Natural Cures Not Medicine: GMO Food Exposed: An experiment on Man and Nature

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GMO Food Exposed: An experiment on Man and Nature

Study Finds GMO Long-term Effects are Terminal

The first long term tests on GMO corn
Only what you allow will continue. It's time you stop buying from the wrong people. Every dollar you spend is a vote. Vote for your local farmers that grow non GMO foods. Stay away from the large food chains. After all - recently they have proved to be feeding you horse meat without your consent - Just imagine what else they are doing. The reason: Profit before people and eco-system. Nothing matters but profit and we need more each year for the stock holders. This constant need to push higher profits makes these "hoarding" individuals do whatever it takes to make a couple more pennies - even if it means putting millions of lives at risk. Again. Only what you allow will continue...

Save Our Monarchs - Ban GMO's


  1. Umm that's why they do all this testing on mice

    1. umm, no, they are testing their GMO's in our food.

    2. Benedict....thr rats are only the proof. Have you any idea what has occurred on a cellular level prior to the testing? Let me answer for you, if I, you don't. You never will. That is the issue, hidden, prolonged, disease processes.

    3. Deb would you care to elaborate on what occurs at a cellular level?

    4. Campbell it causes the cellular structure to morph into a phase that can cause cells to multiply rapidly causing a multitude of diseases, it can cause the cell structure to become weakened also causing a multitude of diseases and even high school kids know that genetically modifying the human body can produce very bad possibilities in both medical form and the need for human power over others. Forgive me for not being technical but most people don't follow medical lingo......

  2. Probably why cancer is at an all time high. This is just ONE of the reasons!


  3. As many people need to protest this as they protested "pink slime". I have been trying to let my friends and family know about the dangers of these franken-foods, but most are really complacent. I do not understand how people can continue to put such garbage into their bodies.

    1. It's because the ingredients in this food are designed to keep people complacent. Look it up, these chemicals and food additives make people slow and unresponsive, promote lethargy and apathy, and dull the receptors in the part of the brain that can sense danger to one's well-beiing and loss of control. This is why everyone who gets off of GMO food is so desperate to convince everyone who is still on it, and why everyone is on GMO food can't understand it. It's an incredible process.

    2. Also being lazy and to poor to afford the healthier organic food may be a reason why.

    3. Also being lazy and to poor to do anything about it may have something to do with it.

  4. There are literally THOUSANDS of franken-foods out there. The madness needs to stop!

    1. everybody must go to boycott against monsanta!

    2. how people can continue buy and eat the product of monsanta supporting him an his business! he si trying to kill us! Wake up people to boycott against monsanta!


  5. Farmers should grow and eat atleast their own food GMO free . They sell it to all and officials who promoted then GMO .

  6. This is the biggest piece of propaganda I've seen in awhile. You need to do your homework and find LEGITAMATE sources, not this bias crap.


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