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Doctors Prohibited From Speaking Out On Death of Teen Caused By Flu Shot

A 19-year old who received a flu shot during a routine physical became violently ill, suffering from vomiting and headaches, eventually slipping into a coma and then succumbing to his injuries. While his mother is claiming that the influenza vaccine is responsible for the death of her son, doctors claim they could not confirm the cause and they are now legally prohibited from speaking about his case.

Chandler Webb received the shot on October 15 during a routine physical, after he had decided to go on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The day after the exam, Chandler became extremely ill -- suffering from vomiting and headaches. A little more than a week later, Chandler slipped into a coma and spent nearly a month on life support at Intermountain Medical Center in Murray, Utah.
While at the hospital, Chandler underwent a variety tests, but his doctors were not able to ascertain the source of his illness.

Eventually the family made the very difficult decision to remove life support and Chandler died on November 19, 2013, 28 days after his illness began. His mother, Lori Webb, said that his direct cause of death was swelling of the brain -- something she believes was the result of an adverse reaction to the influenza vaccination.
Mrs. Webb says this was her son's first ever flu shot. He had received it the day before he became ill as part of a routine physical in preparation for missionary work for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
According to the mother, her son's death was due to brain swelling. "We're angry," she says "because we believe it's the flu shot that [caused] it." She refused to have an autopsy performed, however, saying that she believes a brain biopsy will provide the answers that they need. Webb says she believes that experts from outside the state are examining her son's brain biopsy.
While Chandler Webb was at Intermountain Medical Center in Murray, Utah, a team of six neurologists did every possible test searching for the cause of his illness, she says, including tests for Lyme disease, the West Nile virus and even sexually transmitted diseases. No cause was found, however.
The Utah Department of Health released a statement on the case last Friday evening (November 22) stating that, "Our epidemiology staff have commented that although they have no evidence of a flu vaccine, or any other kind of vaccine, causing this type of reaction/outcome, they take these reports very seriously and they are thoroughly investigated by the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)."
"What attacked his brain happened so quickly within 15 hours," Webb said. "From one CT scan to the next, there was so much pressure and swelling on the brain that it crushed his brain stem."
Tom Hudachko, a spokesman for the Utah Department of Health, said: "Like with other medical procedures, there can be side effects and adverse reactions," he said. "In the vast majority of those cases the side effects are not very severe -- soreness at the injection site, low fever, achiness. Occasionally, yes, there are more severe side effects from receiving the vaccine."
Webb said before getting the shot, her son was very healthy and had a very positive outlook on life. She maintained she isn't trying to discourage others from getting the flu shot, but she hopes people will educate themselves about the possible side effects of the vaccine.
"[Chandler] didn't deserve this," Webb said on Fox and Friends. "His last words before he crashed into his coma was, 'Doctors, save me.'"

The Facts About The Flu Shot

The reason Doctors were unlikely able to save Chandler was likely due to the effect of synergistic toxicity in the influenza vaccine formula he received. As I reported earlier this year, Despite Thimerosal (Mercury) Ban Imposed By The FDA, 60 Percent of All Flu Vaccines Still Contain This Deadly Neurotoxin. Some people react far more than others, however any susceptibility to the toxins will inevitably kill those cells.

Factually, Thimerosal is a mercury-containing compound that is a known human carcinogen, mutagen, teratogen and immune-system disruptor at levels below 1 part-per-million, and a compound to which some humans can have an anaphylactic shock reaction. It is also a recognized reproductive and fetal toxin with no established toxicologically safe level of exposure for humans.

In 2009, eight out of ten H1N1 vaccines had thimerosal. Last year's 2011/2012 flu vaccine season saw three out of five FDA approved vaccines containing thimerosal. The 2012/2013 season offered three out of six flu vaccines which contained thimerosal and all were FDA approved.

This year thimerosal, is now used as a preservative in four (4) out of the seven (7) FDA approved flu vaccines for the 2013/2014 flu season.

Note that for every single flu vaccine, the carcinogenic or mutagenic potential has not been evaluated, or for impairment of fertility. . This means that none of the carcinogenic excipients (inside every vaccine) are ever studied and their effects on the human body are unknown. This declaration also indicates that there is no responsible authority that can state to a parent, that their son or daughter will not become infertile as a consequence of receiving the influenza vaccine.

Another remarkable fact is that although all pregnant women are encouraged to receive the flu vaccine by health and medical authorities, the safety and effectiveness for pregnant women or nursing mothers has also not been established. Perhaps this is why studies show many spontaneous abortions and stillbirths after pregnant women are vaccinated.

100 percent of influenza vaccines are a crap shoot in terms of effectiveness for any given population since they only estimate the probable strains

With more than 200 viruses known to cause influenza-like illness (ILI), a person can get a flu shot and still become sick with what is described as "the flu". According to CDC data, in the past 11 years, 86% of all influenza-type illnesses were NOT caused by the influenza virus, thus influenza viruses are ONLY active 14% of the time.

The proportion of ILI caused by influenza viruses varies by year, and even varies within a specific year over the course of the winter.
Therefore, under a hypothetical scenario that influenza vaccines work 25% of the time (which is marginally high percentage for flu vaccine effectiveness), that means the maximum effectiveness of the flu vaccine would be 3.5% on influenza viral strains and nil for ILI.

A recent report which is again being highlighted by the alternative media is a remarkable study published in the Cochrane Library which found no evidence of benefit for influenza vaccinations and also noted that the vast majority of trials were inadequate.

Tylenol Use During Pregnancy May be Linked to Autism

Dr. Brent Hunter | Natural News

Is it safe to take Tylenol during pregnancy? This question has been asked by millions of pregnant women. Typically, they hear from their doctor that Tylenol during pregnancy is completely safe for both the mother and her developing baby. However, a new study has found symptoms aligned with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Tylenol-exposed children.

Tylenol and Pregnancy

The majority of pregnant women will experience back pain, headaches and mild fever during pregnancy. They often turn to Tylenol for relief of these symptoms. What they are usually not told is that NO drug – including Tylenol – is completely safe during pregnancy or otherwise.

As with all drugs, over use of Tylenol will cause serious problems. However, the researchers in this new study found that using Tylenol even just once every 10 days during pregnancy led to children with developmental delays similar to ASD. “Their children seemed to have poorer motor skills than kids whose mothers had taken the drug fewer times or not at all. Tylenol-exposed kids also tended to start walking later, have poorer communication and language skills and more behavior problems.”(1)

The research does not clearly condemn Tylenol use during pregnancy, however, these results are quite concerning. A spokesperson for Johnson & Johnson, Jodie Wertheim, said the drug “has an exceptional safety profile. As the authors note in the study, there are no prospective, randomized controlled studies demonstrating a causal link between acetaminophen use during pregnancy and adverse effects on child development.”(1) The truth is that we do not know how dangerous Tylenol is to child development during pregnancy because there are no studies.

Other Dangers of Tylenol and NSAIDS reported on the dangers of Tylenol and FDA warnings in 2009. “According to the FDA, from 1998 to 2003, acetaminophen was the main cause of acute liver failure in the United States. A 2007 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that there are 1,600 cases of acute liver failure each year in the United States, and acetaminophen is the most common cause. And that’s not all. According to a report in June 2006 issue of Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, between 1990 and 1998, each year there were an estimated 56,000 emergency room visits, 26,000 hospitalizations, and 458 deaths related to acetaminophen overdoses.”(2,3)

Unfortunately, the researchers of this new study only recommended switching to another drug, ibuprofen. While ibuprofen may be linked to fewer problems during pregnancy, it is not inherently safe either. It is still a drug that causes hospitalizations and deaths every year. In fact, over 16,500 people die every year from taking NSAIDS (4,5), like aspirin, Advil, Aleve, and Motrin.

Pregnancy-Safe, Natural Alternatives to Tylenol

It is best to avoid all pharmaceutical pain relievers (prescription and over the counter) during pregnancy if at all possible. Some herbs – such as skullcap, capsaicin, and turmeric – may be safe during pregnancy and are far better options than Tylenol. However, these herbs affect everyone differently, especially during pregnancy. If you need additional pain relief, it is best to consult a natural physician for specific recommendations. Here are the top lifestyle options that every woman can safely use during pregnancy.

Chiropractic Care

Regular chiropractic care during pregnancy is your best choice for a healthy pregnancy with as little pain and discomfort as possible. It is completely natural and there are no side effects. Chiropractors worldwide – myself included – have great success caring for women during pregnancy.

Women using chiropractic care during pregnancy tend to have not only more comfortable pregnancies but healthier pregnancies, labor and deliveries as well. (6) In my professional experience, women who utilize chiropractic care, along with good diet and nutrition, before and during pregnancy have no need for pain relieving drugs.

Visit the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association to find a chiropractor near you who specializes in chiropractic care for children and pregnancy.

Proper Hydration

If you have been holding back on drinking water to avoid bathroom trips, then you are likely causing your own headaches! Lack of proper hydration causes many problems including high blood pressure, headaches, muscle aches and back pain. All of these are made worse during pregnancy. Be sure to maintain proper hydration during pregnancy to help avoid these problems.

Each day, drink at least one half ounce of water per pound of body weight to keep yourself well hydrated (e.g. 75 ounces if you weigh 150 pounds). Obviously, this will change during pregnancy. If you are not used to drinking much water, it will take some time to get used to this; however, you will be amazed at how well you feel with proper hydration!

Diet and Nutrition Considerations

Avoid inflammatory foods such as sugar, pastas, and fried foods. These foods will increase inflammation and cause pain and headaches. Instead, opt for anti-inflammatory foods and healthy fats. Not only will you experience far less pain and digestive discomfort but you will be providing your baby the nutrition he needs to develop a strong, healthy body.


Exercise during pregnancy helps increase energy levels, strengthens muscles and can reduce inflammation and pain as well. Walking and swimming are generally safe cardiovascular exercises for any pregnant woman. If you exercised regularly before pregnancy, maintaining your exercise routine will help you stay healthy and reduce pain. If you prefer intense exercise, like high intensity interval training, be sure that you keep your heart rate below 140 beats per minute during exercise and exercise no more than 15 minutes at a time.

It is vital to maintain a healthy lifestyle that produces natural healing and wellness. This lifestyle approach to health care is even more important during pregnancy. Adopt this lifestyle and ditch the NSAIDS and Tylenol!

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References for this Article:

(1) Too much Tylenol in pregnancy could affect development

(2) Natural alternatives to acetaminophen

(3) Acetaminophen Overdose and Liver Injury

(4) Wolfe M. MD, Lichtenstein D. MD, and Singh Gurkirpal, MD, “Gastrointestinal Toxicity of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs”, The New England Journal of Medicine, June 17, 1999, Vol. 340, No. 24, pp. 1888-1889.

(5) Toxic and Deadly NSAIDS – An Investigative Report

(6) Pregnancy and chiropractic: a narrative review of the literature

How to Make a Cheap, Long-lasting Survival Candle

Image: YouTube
With three simple items, you can make this homemade candle that will last many hours during a power outage or emergency.

You'll need:

  • Vegetable shortening
  • Newspaper
  • 1 Glass jar

This short video shows you how to put these three household items together to make this simple candle:

Awesome Pallet House Built For $500

The Pallet House. Reclaimed pallets can be used for constructing shelters, cabins, and homes. Building a pallet house from reclaimed pallets is an inexpensive way to build your off grid home or cabin. Get out there, get some pallets, build something!

The Pallet House prototype designed by I-Beam Design was featured in HRH Prince Charles’ Royal Gardens as part of an exhibition on sustainable design, organized by Prince’s Charities, Start, along with The Earth Awards, The Financial Times and IBM. The interior was decorated by Wallpaper magazine.

The inspiration for the Pallet House Project came from the fact that 84% of the world’s refugees could be housed with a year’s supply of recycled American pallets. With one and a half year of pallet production in the US alone, 33 million refugees can live in a Pallet House.

Nearly 21 million pallets end in landfills each year which can house over 40,000 refugees. Pallets are specifically designed for transport and delivery – so cost is negligible when carrying shipments of food, medicine and other types of aid to refugees. A 250 square foot ‘Pallet House’ requires 100 recycled pallets nailed and lifted into place by 4-5 people using hand tools in under a week.

This pallet home could easily be built using your own plans, however I-Beam offers a how to guide for $75 which can be found at, if you want to build this exact one.

Source: via

New Study: Marijuana May Treat Addiction To Hard Drugs

According to a new study published last week by the National Institute of Health, cannabis may be an effective treatment in curing people of addiction from hard drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines.

According to researchers, this study “presents an up-to-date review with deep insights into the pivotal role of the ECBS [endocannabinod system] in the neurobiology of stimulant addiction and the effects of its modulation on addictive behaviors. They state that; “A growing number of studies support a critical role of the ECBS and its modulation by synthetic or natural cannabinoids in various neurobiological and behavioral aspects of stimulants addiction.”

For the study, researchers found that “cannabinoids modulate brain reward systems closely involved in stimulants addiction, and provide further evidence that the cannabinoid system could be explored as a potential drug discovery target for treating addiction across different classes of stimulants.”

The study, which was conducted at the Psychiatry Research Unit at Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal in Canada, can be viewed by clicking here.

Children Have a 90 Percent Less Chance of Having Asthma If the Parents do this


For decades, health officials have been telling parents to not share utensils with their babies or clean their pacifiers by putting them in their mouths, arguing that the practice spreads harmful germs between parent and child. But new research says children whose parents clean their pacifiers by sucking them might be less likely to develop allergic conditions because of how their parents' saliva changes their microbiomes.

In a study on a small group of 184 Swedish babies published in the Journal Pediatrics found that infants whose parents sucked on their pacifiers to clean them had almost a 60% reduction in eczema and 90% reduction in asthma, developing fewer allergies than children whose parents typically rinsed or boiled them at 18 months of age. They also had lower rates of eczema, fewer signs of asthma and smaller amounts of a type of white blood cell that rises in response to allergies and other disorders.

Protection against eczema remained at age 36 months. Vaginal delivery yielded independent and additive protective effects against eczema development. The researchers stated "the salivary microbiota differed between children whose parents cleaned their pacifier by sucking it and children whose parents did not use this practice."

The findings add to growing evidence that some degree of exposure to germs at an early age benefits children, and that microbial deprivation might backfire, preventing the immune system from developing a tolerance to trivial threats.

The hygiene hypothesis holds that, when babies' exposure to germs is so limited, their immune systems are deprived of the opportunity to learn how to fend off pathogens properly...consequently their immune systems become so sensitive that the babies develop allergies. That would also explain why people who grow up in large families or who have early contact with animals are less likely to develop allergies.

Young children who share their home with dogs or cats in the first year of life are half as likely to become allergic to those animals than kids who grew up with no pets. Young children who share their home with two dogs or cats in the first year of life are half as likely to become allergic to those animals than kids who grew up with only one dog or cat, or no pets.

The study, carried out in Sweden, could not prove that the pacifiers laden with parents’ saliva were the direct cause of the reduced allergies. The practice may be a marker for parents who are generally more relaxed about shielding their children from dirt and germs, said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious diseases expert at Vanderbilt University who was not involved in the research.

“It’s a very interesting study that adds to this idea that a certain kind of interaction with the microbial environment is actually a good thing for infants and children,” he said. “I wonder if the parents that cleaned the pacifiers orally were just more accepting of the old saying that you’ve got to eat a peck of dirt. Maybe they just had a less ‘disinfected’ environment in their homes.”

"This is a really interesting and intriguing observation," says Elizabeth Matsui of the Johns Hopkins Children's Center, who was not involved in the research. "There's recently been an explosion of interest in the microbiome and how it might influence many things” but in particular someone's propensity to develop an allergic disease," Matsui says.

To investigate the role of pacifier cleaning, Bill Hesselmar of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and his colleagues analyzed data they had collected for a broader study about babies' allergies. Among the questions the parents had answered was what they did when their child's pacifier fell out of his or her mouth.
"We asked them how they cleaned the pacifier if they rinsed them in water and of course most of them did," Hesselmar says. But a lot of the parents did something else.

"They put it in their mouth, sucked on it and then gave it back to the children," Hesselmar says. "It's a quite common way to clean pacifier."

Studies show that the microbial world in which a child is reared plays a role in allergy development, seemingly from birth. Babies delivered vaginally accumulate markedly different bacteria on their skin and in their guts than babies delivered by Caesarean section, and that in turn has been linked in studies to a lower risk of hay fever, asthma and food allergies. But whether a mother who puts a child’s pacifier in her mouth or feeds the child with her own spoon might be providing similar protection is something that had not been closely studied, said Dr. Bill Hesselmar, the lead author of the study.

Scare tactics have previously been employed by medical practitioners on the basis that studies have showed a bacterium, streptococcus mutans, being highly contagious from mother to child and causing dental cavities. But Dr. Joel Berg, president of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, said those efforts are misguided, since parents are bound to spread germs simply by kissing their children and being around them. “This notion of not feeding your baby with your spoon or your fork is absurd because if the mom is in close proximity to the baby you can’t prevent that transmission,” he said. “There’s no evidence that you can avoid it. It’s impossible unless you wear a mask or you don’t touch the child, which isn’t realistic.”

Dr. Berg, who does salivary research at the University of Washington, said the new findings underscore something he has been telling his patients for years, that “saliva is your friend.” It contains enzymes, proteins, electrolytes and other beneficial substances, some of which can perhaps be passed from parent to child.

Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.


Study finds plants don't grow around strong Wi-Fi signals

The world, as we know it is, is run by machines of industry. Those machines are run by computers. Those computers, and every other device on the face of the earth are powered by the Internet and, more specifically, Wi-Fi. 
Wi-Fi technology is used by personal computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, Bluetooth hands-free handsets, wireless video game consoles, MP3 players, smart meters and other wireless applications. One router can fill a house, or a compound, full of high-speed connectivity, penetrating walls, doors, ceilings, and floors, does Wi-Fi penetrate us? And could this constant barrage of electromagnetic radiation have adverse effects?

Do you even care? Well for those of you that do, the evidence, which links exposure to Wireless Internet and a number of illnesses, continues to mount up. And while it is possible to limit the exposure of Wi-Fi, we now live in a world where every coffee shop, grocery store, and Church has wireless connections available, and penetrating us - regardless of whether or not you have the network's password.

Since the dawn of Wi-Fi is so recent, no studies have yet been done on the long-term health effects of Wi-Fi. However, thousands of studies have been done on the health effects of mobile phones and mobile phone masts. These studies have found that mobile phone radiation can cause cancer!

The health dangers of Wi-Fi radiation are also commonly dismissed because Wi-Fi is so convenient (and who can argue with that). However, scientific studies suggest that prolonged exposure to the low-level electromagnetic radiation can cause many health problems. Among these potential problems are headaches, concentration problems, dizziness, aniety, memory loss, depression, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rates, seizures, epilepsy, nausea, skin rashes, insomnia, ringing ears, high blood pressure, brain damage, autism, diabetes, fibromyalgia, infertility, birth defects, DNA damage, leukemia, cancer, etc.

Some schools have reported alarming upswings of children experiencing these headaches after their campuses made the switch to wireless. Parents have been flooding town hall meetings, and petitioning their local representatives to look into the developing phenominon, as countless children are experiencing everything from headaches, anxiety, and nausea, to loss of consciousness, and fainting. Even more disturbing, is that almost all of the symptoms only manifest while on school grounds, where the Wi-Fi is being pumped throughout the buildings.

Now, the first thing we asked was: "We hear about GMOs, the radiation in the Pacific ocean, chemtrails in the sky, and flouride in our much farther do we go before we are walking around, dressed in tin foil bodysuits?" 

One possible answer, we have found, isn't that dismal.

With new technologies and innovations, we have always had to allow for the gradual passage of time to measure its effects; whether or not the technology was efficient, or whether a drug did more harm than good. In the case of Wi-Fi, we know the good it provides, and we know the efficiency it has boosted in both the business and recreational world...but perhaps this is the phase in which we learn to balance the act? 

- Turning off all devices while sleeping could be a much needed break for your family's physiology.

- Keeping routers in strategic areas of the house, so that internet access is available, but you or your family aren't constantly sitting near the epicenter of the radiation source.

- Make sure that you, and your family, are getting sufficient amount of time outside to balance out all of the device-fondling, and video-gaming that is being done through-out the week.

With research battles raging in Canada and the US, it seems the best thing the public can do - for now at least - is wait, stay informed, be proactive, and see what results.

China rejects U.S. corn; GMO continues to harm U.S. economically

A recent shipment of corn from the United States to China has been rejected due to contamination by genetically modified strains that have not been approved by Beijing.

The offending crop that caused the shipment to be rejected was Syngenta AG's Agrisure Viptera corn. This incident highlights a growing problem of GMO contamination of crops, as seen in September this year when alfalfa grown in Washington was discovered to be contaminated with a GM strain.

The bad news impacted the Chicago Board of Trade corn futures, causing December corn to hit a three-year low. Thankfully for corn farmers, U.S. corn imports into China are soaring, as the Chinese government struggles with high domestic corn prices, compared to relatively cheap U.S. corn imports from a record harvest, and an increasing demand for food.

However, the contaminated shipment will have to transported elsewhere, like Japan or South Korea.

"We are worried. At this stage, we have to wait and see before making any judgment whether the government is sending a signal to the market that it does not want more imports or whether this is simply a quarantine issue," said one trading manager with a large animal feed mill in Guangdong.

Agrisure Viptera was engineered in an effort to increase resistance against crop-damaging insects and is widely grown in the U.S., so the genetic pollution likely came from the GM strain commingling with the approved corn.

As usual, the biotech industry denies responsibility. "Syngenta is not aware of any such incident," said Paul Minehart, head of Corporate Communications-North America for Syngenta Corporation.

Source: NaturalNews, Reuters

Are you eating fake eggs made in a laboratory?

Bill Gates GMO Zombie Eggs:
Are you eating fake eggs made in a laboratory? Who knew? This is like some mutated organism plasma-like "goo" from the movie "Alien." Who in their right mind would dare eat it? Well, lots of people who don't know that they're eating it, that's who. When will it be substituted and remain as such without labels or warnings in just about every egg-containing packaged item that is sold to the masses by Corporate America and infects the body with GM bacteria? Welcome to zombie food central and the inside story on this nightmare coming to grocery stores everywhere. Some say it's already in the food. But wait, it's made from plants! Didn't you hear? It's time to get brainwashed, again, by the richest people on the planet.

A radical "artificial egg" backed by Paypal billionaire Peter Thiel and the "infamous" Bill Gates goes on sale in US supermarkets for the first time. Made from plants, it can replace eggs in everything from cakes to mayonnaise - without a chicken in the equation whatsoever. The "Bio-tech food mutation" team today have already started selling their "plant egg"! It looks like it will be first sold at none other than the beloved "Whole Foods" in California - and some say it could "soon be available in supermarkets worldwide."

How many products will contain genetically modified "plant" eggs? What could you accidentally bake with this synthetic science mystery? Will you make cookies or brownies for the kids? Will you slop some "bio" mayonnaise on your next sandwich, or will you pour some synthetic salad dressing on your greens? Will it be in all the pasta and bread or lumped into muffins for that "bouncy" quality that stays "fresh" so long? This
 synthetic nightmare will contain no real egg whatsoever. You know they'll call it something real nifty too, like "Beyond the Egg" mayonnaise, or the "Incredible Scramble!" The name has to reflect the opposite of what it's really all about.

That's why GMOs are unlabeled in America, and saying that it doesn't need to be listed in the ingredients means it's the MOST dangerous ingredient mankind could know! Get it? Soon, aspartame will be in milk, unlabeled, and all those conventional milk worshipers will be consuming artificial sweetener on top of all those hormones, antibiotics and pus from the cow udders. That's where conventional cheese is derived, so pay attention closely to the
 new FAKE eggs, and try not to eat "cancer" intentionally or unintentionally.

Of course, they'll claim the nutritional values are the same. "They" being the regulatory organization that approves it (FDA/Monsanto), the companies that test it for health dangers (the manufacturers who make billions) and those scientific "peer-reviewed" tests (altered results) will be shared with the public (the shareholders) so that proper diet (pharmaceutical medications) can be addressed by the doctors who recommend it (surgeons and oncologists that work on you later). This is the nature of the GM beast.

Everyone should know doctors who have a
 degree in nutrition to get the right "news" and the right "advice" on how food affects your body, your mind and your health. Some doctors know the dangers of GMOs and will tell you all about it! ( Research more on this: "Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Modified Food." (

Fake egg makers can't seem to get that egg "bounce" right

They say they don't have the right "bounce" yet, to make them feel like real eggs, so what will they use for that, gelatin? That would add to the toxicity and DNA damage to human cells, since gelatin comes from CAFO animals' connective tissue. "We want to take animals out of the equation," said Josh Tetrick, the firm's founder. "The food industry is begging for innovation, especially where animals are involved - it is a broken industry." You can say that again - now throw those eggs in the "trash compactor" with the other medical waste please.

Please realize, this is not a legitimate, healthy vegan alternative to eggs. The bigger questions still remain: Will the GM eggs contain bacteria from insects, or worms, or plants that are never supposed to be eaten? Also, since genetically modified organisms are not required to be labeled in the USA, will GM eggs be HUGE mystery, and could they cause
 cancer, birth defects or other gene mutations in humans? Don't turn into a zombie. Don't consume anything GM. Stay positive and informed. Eat only organic eggs! Don't eat pesticide vegetables (GMOs) and never ever eat cancer.

Source: NaturalNews

How to Heal Your Back Pain Naturally with Yoga


Image: BP / Barcroft Media
In the United States lower back pain is one of most common complaints. The Mayo Clinic states that most people will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. Lower back pain is experienced by sedentary people as well as highly-trained athletes. If you look at a typical weekday of an average American who works a nine-to-five job, it is easy to see why lower back pain is an issue.

Upon awakening one may sit to have coffee or breakfast before sitting to drive to work. When arriving at work the corporate employee will often sit at a desk or in meetings until lunch. Lunch involves more sitting, before sitting at the desk to finish the workday. Then of course there is the commute home and another sit-down meal. Exhausted from a long day of sitting at the office one may choose to sit on the sofa to watch television to unwind. If we look at it from an anatomical standpoint we realize the hamstring muscles and the illiopsoas muscles are shortened from the many hours of sitting and this causes strain on the lower back.

Athletes on the other hand are not sedentary, so why the lower back pain? Any weight-bearing sport or exercise that involves running, jumping, or rapid dynamic movements produces tension on the lower back. When these activities are repeated over time without properly stretching and releasing these tight muscles overuse injuries may occur.

For the sedentary nine-to-five worker exercise is key for relieving lower back pain as well as reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes. However, I’m assuming you are not in that category. If you are, then add some cardiovascular exercises along with the stretches suggested below. If you have a slipped disk in the lower back or sciatica, please avoid all deep forward bends as these can make your condition worse.

Lower Back Pain Relief Yoga Sequence

For lower back relief please do the following poses daily or at least after your workout. Breathe deeply in and out of the nose while doing these poses.

1. Supine Hamstring Stretch

back pain, low back pain, yoga for back pain, back pain relief, yoga for backLying on your back, bend your right knee into your chest and place a strap or rolled-up towel around the ball of your foot. Straighten your leg toward the ceiling. Press out through both heels. If the lower back feels strained, bend the left knee and place the foot on the ground. Hold for 3-5 minutes and then switch to the left let for 3-5 minutes.

2. Two-Knee Twist

back pain, low back pain, yoga for back pain, back pain relief, yoga for backLying on your back, bend your knees into your chest and bring your arms out at a T. As you exhale lower your knees to ground on the right. Keep both shoulders pressing down firmly. If the left shoulder lifts, lower your knees further away from the right arm. Hold for 1-2 minutes each side

3. Sphinx

back pain, low back pain, yoga for back pain, back pain relief, yoga for backLying on your stomach, prop yourself up on your forearms. Align your elbows directly under your shoulders. Press firmly through your palms and the tops of your feet. Press your pubic bone forward. You will feel sensations in your lower back, but breathe through it. You are allowing blood flow into the lower back for healing. Hold for 1-3 minutes.

4A. Pigeon

back pain, low back pain, yoga for back pain, back pain relief, yoga for backFrom all-fours, bring your right knee behind your right wrist with your lower leg at a diagonal toward your left hip. Square off your hips toward the ground. Bend forward. Widen the elbows and place one hand on top of the other as a pillow for your forehead. Hold 2-3 minutes and then switch to the left side for 2-3 minutes.

If pigeon pose bothers your knees, then do Thread the Needle.

4B. Thread the Needle

back pain, low back pain, yoga for back pain, back pain relief, yoga for backLying on your back, bend both knees with the feet flat on the ground. Bend the right knee like a figure four, with the outer left ankle to the right thigh. Lift the left foot into the air, bringing the left calf parallel to the ground. Thread your right hand between the opening of the legs and interlace your hands behind your left thigh. Hold 2-3 minutes and then repeat on the other side.

5. Legs Up the Wall

back pain, low back pain, yoga for back pain, back pain relief, yoga for backScoot your buttocks all the way into the wall and swing your feet up the wall. This pose is excellent for relaxing the muscles of the lower back and drains stagnant fluid from the feet and ankles. Do this pose after a challenging workout and always after traveling by plane. Hold for 5-10 minutes.

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock.


Mutant Fukushima Fruit & Vegetable Pictures Go Viral

With hundreds of tons of radioactive water flowing into the pacific daily, it is wise to avoid eating pacific ocean fish. But what about the locally grown produce?  A Korean website put together this image collection of produce from towns and villages surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.






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