased resilience so far.

A warning to the US and the rest of the world

The lessons of the 1972 epidemic of ‘corn leaf blight’ have still not been learnt. The Committee on Genetic Vulnerability of Major Crops at the US National Research Council at the time posed the question: “How uniform genetically are other crops upon which the nation depends, and how vulnerable, therefore, are they to epidemics? The answer is that most major crops are ‘impressively genetically uniform and thus vulnerable and results from government legislative and economic policy’.
The authors recommend important strategies that need to be employed to bring the US back to being one of the largest seed saving and exchange cultures, instead of the current undemocratic and unsustainable system they currently force on farmers in the US and the rest of the world.
Three main suggestions include collection of annual statistics on on-farm genetic diversity along with environmental stress events, to see get a picture of performance resilience. Second, on-farm diversity should be encouraged through policies such as subsidies. Lastly, instead of looking to peak yields of crops, the goal should be to select crops with long-term sustainable yields.
GM crop cultivation, which is an extreme version of industrial farming, is obstructing a shift to more sustainable methods of food production and in addition to reducing yields, is now associated with a plethora of negative human health and environmental impacts as documented in Ban GMOs Now - Special ISIS Report [5]. To increase crop yields, protect the environment and protect the health of citizens across the world, GM crops need to be banned.


  1. Heinemann JA , Massaro M, Coray DS, Agapito-Tenfen SZ, Wen JD. Sustainability and innovation in staple crop production in the US Midwest.International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 2013,
  2. “Owen Paterson: UK must become global leader on GM crops”, 26th June 2013-06-26
  3. Lee EA & Tracy WF. Modern maize breeding. In: J. Bennetzen and S. Hake, eds. Handbook of maize: genetics and genomics. New York, NY: Springer, 141–160
  4. Sirinathsinghji E. Study Confirms GM crops lead to increased Pesticide Use.Science in Society 56, 8-10, 2012
  5. Ho MW & Sirinathsinghji E. Ban GMOs NowHealth and Environmental Hazards Especially in Light of the New Genetics. ISIS Special Report, 2013.

How To Attract Hummingbirds To Your Garden

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Dr. Leonard Perry, Extension professor at University of Vermont, tells how to attract hummingbirds.
If you’re fascinated by hummingbirds, as I am, you probably hang out a feeder or two in the summer to provide them with sugar water. But did you know that hummingbirds also are attracted to many flowering plants, particularly those that have brightly colored red and scarlet flowers?
Hummingbirds — or hummers, as they’re often called — have been sighted in 49 states (all but Hawaii) and 10 Canadian provinces. However, of the dozens of species, only the ruby-throated hummingbird lives and nests east of the Rocky Mountains.
Ruby-throated hummingbirds winter in southern Mexico and Central America, returning north from mid-April to early May. You can track their spring North America migration online at
To attract them to your yard or garden, you must meet their requirements for food, shelter and nesting spots.

A hummingbird consumes about half its weight in sugar each day, feeding five to eight times an hour (spending up to a minute at each feeding). In addition to sipping nectar from tubular flowers and feeders, this tiny, metallic green bird also feeds on insects, tree sap and juice from some fruits.
When selecting flower varieties, keep in mind that hummers are attracted to color and nectar production rather than fragrance. The color red and to a lesser degree pink, rose, orange, and purple — all bright colors that contrast with their backgrounds — are most seen by them.
Choose a diversity of annuals and perennials for continuous bloom. Many cultivated hybrids produce much less nectar than their wild cousins or species.
Shrub choices: Flowering quince, buddleia, and Catawba rhododendron.
Vines: Cypress vine, morning glory, scarlet runner bean, and the perennial trumpet creeper. Japanese honeysuckle vine is attractive to them, but is not recommended as it is invasive in many areas.
Early summer perennials: Bleeding hearts, iris, columbine, cardinal flower, lupine and evening primrose.
Summer annuals: Fuchsia, cigar flower (Cuphea), lantana, nasturtium, salvia (especially pineapple and scarlet sages), spider flower (Cleome), verbena, and snapdragon.
Summer perennials: Foxglove, hollyhocks (biennial), bee balm, tiger lily, penstemon, coral bells, hosta, scarlet campion (Lychnis), and phlox. Hummingbirds also like jewelweed, a wildflower commonly found in the cooler north and blooming later in summer (note that this can self sow prolifically).
Check with your local garden center or nursery for disease-resistant varieties, as it's critical that you don't use pesticides on or near the hummers' food sources. Not only can sipping nectar from plants that have been sprayed sicken or kill the birds, but it also kills the insects hummers need for protein.
Females often build nests on a downward-sloping, lichen-covered limb near or over water, though they may build in any deciduous or coniferous tree that provides adequate protection from predators such as hawks, Baltimore orioles, and other birds.
The nests, only an inch or so long, are made of plant down, bud scales, and lichens, held together with saliva or spider silk.
Newborns are about the size of a pea but grow rapidly and will start feeding on nectar in about a month.
Hummers spend nearly 80 percent of their time resting, so provide plenty of places to perch.
They love to bathe and may be attracted to a splashing fountain or even droplets of water on leaves of broad-leaved trees.
Finally, if you want to attract these delightful little birds to your yard or garden, wear red! Although there's no scientific data to support this, it seems that hummingbirds will check out anything red, even you! More on the life of this fascinating and friendly visitor to our summer gardens, including their sounds, can be found at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website

Blackspot of roses
A common disease of roses is blackspot, a fungus disease that can defoliate susceptible plants. Look for dark, circular lesions with feathery edges on the top surface of the leaves and raised purple spots on young canes. Infected leaves will often yellow between spots and eventually drop.
The infection usually starts on the lower leaves and works its way up the plant. Blackspot is most severe under conditions of high relative humidity (85 percent and higher), warm temperatures (75 to 85 degrees) and six or more hours of leaf wetness.
Newly expanding leaves are most vulnerable to infection. The fungus can survive on fallen leaves or canes and is disseminated primarily by splashing water.
Cultural practices are the first line of defense:
-- Don't plant susceptible roses unless you are willing to use fungicide sprays. Find a list of blackspot resistant varieties online at
-- Keep irrigation water off the foliage. Drip irrigation works well with roses.
-- Plant roses in sun in areas with good air movement to limit the amount of time the foliage is wet.
-- Remove diseased leaves that have fallen and prune out infected rose canes to minimize spreading the disease.
If needed, protect foliage with a regular spray program (10- to 14-day schedule) of effective fungicides. Recommended are tebuconazole (Bayer Disease Control for Roses, Flowers and Shrubs); myclobutanil (Immunox, Immunox Plus); triforine (Ortho RosePride DiseaseControl); and chlorothalonil (Broad Spectrum Fungicide, Garden Disease Control, others).

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Thyroid Juice Remedy

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Your thyroid is a set of multiple glands that work to keep your body running smoothly. They deliver messages (hormones) between themselves and other body parts so that all of those tiny cells are regulated and functioning at the proper levels. The hormones produced by the thyroid (T3 and T4) are essential for life and have many effects on metabolism, growth and development.

Thyroid health is important, because if your thyroid isn't functioning properly it can lead to developmental defects or weight gain. Food is our medicine, so consuming the proper foods will help support your thyroid to ensure it remains in tip top shape. Carrots contain ample amounts of beta-carotene which is the precursor for vitamin A in the body. If you are low on vitamin A, your ability to produce thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is limited. This vitamin is required by the body to convert T4 to T3.

B-complex vitamins are required for good thyroid function. Cucumbers contain B vitamins, so they are a good choice when trying to nourish the thyroid glands. Without B vitamins the thyroid and adrenal glands fail to secrete their hormones, and won't be able to utilize its iodine raw material efficiently to make hormones. B vitamins are especially useful in individuals with an overactive thyroid.

- 1 cucumber
- 5 stalks celery
- 5 carrots
- 1 cup young thai coconut water
- 1 lemon
Buy Organic!
Juice the above ingredients, and add coconut water last!

Drink once everyday..!

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Benefits of Watermelon

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

1. Heart Health - To maintain a healthy heart needs to follow a diet lows in fat, cholesterol, and rich in antioxidants such as (lycopene), which works to fight free radical compounds. Thereby protecting the vessels and arteries from hardening. And watermelon red rich in antioxidants, citrulline compound. Which helps to maintain good levels of histidine-arginine. Necessary for the production of nitric oxide. Which plays an important role in maintaining the elasticity of the arteries and blood vessels by helping to curb the interactions of oxidative stress.

2. Cancer - Watermelon is rich in antioxidants such as lycopene which contains twice the amount found in tomatoes. Watermelon also contains vitamin C, A. These compounds play an active role in the fight several cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer by protecting cells from free radicals damage to vehicles. Chinese study showed in 2009 that the compounds found in watermelon, working to increase the programmed death in breast cancer cells.

3. Sexual activity - Natural Viagra by this name describes the researchers watermelon red, because it is a rich source of amino acid citrulline, which works to farther expand the blood vessels, thus allowing the passage of more blood vessels to the penis leading to erection. Dr. Patel from the University of Texas turns acid citrulline to acid arginine. This is a precursor for the production of nitric oxide, which helps to aneurysm.

4. Infections - Melons plays an important role in the treatment of many infections in the body, including inflammation of the joints. This is due to the role of vitamins contained in watermelon.

5. Kidney - Melons plays the role of detergent to the kidneys of salt deposits of limestone as a result of watermelon contain potassium, which complete the task of removing salts, potassium is also working to reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Thus reducing the chance of forming kidney stones. Watermelon is also working as a diuretic result because it contains a large amount of water.

6. High blood pressure - Potassium and manganese are working on blood pressure regulation, as well as antioxidants work to maintain the health of blood vessels against sclerosis, which helps to ease the movement of the passage of blood vessels, thus reducing the high blood pressure.

Other benefits
• Moderation, eating watermelon helps in reducing weight as 100 g each gives 30 calories .
• Moderation, eating watermelon helps to regulate blood sugar level to lower sugars, potassium and magnesium are working is working to help the body to insulin secretion.
• Watermelon good for eye health because it contains a good amount of vitamin.

In addition, watermelon removes thirst, has a high nutritional value, is a summer fruit, sweet taste, take the form of spherical or cylindrical, with color a green light or dark , containing red pulp dotted with black seeds. It watermelon red. Every 100 grams of watermelon contains 30 calories, one g fiber, food, ten g sugar, one g protein, free fat and cholesterol, contains vitamins such as A, C, E, D, niacin, thiamine, B6, B12, acid Pantothenic. Also contains minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, fluoride, selenium. Free sodium. in addition to its nutritional value has lit the other health benefits.

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Plant Protein For Vegetarians

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

 Every cell in our body needs protein to stay alive. Protein is necessary for tissue repair and for the building of new tissues. >Your muscles, hair, nails, skin and eyes are made from proteins. So are the cells that make up all the organs in your body system – nerves, lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, brain and your sex glands. >Amino acids are thebuilding blocks of protein. When you consume protein, it is broken down into various amino acids and transported throughout your body through your blood. Your cells then pick and choose the amino acids that they need to construct new body tissues, blood cells, enzymes, hormones, etc.

Here are some examples of plant protein suitable for vegetarians. Do include them in your juicing and diet, instead of meat protei

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Danger of Fluoride in Water and Toothpaste

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

Well, in case you didn't know it, fluoride is highly toxic. In fact, before fluoride was deemed a "cavity fighter," it was used as insecticide and rat poison. It's true. Even more surprising is that when it comes to dental hygiene, fluoride actually does more harm than good.

Everything you always DIDN'T want to know about fluoride

For decades the message that fluoride safely prevents tooth decay has been considered sacrosanct. This idea came from the same "chemicals for better living" era that also told us that smoking cigarettes soothed the throat.
Now for a brief history lesson: please switch off the lights and turn on the projector...

Fluoride is a pollutant - a by-product of copper, iron and aluminum manufacturing. The problem of how to legally dispose of fluoride was solved in the 1930's when a study (funded by one of the country's largest aluminum companies) concluded that fluoride prevented tooth decay. A successful public relations effort, helped along with some cooperative government cronies, resulted in the good news going out: this miracle chemical, when added to water supplies, will give everyone healthy teeth and brighter smiles.

Got fluoride?

But does fluoride actually prevent tooth decay? Not according to the largest study ever conducted on fluoridation and oral health. 39,000 school children in 84 areas around the U.S. were studied in the mid-80's, and the results showed no statistical difference in tooth decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities.

Meanwhile, tooth decay trends tracked by the World Health Organization from 1970 to the present show that the incidence of decayed, missing or filled teeth has been steadily in decline with each passing year in the U.S., France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Portugal, Iceland and Greece. And why are the numbers of decayed teeth on the decline? Better oral hygiene and improved dental practice is the most obvious answer. It's certainly not the fluoride. Because of all of those countries, only one adds fluoride to the public water supply: the United States.

A few of the countries listed above used to put fluoride in some of their water, but they eventually wised up to the dangers of this aluminum by-product. And here's some truly radical thinking for you: many of those countries simply refuse to run fluoride through every citizen's faucets based on the idea that health treatments should be a personal choice and not mandated by the government. What a concept!

Downside takes a down turn

So how is fluoride bad for you? To start with, the irony is that when you consume too much fluoride, your teeth can become discolored and crumble. But that's nothing compared to the other ways that fluoride attacks your mind and body.

In tests on laboratory animals, fluoride has been shown to enhance the brain's absorption of aluminum - the substance that's found in the brains of most Alzheimer's patients. Three different osteoporosis studies have associated hip fractures with fluoridation. And excessive fluoride has been shown to damage the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, leading to limited joint mobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration and neurological deficits.
And finally (I saved the worst till last), a number of different studies have linked fluoride to as many as 10,000 cancer deaths per year, with a high incidence of bone cancer among men exposed to fluoridated water.
In the meantime, local, state and federal government agencies across the U.S. do their best to simply dismiss all this bad news. Unlike their European counterparts, they're sticking to their outdated and baseless claims that the stuff is good for you. Why? If I had to guess, I'd say it's because they're terrified that if they admit that fluoride is poison, the deluge of resulting civil law suits just might wash them away.

Consumer misreports

So back to Dannon - what do you think? Are kids getting so little fluoride that they need to have it added to their bottled spring water? Consumer Reports magazine says YES! As you may recall Consumer Reports has been a target in previous e-Alerts for offering superficial and wrong-headed advice on health and nutrition issues. My beef with CR is that they are no more qualified to give me nutrition advice than my internist is qualified to tell me which air conditioners have the best ratio of energy efficiency to BTUs. And yet, they continue to get involved in issues they just have no place in.
Last February, Dr. Marvin Lipman, a spokesman for Consumer Reports, stated that not everyone is getting enough fluoride. The problem, says Dr. Lipman, is twofold: some communities don't fluoridate their water systems, and a lot of people these days are drinking bottled water which contains no fluoride. Ah, but don't you worry - in addition to Dannon, as many as 20 other bottled water pushers, are answering the "need" for more fluoride. And if you still think you're not getting sufficient fluoridation, an article in Consumer Reports suggests that you sign up to have 5 gallon jugs of fluoride-laced water delivered to your door.

But let's be perfectly clear: Fluoride is not something your body needs. No one has a fluoride deficiency. Fluoride is a false magic bullet solution from a bygone era. Now, 60 years after water fluoridation began, the word is getting out: this stuff is just plain bad. But thanks to Dannon and others, it appears that fluoride is about to take its toll on at least one more generation of American kids before someone overcomes the government marketing mindset and reveals this poison for what it really is.


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