Though the controlled corporate media apparatus is suppressing the story, 40 tons of GMO crops were torched, prompting an FBI investigation. There has been a complete media blackout. It was only reported locally live on KXL Radio and echoed by the Oregonian, where the ONLY web mention exists, hard to find because the headline wording carefully avoids the most likely keywords for a search.
Here’s what happened — 40 Tons of GMO Sugar Beets were set ablaze in Eastern Oregon. FORTY TONS — the entire acreage of two full fields of crops in the ground were set ablaze over a three night period of time. That means arson.
Here’s what happened — 40 Tons of GMO Sugar Beets were set ablaze in Eastern Oregon. FORTY TONS — the entire acreage of two full fields of crops in the ground were set ablaze over a three night period of time. That means arson.

More than a decade ago, environmental saboteurs vandalized experimental crops across the country in a revolt against high-tech agriculture. Foes of genetic engineering also struck in 2000, when members of the Earth Liberation Front, with roots in Oregon, set fire to agriculture offices at Michigan State University. ELF’s position was that genetic engineering was “one of the many threats to the natural world as we know it.”
But ELF cells normally come forward immediately to claim responsibility, because to them, its all about publicity to educate the public. Since there has been no statement about the recent arson this may have simply been Oregon farmers who have said, ‘Enough!’ Another clue that this may be the case is that this comes on the heels (two weeks) of Japan’s rejection of the entire Oregon wheat crop for the year (a tremendous financial blow because over 80% of Oregon Wheat is exported) because one report said one field was contaminated with at least ONE GMO plant.
The rightful fear is, because of pollination processes, once you introduce a GMO crop of a given variety anywhere, the wind and insects will spread its genetic contamination to non GMO fields, and thereby ruin the entire industry for a region. In fact, Oregon farmers have tendered a multi-billion dollar class action lawsuit against Monsanto, joining a long list of states doing so. Monsanto has experimented with GMO crops before they were approved in 16 states. They were supposedly all destroyed, but state after state is finding out the hard way, that Pandora’s box has been deliberately left open.
But while other governments in Europe and elsewhere are passing laws to ban GMO crops, and burning entire crops themselves, in America, our government is passing laws protecting Monsanto from legal repercussions, and therefore, it seems, farmers are forced to burn the crops, themselves. This means that where in other countries, citizens are being protected from corporate crimes, in America, citizens are forced to become ‘terrorists’ to survive. That’s how blatantly corrupt our corporate police state has become, I’m afraid.
Who ever is doing this...keep it up!!
ReplyDeleteexcellent article! Keep up the good work! We need to keep fighting until Monsanto and all its minions are no more...
ReplyDeletewonderful article. thank you for informing me.
ReplyDeleteSounds like the Boston Tea Party... :)
ReplyDeleteI feel it's good movement as long as no one was harmed. I feel no one will starve from this either because why feed yourself chemicals. Monsanto needs to be stopped and the government keeps accepting Monsanto's power and money so yes, a movement needs to be done. It is an individuals right to eat healthy food and be able to afford healthy clean food to live. We should not have to eat toxic food in order to afford to eat. This is inhuman behavior on our governments part. God made our planet for all of us to eat healthy clean food to survive-God did not plan on our own government and huge corporations to turn our very own food into a toxic greedy business with no care about who survives as long as they get their $$$$$$$. Yes, a movement needs to be done.
ReplyDeleteI feel a movement does need to be done as long as no one is harmed. We have the right to eat healthy food and be able to afford to eat healthy food. No one has the right to tell us what we eat and no one has the right to harm our bodies by a way that is our survival (food). This is inhuman and insane. Toxic chemicals in our food and in our water needs to be stopped. Corporations and government need to quit putting $$$$ first before lives. They wouldn't be doing that if it were their own families. Yes, a movement needs to be made against Monsanto and all those that are poisoning our food and water. God gave us the right to eat healthy not eat toxic. God owns this world not corporations. We the people need to take a stand and not purchase any of these corporations products. We can do this. People need to do a little homework and find out who stands behind GMO, who stands behind bad water, who stands behind flouride. Monsanto we know is the one behind GMO, now who makes fouride? Check it out and quit purchasing their products and don't purchase their followers products either. Now, do your homework a little more, who is backing up gmo with Monsanto? Well, I can tell you some of them are: Kraft, Hershey, Kelloggs, etc . Simply do not purchase their products either, there are other brands you know. Just type in: Non gmo foods. or go to: Speak up-It's your body and you are worth it!
ReplyDeleteI wish I had been there to help.
ReplyDeleteThen killing bees is a felony!!! They know the damage a lack of bees can cause, and they know they are applying bee poisons to crops. PUT THEM IN JAIL NOW!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd Hilary Clinton has major ties to Monsanto. Everyone should be aware of this as well.
ReplyDeleteWho has Twitter Accounts? If you do not have one, get one. We can flood CNN, ABC News, MSNBC, Fox, Local Media, Major Media, TABLOIDS (write your Tabloids to), any and all news stations. Get the News out on Twitter. Twitter works, it worked for me to have 1 of the top 3 sites, plus a few more in top 10 for Bio-Glycerin. They cannot shut Twitter Down. This shit will spread like wildfire on Twitter. Add people from Oregon as your friends, farms, students from OSU and U of O, newspapers, radio stations (especially pirate radio). Hit the OPB Twitter account with questions, as to why they only have 1 or 2 paragraphs on the subject; also why did they not post my Remark, to the real reason, and how the fields were destroyed. Everyone on Facebook likes and Shares Stupid Shit. This is serious. EVERYONE SHOULD SHARE THIS POST, TO DEMAND A NON-MEDIA BLACKOUT FROM TH MEDIA!!!
ReplyDeleteHooray for beet fields being destroyed
ReplyDeleteHooray for GMO Sugar Beet Seed Being Destroyed
ReplyDeleteThey are now feeding genetically manipulated food directly to bees to stave off disease. Go to and look under the "Products" section. It's called Remembee. Monsanto bought Beelogics in Sept. 2011. Screwing with nature is their answer to everything.
ReplyDeleteBE AWARE!! Monsanto (who bought Beelogics in Sept. 2011) is now making genetically engineered food fed directly to bees to ward off diseases. Go and go to their "Products" section. The entire honey supply will be corrupted, and if the animal tests in the EU are any indication, the end of bees is nigh. The food is called Remembee. Their answer to everything is the genetically modify it. These companies have to be stopped!
ReplyDeleteAs a76 year old male I am delighted to hear that people are at last realising how much damage the big corperations are damaging the world.Three cheers for whoever was responsible The world needs more like you
ReplyDeleteGod bless you in your struggle
Fred Nickson