Natural Cures Not Medicine: FOX Reporters Fired For Reporting the Truth About Monsanto Milk

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FOX Reporters Fired For Reporting the Truth About Monsanto Milk

FOX NEWS Reporters (Steve Wilson & Jane Akre) uncover that most of the Milk in the USA and across some parts of the world is unsafe to drink due to Monsanto Corporation's POSILAC®, which has been proven to be a cancer-causing growth hormone.(known in short as "BGH" "BST" or "rBGH" ), but they were fired for attempting to inform people of the truth. (Important note: After a long court battle, the Court dismissed the whistle blowers protection for the reporters because the Court stated that there was no law to force that the NEWS must state the truth.

NEWS was/is no different than other TV shows/reality shows.) This is type of deceitful corruption is not just FOX news but includes almost all Main Stream Media. Self researched, alternative news and information (from multiple sources) is one of the best methods to stay well informed. Never trust or follow MSM/mega corporations such as Monsanto. The corrupt FDA has once again turned it's back on the American public and has actually assisted in suppressing the dangers of this issue. If you consumed or fed regular milk to your family today, there is more than a 90% chance that it was from a cow injected with BGH. (Bovine somatotropin developed by using recombinant DNA technology). You could be killing or harming your child every time you pour them a glass of milk, the same as pouring them a glass of slow acting poison. Please take action to ensure our children's safety, for they can not protect themselves. Remember too, that pus (exudate, infection discharge) is almost always present cow's milk... think about this fact the next time you feed your child this supposedly healthy product.

For great healthy alternative to animal's milk, try Almond, Coconut or Hemp milk (organic).

How to make your own Raw Almond Milk:

The health benefits of Coconut Milk:


  1. Thanks for the post! Buy organic milk to avoid GMO (wish they made it in lactose free). Almond milk has too much sugar and soy is not the way to go as that's 96% guaranteed to be GMO.

    .... Oh... And fluoride in your water is not "beneficial"

    1. You can but unsweetened almond milk. It's very good.

    2. You can buy unsweetened almond milk. Just an FYI.

    3. I would rethink drinking milk. Have you read The China Study and/or Eat To Live to name just a couple? I switched to almond milk 2 years ago and I don't drink it that often.

    4. I would rethink drinking cow's milk. Have you read The China Study or Eat To Live? There is a 30 cal almond milk.

    5. Make your own almond milk with raw almonds and a blender.. sweeten it to your liking.

    6. Cow milk is not healthy for humans (it has been associated with higher rate of osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes... :
      It provocks also huge suffering and death for cows and their babies (check :

    7. RAW milk from free-range non-steroid cows is ok!


  3. Actually, it's nauseating. But to each their own.

  4. Appalling to see that nowhere in this post - and comments - we talk about animals well-being...

    1. Appalling to see that anyone gives even a FRACTION of a shit about the well being of animals when the fate of the HUMAN RACE is under threat of extermination or at the very least a condemnation to a slow and painful death by poisoning..

    2. If concern for the well-being of all of the creatures on this earth was a priority to the mainstream consciousness of the human race, none of the threats you speak of would be even possible. If the animals we use, for food, end products, whatever, were raised and cared for with respect and kindness, there would be no hormones or antibiotics necessary. Also, you do realize, I am sure, that when an animal is terrified at time of death there are natural substances produced that persist in their flesh, and we then eat it, never mind the other stuff we put into their bodies to make them more productive, gestate more frequently than normal, and to stave off infections resulting from terrible living conditions. Of course, kindness and respect are not popular attitudes in the corporate world. And prices would be higher, God forbid.

    3. If concern for the well-being of all the creatures on this earth was part of the mainstream consciousness of the human race, it would be natural to treat the animals we use with respect and kindness. Raising animals naturally would turn back the clock, and it would follow that there would be no hormones or antibiotics needed. They are used to force early maturity, increase the frequency of gestation, and to stave off infections that result from terrible living conditions. Animals used for food, end products, research, whatever, are living in pain and dying in terror.
      Also, you may not be aware that, even without the unnatural substances we put into their bodies, animals dying terrified secrete substances that remain in the flesh we eat. Of course, respect and kindness are not key words in the corporate world. And without the "poisons" prices would rise, God forbid.

    4. You are both right, but when shovelling manure, be it invasion of human rights or a blind eye to animal welfare, you need to start shovelling at the top. As long as Monsanto exists corporations will between us and our food. Cows can be milked humanely, I grew up with a sweet Jersey and goats and we loved our animals.

  5. Please, also check that your milk alternative does not contain carrageenan - a known carcinogen and inflammatory substance used in milk like products - even organic ones (even at Whole Foods and Trader Joes). It has no nutritional value and is used as a thickening agent. Avoid it.

    1. would that be on the ingredients list as so, or listed as something else?

    2. Would that be listed on the ingredients as so? or would it be hidden as something else

  6. Milk is NOT unhealthy for humans, real RAW milk that is. Raw milk is the most nutrient dense food on the planet bar none, plus has probiotics. It not only has every vit and mineral we need, it has them in perfect balance. What the dairy industry is calling "milk" is perverted and very unhealthy.

  7. Does anyone think about the fact that milk, human or animal, is intended to nurture it's young? Cow's milk is meant for calves and human milk for humans until we stop needing it and then our bodies are nurtured by what the earth provides us. No need to drink milk AT ALL!

  8. So what about milk that specifically says it comes from cows that were not treated with that hormone? Organic cheese costs ridiculous amounts of money, and honestly, even organic milk you are not guaranteed that the soil.of the grass they were eating isn't tainted with Monsantos monstrocities. So how do you get dairy into your child's diet?

  9. I did a study on animal milk because I was considering going Vegan. I found out that the milk we get from most stores is horribly unhealthy because of the chemicals put into the cows bodies. Raw milk not only taste better but is incredibly healthy for you. It's also beneficial to the cows to get milked. I only get my milk from my local farmers market and get substitutes when I can't.

  10. Does anyone know the statistics on rice milk? I know not that long ago there was study done on the arsenic levels in rice. So is it as healthy as it is promoted to be?


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