Natural Cures Not Medicine: beets

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Showing posts with label beets. Show all posts

The Beet Test

Eat beets. If they turn your urine pink/red, then you have low stomach acid. Stomach acid is a very important first step in digestion. Without enough, you can't absorb B12, and you have trouble absorbing zinc as well as several other nutrients. If you don't have adequate stomach acid, proteins aren't broken down properly, and so they can cause trouble in the small intestine and/or get absorbed whole into the bloodstream.

Gluten and casein are famous for being addictive because they form opiod-like substances. Stomach acid is necessary to prevent them from becoming opiods.

Histamine helps trigger the release of stomach acid. Histamine is found in several foods, especially ferments, so pile on another reason to eat ferments with every meal. Adequate zinc is also necessary to produce stomach acid (remember what's not absorbed well without it?).

Source: HealThyself

Natural DIY Juices For Cellular Regeneration

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"Chlorophyll will be the principle protein for the coming light bearing age. When freshly made in a drink, it contains synthesized sunshine, plus the electric current necessary for the revitalization of the body, and it will open areas of the brain that man yet known nothing about."-Dr. Ann Wigmore, 'Let There Be Light'
Image: Live Love Fruit 
The fresh juice of plants is very much like the juice of our cells. Drinking the juice of fresh greens be it herbs or foods is like drinking the nectar of the rejuvenation of youth. The essential elements that may be lacking in your body cells- particularly the live enzymes, bioactive vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and other unknown factors that- can be easily assimilated through daily green sunlight transfusion of fresh green juices that are often destroyed by processing.

Use organic produce as much as possible, and drink immediately after extracting. Be sure to drink slowly and swish around in your mouth for around 30 seconds to activate the enzymes in your mouth and prevent bloating and digestive upset. Be creative with these recipes and use whatever greens and produce you have in your garden and what's in season. When juicing greens balance them with pleasant sweet tasting vegetables such as: carrot, beets, squash, celery or a few apples to give it that familiar taste you are familiar with.

Lemon Water:
Drink lemon water in the morning to help flush out toxins. Squeeze 1 lemon into 1 litre of water to do a full-body flush.

Orange Juice:
A little later in the morning prepare 4 large freshly pressed oranges and 1 cup young thai coconut water (don't drink pasturized orange juice! This is heated to high temperatures so the enzymes are destroyed). Oranges are great for pulling out toxins from our cells and the natural sugars help feed our glucose-hungry brain. Coconut is great for replenishing electrolytes we require throughout the day.

Green Juice:
The chlorophyll molecule closely resembles hemin (a component of hemoglobin), the pigment that combines with protein to form hemoglobin. The latter is present in the red corpuscles of the blood and by carrying oxygen to the tissues makes the production of energy and life possible. The major difference between chlorophyll and hemin is that chlorophyll contains magnesium while hemin contains iron as its central atom.

Fresh green juices used without any additional dietary changes have a great effect on a wide range of diseases. The human being dies from over 250 known diseases, whereas grass-eating animals in the wild, such as the horse, deer, steer or elephant are prone to only five or ten diseases. The only explanation that scientists have been able to come up with is that these animals are living on a diet that is fresh and grown naturally by the earth without the use of chemicals.

You may choose any of the green juices from this blog (or whatever you can come up with). Include some kind of sweeter root vegetable or apple for some sweetness, and at least 1 lemon and ginger or turmeric to add a full-body detox kick. Add a bunch of leafy greens (either kale, romaine, or some other leafy green), and neutral vegetables like celery, cucumber and fennel.

Beet Juice:
Beet juice helps to replenish our blood cells and prevent anemia. There are plenty of juice recipes on this blog that feature beets. Typically, a great beet juice recipe includes 3-4 beets, a handful of carrots, 3-4 inches ginger, 1 lemon and 5-6 stalks celery.

Source: Live Love Fruit

Miracle Cure Juice For Multiple Ailments

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Image: Raw Edibles
This is the miracle cure juice! It helps with a variety of issues in the body and helps regenerate cells and infuses them with nutrients in a fast, efficient manner. There are many benefits from drinking this juice such as:

1. Helping prevent cancer cells from developing and restraining their ability to proliferate and grow
2. It works at targeting and healing the liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas and can heal ulcers
3. Protects the respiratory system by strengthening the lungs, opening up the airways
4. Improves and opens blood pathways, and can thus reduce high blood pressure and help prevent heart attacks
5. Strengthens the immune system via antioxidants
6. Excellent for the eyes, eliminating red and tired or dry eyes
7. Replenishes tired and fatigued muscles from physical training and helps relieve pain
8. Helps eliminate constipation and/or diarrhea, and assists in making bowel movements more regular. Thus, it will help repair the skin and give you a healthy glow (great for eliminating acne).
9. It cleans from the inside out, so it clears bad body odour and improves bad breath
10. Reduces allergies, such as those who suffer from Hay Fever

Ingredients: (always choose organic whenever possible!)
2 large beets
4 long carrots
2 apples (of any kind)
6 stalks celery
2 limes
2 inches ginger

Juice and reap the amazing health benefits!

Source: Raw Edibles

How To Naturally Detox Your Body

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For centuries, the practice of detoxing the body has been used to get rid of unhealthy toxins and buildup in our cells and tissues. In fact, Hippocrates recommended fasting to quickly remove these toxins, and the art of fasting itself has been used by numerous historical figures such as Ghandi, and famous doctors of antiquity like Avicenna, Asclepiades, and Celsus who recommended their patients undertake 3-5 week long water fasts to regain health and strength. The pioneer of medicine, Paracelsus claimed that fasting is the best remedy for many diseases.

Of course, many individuals may not be in the proper positions in their life to undertake such dramatic measures. I, myself, have water fasted to rid myself of various ailments, and a majority of the time the issues cleared themselves up. Instead, choosing actual vegetables, fruits and herbs that help detox the organs in our body is usually the easier (and safer) route. Although it may take longer for the body to heal this way, you are still helping it cleanse the daily toxins we are bombarded with day in day out.

The body actually has a detox system itself. These organs include the Liver, the Colon, and the Kidneys.

The liver is your body’s first line of defence against toxins. Think of the liver as a sieve that prevents toxic substances from food or the environment from entering our bloodstream and making us sick. When the liver is compromised, then these substances by-pass the liver and enter the bloodstream, and from there you may then suffer from a variety of diseases and illnesses.

The colon has healthy bacteria that produce a variety of chemicals to help flush out whatever debris might be lingering in the intestines. Making sure that things are constantly flowing, and that you are not constantly constipated or have diarrhea is crucial since this detox system helps flush out toxic chemicals. If you haven’t had a bowel movement in awhile, or if your bowel movements are limited to one small movement a day, then you may suffer from toxic buildup in your intestine (which can lead to an array of health issues). Instead of being flushed out, these toxins sit and get absorbed into the blood stream, which means bad news!

The kidneys are constantly filtering the blood and get rid of toxins in the form of urine. If the liver, colon and kidneys are compromised, then you have got a huge system of toxic buildup which can lead to health issues like cancer, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and the chance to develop autoimmune diseases.

Below is a list of foods for certain areas of our body that you may want to focus on. Personally, I would focus on them all by switching to a whole foods lifestyle, heavy on the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, fresh green juices and LOTS of water, in addition to these foods.

Garlic, Leafy Greens, Cayenne, Beets, Ginger Root, Avocados

Carrots, Asparagus, Tomatoes, Berries, Echinacea, Astragalus

Dandelion, Beets, Berries, Cabbage, Watermelon, Grapes

Dandelion Greens, Garlic, Beets, Broccoli, Lemons, Turmeric

Bananas, Ginger, Turmeric, Asparagus, Pears, Fennel

Broccoli, Grapes, Berries, Tomatoes, Garlic, Avocados

Apples, Cucumber, Lemon, Leafy Greens, Beets, Sweet Potato

Source: Live Love Fruit

Homemade V8 Juice Recipe

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

Did you know that a single 11.5 ounce can of V8 juice contains 690mg of sodium?! This will leave you feeling dehydrated and foggy-headed. V8 juices are highly processed, reconstituted "vegetable blends" which have completely lost their natural enzymes and bioavailability of nutrients. Instead, make this homemade V8 juice. It will leave you feeling refreshed, high energy, and ready to take on the day!

- 2 tomatoes
- 1 beet
- 1 bunch parsley
- 3-4 radishes
- 1 cucumber
- 4 stalks celery
- 1 cup spinach
- 1 red pepper
- 1-2 lemons (optional, for those who enjoy a bit of kick)

Juice the above ingredients and reap the amazing benefits of these 8 nutritive vegetables (aside from tomato which is technically a fruit!).

Source: Live Love Fruit


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