Most Read This Week:
In this video you can see Jack Andraka explain how he achieved this wonderful feat in science / technology and medicine - ...
Monsanto's Aspartame & Phenylalanine Business is now owned by Listerine. A warning: Do not ingest ASPARTAME! - Nutrasweet - Eq...
Maintaining a clear and beautiful skin, takes time, consistency and effort. De...
Dr. Leonard Smith - Cancer surgeon in Gainesville - Florida - allowed wheatgrass juice to be given to his patient Gary Garrett because he desperately needed a blood transfusion - but could not because of being a Jehovah Witness religion. Smith said: "Gary's platelet count rose every day for 7 days from 61000 to 141000 and the only thing they did differently was administer wheatgrass. That's phenomenal and its fully documented on the hospital record." - Smith now juices wheatgrass himself. -
Just 2 Ounces of Wheatgrass = 4 pounds of green vegetables.
How to Grow Wheatgrass
Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.