Natural Cures Not Medicine: marijuana

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Showing posts with label marijuana. Show all posts

Harvard Study Shows “Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half”

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Science Daily

The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.
Image: Wisconsin Department of Justice

They say this is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), inhibits EGF-induced growth and migration in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expressing non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Lung cancers that over-express EGFR are usually highly aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy.

THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.

“The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against lung cancer,” said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of Experimental Medicine.

Acting through cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, endocannabinoids (as well as THC) are thought to play a role in variety of biological functions, including pain and anxiety control, and inflammation. Although a medical derivative of THC, known as Marinol, has been approved for use as an appetite stimulant for cancer patients, and a small number of U.S. states allow use of medical marijuana to treat the same side effect, few studies have shown that THC might have anti-tumor activity, Preet says. The only clinical trial testing THC as a treatment against cancer growth was a recently completed British pilot study in human glioblastoma.

In the present study, the researchers first demonstrated that two different lung cancer cell lines as well as patient lung tumor samples express CB1 and CB2, and that non-toxic doses of THC inhibited growth and spread in the cell lines. “When the cells are pretreated with THC, they have less EGFR stimulated invasion as measured by various in-vitro assays,” Preet said.

Then, for three weeks, researchers injected standard doses of THC into mice that had been implanted with human lung cancer cells, and found that tumors were reduced in size and weight by about 50 percent in treated animals compared to a control group. There was also about a 60 percent reduction in cancer lesions on the lungs in these mice as well as a significant reduction in protein markers associated with cancer progression, Preet says.

Full Story at Science Daily


Another Organic Farm Raided Under False Accusations Of Marijuana Growing

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Police in Arlington, Texas are being criticized for their tactics during a drug raid on a local farm that came up empty while allegedly damaging both the property and the crops.

“They can’t even tell the difference between tomato plants and a marijuana drug cartel,” farm resident Quinn Eaker told KXAS-TV. “That’s just really bad intel.”

Eaker said to KXAS that he and several residents at the “Garden of Eden” sustainability garden were handcuffed at gunpoint by officers during the Aug. 2 raid, which also involved a SWAT team, after an undercover officer and helicopter surveillance allegedly gave authorities probable cause to believe there was marijuana being grown on the premises.

“They came here under the guise that we were doing a drug trafficking, marijuana-growing operation,” owner Shellie Smith told WFAA-TV. “They destroyed everything.”

The Dallas Morning News reported that the farm’s account of the raid, which accuses police of destroying plants and removing needed materials from the farm, has spread online, while police counter that they conducted themselves professionally during the action.

“Yes, they were initially handcuffed,” police spokesperson Christopher Cook told the Morning News. “However, once it was determined it was secure they were taken out of handcuffs. Typically we wouldn’t do that, but they were compliant.”

Source: Raw For Beauty

34 Medical Studies The Government Wishes Were Never Published

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Michael Taillard, Guest
Waking Times
Image: Raw For Beauty

There’s still a lot of confusion across the nation about whether or not marijuana is effective for cancer patients. Odds are you’ve heard something about it but weren’t sure whether the information was reliable or definitive. So, in order to help clear things up, here is a list of 34 studies showing that marijuana cures cancer, categorized by the type of cancers being cured in each study. As you sort through the articles, note that the consistent theme between them is that cannabis shrinks tumors and selectively targets cancer cells. As bills and voter initiatives to legalize medical marijuana spread from state to state, remember that we’re not just talking about mitigating the side effects of chemo (though this is another viable use), we’re talking about curing the cancer itself as well as preventing its spread. I’ve taken the liberty of only including articles from credible scientific journals, removing any biased or otherwise improperly cited studies. Enjoy!

Cures Brain Cancer

Cures Mouth and Throat Cancer

Cures Breast Cancer

Cures Lung Cancer

Cures Uterine, Testicular, and Pancreatic Cancers

Cures Prostate Cancer

Cures Colorectal Cancer

Cures Ovarian Cancer

Curse Blood Cancer

Cures Skin Cancer

Cures Liver Cancer

Cures Biliary Tract Cancer

Cures Bladder Cancer (Sign-up required to view study)

Cures Cancer in General

sources: Raw For Beauty

Waking Times

Sanjay Gupta's Weed Reversal Reveals Failing Propaganda War

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Image: Shaggy
One can only speculate as to the timing of Sanjay Gupta's supposed realization that cannabis is actually good for your health. As many people have come to realize, the mainstream media, which of course includes CNN, has turned into a mouth-piece of the government establishment: going so far as getting family members of media executives to be employed by the White House. The revolving door can also be seen going the other way with multiple examples similar to Mike Huckabee going from presidential candidate to news anchor and CNN reporter Dana Bash's marriage to Jeremy Bash, Leon Panetta's Chief of Staff.

One thing we do know as fact is that the 'War on Drugs' is a cause supported by both establishment parties, which could also explain why the program is perpetuated by both the "conservative" and "liberal" media. Anyone who spends a few hours switching from Fox News to MSNBC or CNN can see that the news media will cover for certain parties, politicians, and policies more favorably: usually on a partisan basis, seeking to divide people down party lines.

When a policy is supported by both parties and all wings of the media, there is something clearly wrong.  CNN's Dr. Gupta's sudden change of heart on marijuana policy should not come as a surprise when thinking of it in a common sense way, seeing as the majority of Americans now support marijuana legalization. With the slow but steady shift in the marijuana debate now favoring those who believe it should be decriminalized for medical use or even legalized for recreational use, the anti-cannabis propagandists are now being forced to capitulate into defeat, and Dr. Guptas episode will only serve as fuel to the 'legalize it' fire now raging in dozens of states.

So why is the government-media-complex so afraid of marijuana? There are a few reasons. The government, media, and most large corporations are all owned by a small elite group of billionaires who have many different interests at stake. The many health benefits of cannabis alone is enough to scare the Big Pharma companies. Here are the top 5 contributors to anti-marijuana causes according to
1.) Police Unions: Police departments across the country have become dependent on federal drug war grants to finance their budget. In March, we published a story revealing that a police union lobbyist in California coordinated the effort to defeat Prop 19, a ballot measure in 2010 to legalize marijuana, while helping his police department clients collect tens of millions in federal marijuana-eradication grants. And it’s not just in California. Federal lobbying disclosures show that other police union lobbyists have pushed for stiffer penalties for marijuana-related crimes nationwide. 
2.) Private Prisons Corporations: Private prison corporations make millions by incarcerating people who have been imprisoned for drug crimes, including marijuana. As Republic Report’s Matt Stoller noted last year, Corrections Corporation of America, one of the largest for-profit prison companies, revealed in a regulatory filing that continuing the drug war is part in parcel to their business strategy. Prison companies have spent millions bankrolling pro-drug war politicians and have used secretive front groups, like the American Legislative Exchange Council, to pass harsh sentencing requirements for drug crimes.
3.) Alcohol and Beer Companies: Fearing competition for the dollars Americans spend on leisure, alcohol and tobacco interests have lobbied to keep marijuana out of reach. For instance, the California Beer & Beverage Distributors contributed campaign contributions to a committee set up to prevent marijuana from being legalized and taxed.

4.) Pharmaceutical Corporations: Like the sin industries listed above, pharmaceutical interests would like to keep marijuana illegal so American don’t have the option of cheap medical alternatives to their products. Howard Wooldridge, a retired police officer who now lobbies the government to relax marijuana prohibition laws, told Republic Report that next to police unions, the “second biggest opponent on Capitol Hill is big PhRMA” because marijuana can replace “everything from Advil to Vicodin and other expensive pills.”

5.) Prison Guard Unions: Prison guard unions have a vested interest in keeping people behind bars just like for-profit prison companies. In 2008, the California Correctional Peace Officers Association spent a whopping $1 million to defeat a measure that would have “reduced sentences and parole times for nonviolent drug offenders while emphasizing drug treatment over prison.”
The fact is that these lobbying groups fund and control both the Republicans and Democrats, which in turn have their state run media arms who will help perpetuate the "marijuana is the devil" propaganda. All this is done to keep the flow of money and power going through Washington and into the hands of their corporate handlers. So is Sanjay Gupta's pitiful admission that he was against marijuana before he was for it a sign that the propaganda war on drugs is failing? Is the fact that the drug war has failed finally starting to resonate through the lies which have been perpetuated on the television for decades finally forcing the media's hand to admit that cannabis has positive health effects?  I think so.

Here's is Gupta's statement:

1.) Police Unions: Police departments across the country have become dependent on federal drug war grants to finance their budget. In March, we published a story revealing that a police union lobbyist in California coordinated the effort to defeat Prop 19, a ballot measure in 2010 to legalize marijuana, while helping his police department clients collect tens of millions in federal marijuana-eradication grants. And it’s not just in California. Federal lobbying disclosures show that other police union lobbyists have pushed for stiffer penalties for marijuana-related crimes nationwide.
2.) Private Prisons Corporations: Private prison corporations make millions by incarcerating people who have been imprisoned for drug crimes, including marijuana. As Republic Report’s Matt Stoller noted last year, Corrections Corporation of America, one of the largest for-profit prison companies, revealed in a regulatory filing that continuing the drug war is part in parcel to their business strategy. Prison companies have spent millions bankrolling pro-drug war politicians and have used secretive front groups, like the American Legislative Exchange Council, to pass harsh sentencing requirements for drug crimes.
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Child Taken Because Parents Use Marijuana Dies In Foster Custody

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For the simple crime of smoking marijuana, Texas man Joshua Hill’s family is destroyed forever.

The government took Hill’s two-year old daughter away from him because he was caught smoking pot while she was asleep. But under the watch of Child Protective Services (CPS), Hill’s child was abused and eventually murdered by foster parents.

Hill told KVUE television, “We never hurt our daughter. She was never sick, she was never in the hospital, and she never had any issues until she went into state care.”

Watch the shocking video here:

It would be easy to see this story as yet another example of the abuse of state power in some of its worst excesses. The drug war is one of the biggest assaults on personal liberty and public order there is in society; it has turned peace officers into soldiers, the Fourth Amendment into a dead letter, and it has created the paranoia that would justify ripping a child from a home.

But, side by side with the drug war lies the usurpation of parental, civic, and individual authority that supercedes the authority of the state. This concept is at the heart of a Western classical liberal tradition as a basis for a free and just society attempting to place rational and practical limits on state power.

Was Hill’s “crime” of smoking marijuana worse than the state’s prescription of removing his child from the home and placing her into a foster system with as much as 10 times higher risk of abuse? Texas records show multiple cases in which this particular branch of the CPS failed to adequately perform proper background checks on foster parents.

Bad parenting and drug abuse are problems that plague any society, but state intervention and government “solutions” are more often than not far worse than the disease.

More than anything, the most powerful and important aspect of this story is the courage and love of a father in the face of state coercion. When Hill noticed the bruises on his daughter, his natural instincts took over. “It got to a point where I actually told CPS that they would have to have me arrested because I wouldn’t let her go back.”

Despite the shackles and cage that would await him, Hill’s love of his daughter reached far beyond what any artificial “authority” claimed was right and wrong. Hill’s name will not be etched in any public monuments, but it’s hard not to feel inspired by one father’s lonely, private stand against injustice and corruption.

Even when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, it is almost always individual action against our inherent instincts for justice and balance that defines positive social change. A single whisteblower and a principled journalist exposed the national-security state for all to see. A brave Army intelligence officer knew that exposing war crimes would land him in a gulag, but with unwavering stoicism, he did it anyway.

I am not a father, but Hill’s story makes me want to stand between society and the state as it tries to manipulate our children into fighting unjust wars overseas, spying on our neighbors for insufficient obedience and servitude, and indoctrinate us with propaganda.

Joshua Hill’s story is a testament to the power of principled stands against injustice. In an age where indefinite detention, secret law, secret courts, targeted assassinations and a permanent warfare state are now the codified norm, it is so refreshing to be uplifted by a man who refuses to remain silent.

Source - Raw For Beauty

Policy Mic

Study on Cannabis Proves Government Wrong

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A recent study conducted by the University of California, Center for Medicinal Cannabis, sheds light on government prohibition of marijuana and its ridiculous implications. The irony here is that this study, published in The Open Neurology Journal, was sponsored by government.

The hypocrisy of marijuana remaining a Schedule 1 drug, “No Medical Use Whatsoever,” seems criminal when considering that pharmaceutical companies reproduce a chemical version of THC and are able to market and sell it as such. Marinol is a pharmaceutical chemical drug produced by Solvay Pharmaceuticals Inc. It contains the exact molecular structure of the THC molecule and has the same effects of marijuana. However you cannot grow Marinol in your backyard. You cannot make obscene profits from the patent of a plant, because luckily, the state has not granted their mega –corporations the ability to patent nature, yet. The contradiction here is that you can make nature illegal, and then recreate nature in a lab using chemicals, put that illegal part of nature, available for profit, into a pill and make millions.

The government funded study, appropriately titled, Medical Marijuana: Clearing Away the Smoke, concludes: “Based on evidence currently available the Schedule I classification is not tenable; it is not accurate that cannabis has no medical value, or that information on safety is lacking…. The continuing conflict between scientific evidence and political ideology will hopefully be reconciled in a judicious manner.”

Source: Real Farmacy 

Parents turning to medical marijuana to heal sick children

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In 17 states kids are able to get medical marijuana, by prescription, to treat everything from autism to cancer to seizures. Growers are now breeding the plants with low levels of the substance THC, which reportedly helps kids get the medicinal benefits of marijuana without the high.Tell me again why marijuana and hemp are still federally prohibited.



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