Natural Cures Not Medicine

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CANNABIS CURES CANCERS! Here is how to make it and a Testimonial.

‎"The month preceding the second scheduled biopsy, I continued to ingest cannabis smoothies daily using raw leaves. I also began a treatment of Rick Simpson Oil, otherwise known as “RSO,” originally created by Canadian, Rick Simpson, used the world over to cure cancer and other serious ailments. During the second scheduled biopsy one month later, the “target point” was gone, with the attending surgeon declaring, “No biopsy needed.” The attending ultra-sound technician (also attending during the first scheduled biopsy) wrote it off as a “technical error” on the part of both the initial mammogram technician and the ultra-sound technician prior. It didn’t matter that I saw the spider web-like mass with my own eyes, because the medical community’s hands are tied when it comes to acknowledging Cannabis as a cure for Cancer."


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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