Natural Cures Not Medicine: inflammation

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Showing posts with label inflammation. Show all posts

Blueberries could save your life!

  • Inflammation:  Blueberries contain powerful antioxidants that not only help prevent disease but also help to reduce inflammation.
  • Cancer:  Blueberries contain resveratrol, flavanols, anthocyanons which are all known anticancer compounds.  A study found that the phytochemicals in blueberries can stop the spread of triple negative breast cancer, one of the deadliest varieties.
  • Heart Disease:  The heavy presence of antioxidants in blueberries spell heart and cardiovascular health for the blueberry fan.
  • Blood pressure:  Some studies have concluded that consumption of blueberries can help with regulating blood pressure.
  • Alzheimer's Disease:  Consumption of blueberries may help prevent the cognitive decline associated with this disease.    One study concluded that consumption of wild blueberry juice helped improve memory function in seniors.
  • Cholesterol:  Some studies have shown that a compound in blueberries lowers cholesterol as effectively as statin drugs without side effects.

Olive oil is packed with healing potential!

The "good fat."

Here some amazing effects olive oil has on the body!

  • Anti cancer:  It is believed that olive oil lowers the risk of prostate cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer.  Extra virgin olive oil also triggers apoptosis, or triggered cell death, in cancer cells.  In regions of Mediterranean Europe where olive oil is used most, cancer rates are significantly lower. 
  • Heart health:  Olive oil contains monounsaturated fat which is known as "good fat" and is heart healthy.  Phytochemicals in olive oil lower cholesterol as well further protecting against heart disease.
  • Diabetes:  Monounsaturated fats in olive oil help manage cholesterol.  This beneficial fat found in olive oil helps to manage triglyceride levels, increases healthy HDL cholesterol levels, and reduces bad  or LDL cholesterol.  Some evidence also suggests that monounsaturated fat plays a role in stabilizing blood glucose levels.
  • Inflammation:  An article published in 2005 by researchers from Philadelphia identified a compound in olive oil called oleocanthal has an anti inflammatory effect.  Their studies concluded that the compound acts like ibuprofen or other anti inflammatory medications.
  • Weight management:  The simple fact that olive oil contains monounsaturated fats makes it beneficial to the body in different ways.  Try switching from saturated fats to monounsaturated fats and it will aid in losing excess weight.  Successfully managing your weight and saving on health insurance go hand in hand.
Legend has it that the olive tree was a gift from Athena, the wise warrior goddess who recognized the power of peace.  Athena competed with Poseidon for the affections of the Greeks and offered the versatile olive as a gift in response to the sea god's offering of a saltwater well.  The stories are almost as epic as the true healing potential of olive oil.  Luckily, olive oil is delicious and can be included in many  recipes.  Switch out the unhealthy fats for this wonder oil.

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Huge results from juicing raw cannabis!

     It seems that every year there is a new expert or study coming forward with compelling evidence of the fantastic medical powers contained in the cannabis plant.  Conditions like diabetes, inflammation, cancer, infections, depression, pain, and sleep disorders can be treated naturally using various cannabis strains.  With health insurance and cost of living to consider, should we be looking to nature for our healing needs?  Even strains that have zero psychoactive effects contain compounds that battle illnesses and free radicals while delivering sweet relief to patients.  Smoking cannabis yields some pain and appetite stimulation effects for terminal patients but is not the ideal method of medicating using cannabis as fire destroys up to 80% of the beneficial compounds in the plant matter.  Rick Simpson, the legendary cannabis activist from Canada, uses essential oils from cannabis to cure not just terminal cancers but other serious and deadly health conditions.  The concentrated oil is extremely effective, but is there yet another approach to medicating with this wonder plant?

Check out and share this video on the benefits of juicing Cannabis!

The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil

Super spices you need in your life!

Garlic and Onions:  These contain phytochemicals that break down fat in the body.  They also break down LDL cholesterol, raise HDL(good) cholesterol.  They even eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protect against heart disease!  Quercetin found in onions is a strong anticancer and the allicin found in garlic fights several types of cancers as well.

Turmeric:  This spice has more beta carotene than any other source.  Beta carotene is an antioxidant that helps protect the liver against free radical damage.  Turmeric also allows your liver heal while it helps the body metabolize fat by reducing the rate of fat storage in liver cells.  Several studies have shown that turmeric protects against brain damage, including diseases like alzheimer's and parkinson's.  Turmeric also has astounding anti cancer effects!

Cinnamon:  Research from the USDA showed that 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon with a meal helps to metabolize sugar up to 20 times more effective!  Limiting the amount of sugar in the blood can help to curb excess fat storage and thus help to avoid other various weight-related illnesses.  The fact that it balances sugar levels also makes cinnamon useful for stabilizing mood and energy levels.

Chilies:  These delicious peppers can add a kick to any meal but did you know they also kick your metabolism into gear?  Chilies also lessen pain and inflammation in the body.  A cancer research study conducted in 2006 concluded that the capsaicin in chilis helped stop the spread of prostate cancer.

If you want to read more about these spices natural weight loss properties:

Remember that when adding some flavor to your next dish, you can add some years to your life also.

Surprising health benefits of avocado!

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Anti inflammatory foods and Inflammatory foods

Top Cancer Fighting Foods

Cinnamon, For Your Health?

Here is some good news for all you Cinnamon lovers out there!

There is more to this seasoning then just the wonderful taste...

  • Skin: Cinnamon can be taken internally and or applied topically to the skin, often combined with raw honey, to make an effective and natural acne fighting mask.
  • Natural Preservative: When added to your meals, cinnamon helps prevent bacterial growth and prolongs the life of your leftovers.
  • Feminine: Cinnamon has been shown to reduce the discomfort associated with menstrual cramps.
  • Mind: Easing nervous tension and reducing memory loss are added benefits, boosting brain activity while tasting amazing!
  • Nutrition:Packed with manganese, fiber, calcium and iron.
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antifungal
  • Antiparasitic 
  • Antibacterial

I would like a taste of this medicine :)
For hundreds of years, cinnamon has been used to treat ailments and discomfort.  Have you ever taken cinnamon for a cold?  If you add cinnamon and raw honey to your hot tea or even spread it over your toast it could provide some natural help for illness.  Many people suffer from indigestion due to the quality, or lack of quality, of our daily diets.  So, add some cinnamon into the mix to relieve your indigestion.  It is even said that circulation and overall vitality improve when this wonder-spice is added to the mix.


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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