Natural Cures Not Medicine: Help New Hampshire Become The First State To BAN GMO

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Help New Hampshire Become The First State To BAN GMO

This was started May 11th and so far only has 72 signatures 

- so spread this far and wide!

Help NH become the first state to ban the sale of GMO products.

What are GMOs? Genetically Modified Organisms are living organisms that are genetically engineered to resist disease, pesticides, or insects. This is done using


  1. I completely agree GMO's should NOT exist!

  2. Same. GMOs are bad all round. Get rid of them!

  3. Agreed. Get rid of GMOs. I want to get rid of them in my state too! Washington.

  4. I agree GMO should not be allowed. It upsets me that it was sneaked into our food after studies showed large tumors developed in rats. How can Monsanto employees be in charge of FDA and be senators without there connection being made known. There must be some ethical people in our gov to stand up against what is going on. We need to get some people in gov that are for organic, healthy food, alternative meds and health care for people.
    At the very least GMO must be labeled. While they are at it MSG needs to be labeled and not hidden under other names. Our gov is not protecting us and that needs to change. Do n't these people have children or someone they care about???

  5. GMO's need to be completely banned and where they are not banned, they must be labeled.

  6. I, too, wish that NH -- and the rest of our country -- could/would ban GMO's, but I fear that this is not the time ... yet. We need to take baby steps. Let us start with GMO labeling here in New Hampshire.

    There are several groups that are working towards this. Please consider joining "March Against New Hampshire" at and/or "GMO Free NH" at I also suggest signing up for the event "Public Hearing on HB 660 requiring the labeling of genetically modified food." (Sign up to commit to going or "maybe" so that you will be notified when the next public meeting is announced. Note that the current date is a place holder, to keep the event active.)

    These groups include activists as well as parents and grandparents. We are all working -- together -- to make this a reality.


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