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Proof That Community Gardens Lower Crime Rates

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Among the many befits of having or starting a community garden in your area, crime prevention is one feature that can easily be over-looked. "It’s been a crime prevention tool, we work with the police officers so children come down and they look in and ask questions, so our neighbors are talking to each other now more too," said Ezekiel Amador. As we have posted about here before, community gardens are also a great way to make sure you know what you're eating, stay healthy, get off the Big Grocery food grid, and help your community. Here is a video about one community that benefited in many ways from a community garden.


RELATED: 10 Easy Steps For Starting A Community Garden

After the latest and ongoing March Against Monsanto protests there has been an even greater awakening to the adverse effects of GMOs and pesticides on human and environmental health. Many people who would love to grow their own food are forced to shop at grocery stores due to the fact that they simply have no space to grow their own gardens. If you must buy your food from someone else, it's best to try to buy locally grown food to ensure that you can have a better idea of what's in it.

Here is a great source to find locally grown food near you: 

There are a few option for people that would like to grow their own food but don't have the space: one is community gardening. The video posted below is a short introduction with the 10 basics steps it takes to get a community garden started in your neighborhood. 


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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