Natural Cures Not Medicine: tea

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Showing posts with label tea. Show all posts

Get Rid of Heart Burn Naturally!

Patricia Bratianu |

Do you experience a burning pain in your chest accompanied by a feeling of fullness or pressure? Do you get gassy or nauseated especially after eating or lying flat? You may have acid reflux disease. It is a very common affliction. Of course, you should get professional help immediately if you are having chest pain that has not been diagnosed. However if you have been diagnosed with acid reflux disease, also known as GERD or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, herbs may help to relieve your symptoms and promote healing of inflamed tissues.

What Causes Acid Reflux Disease or GERD?
Acid reflux is commonly due to a problem with a valve that protects the esophagus from stomach acid. When the digestive system is functioning properly, food travels down the esophagus to the stomach and does not back up into the esophagus because of the valve. When food reaches the stomach, strong acid digests the food.

The stomach has a special lining to protect it from the acid; however, since stomach acid normally does not go into the esophagus, the esophagus does not have the protective lining. If the valve is not working properly, food and stomach acid back up into the tender tissues of the esophagus, causing damage to the esophageal tissues which results in pain and other symptoms of GERD.

Herbs to Relieve GERD

I prefer using herbal teas over other types of herbal preparations for the treatment of acid reflux or GERD. By consuming the herbs in tea form, the herbs coat the irritated tissues and provide quick relief. In addition, teas afford the herbs the longest time to be in direct contact with irritated tissues. While I often recommend herbal tinctures, I do not recommend tinctures for the treatment of GERD, as the tiny amount of alcohol in tinctures may irritate the esophagus.

The hidden secrets of making herbal medicines…right at your fingertips!

Herbs Create a Protective Barrier

One of the best herbs used to treat acid reflux is marshmallow root. Marshmallow root forms a protective barrier between the stomach acid and the esophagus. Its anti-inflammatory properties provide quick relief to raw tissues.

Marshmallow root is best prepared as a cold infusion. Pour one quart of water over two tablespoonfuls of dried marshmallow root. Let it sit covered, overnight. Strain the herb out and compost it. Drink one cup of the infusion three times daily. If you experience an episode of pain, drink additional tea as needed for rapid symptom relief.

In a pinch, simply mix one teaspoon of powdered herb with a little honey and take that for rapid pain relief if you do not have an infusion prepared.

Marshmallow root, like the other herbal remedies for acid reflux, works best when consumed regularly as it will hasten healing and prevent future irritation to the delicate tissues of the esophagus.
Another herb which provides a protective barrier is aloe. You may purchase the juice or gel at health food stores. I prefer the gel. Simply follow instructions on the label. Aloe helps to relieve constipation if that is a concern.

Use Anti-inflammatory Herbs to Relieve Acid Reflux

Chamomile acts as a tonic for the digestive tract. If nausea is present, it helps to relieve it. Chamomile has potent anti-inflammatory effects. It has been used for centuries to relieve digestive symptoms. Chamomile is a relaxing herb. It helps to relieve spasms of the digestive system which frequently are a source of distress for people suffering from GERD.

Calendula is a terrific herb to use as it has many healing qualities which promote digestive health. It improves immune health, enabling the bodies’ own healing powers to restore wellness. Calendula offers a protective barrier to the tissues. It has mild astringent properties which tone the lining of the esophagus and prevent bleeding. Calendula prevents inflammation and pain.

Orange Peels for a Healthy Esophagus

Researchers have discovered that orange peel extract promotes transit of the food through the esophagus. It also provides a protective barrier from stomach acid to esophageal tissues. Researchers recommend that a standardized form of orange peel extract, standardized to 98.5 percent D-limonene, be consumed every other day for three weeks.

Orange peel extract has been the subject of several scientific studies. Researchers believe that orange peel extract helps the food travel through the esophagus more efficiently.  It may also coat the esophagus, preventing exposure to stomach acid if reflux does occur. Experts recommend consuming 1000 mg of orange peel extract every other day for 3 weeks to reduce acid reflux and aid healing of the esophagus.
I believe that adding one tablespoon of fresh or one teaspoon of dried orange peel tea cup of hot water and drinking it four times daily offers the same benefits. Be sure to use organic oranges only.  Drink the orange tea between meals.

Have a Cup of Herb Tea for Relief

Here is an herbal tea which is very helpful for treating acid reflux. Use it in addition to the marshmallow infusion.

Combine three teaspoons of chamomile, three teaspoons of dried orange peel and two of teaspoons calendula. Pour one quart of boiling water over the tea. Let it sit, covered, for twenty minutes. Strain the herbs out and compost them. Drink the tea warm or at room temperature throughout the day. If it is easier for you, combine the cooled tea with the marshmallow infusion. It will enhance the flavor of the marshmallow infusion. If calories and sugars are not a concern, sweeten with honey as desired as raw unprocessed honey offers healing benefits, too.

Herbal teas can be a very effective part of a treatment plan for GERD. Use them liberally in conjunction with other steps which you use to ease pain and prevent acid reflux from occurring.


Get Your Vitamin C From Nature, Not The Pharmacy

Natural Cures Not Medicine on Facebook:

Image: The Organic Prepper
The Nature’s Vitamins series

Sometimes the sources for  elemental nutrients are, quite literally, right in your own back yard.  This couldn’t be more true than for Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a vital nutritional component for a healthy diet and is the most recommended supplement in the United States. But skip the often toxic store-bought pills shaped like cartoon characters and turn to the garden for your daily dose!  Store-bought vitamins often contain heavy metals, GMOs, artificial sweeteners, and other poisons.

Rose hips, the seed-filled pods at the base of a rose blossom, contain more than 60 times the dose of Vitamin C than is found in an equal amount of citrus fruit.

wild roses

All rose hips are not created equally.  Wild roses and old fashioned breeds of roses like the Rugosa Rose (Rosa rugosa)  and the Dog Rose (Rosa Canina) have the highest concentration of Vitamin C.  Be sure that the roses were not subject to the spraying of pesticides or other chemicals.  Harvest rose hips after the first frost.  They should be red and yield slightly to the touch.

rose hips on bush

Fresh rose hips have the highest levels of vitamin C, but the best way to store rose hips for the winter is to dry them.  Wash the harvested rose hips and allow them to air dry.  Place them in the dehydrator whole for about 6-8 hours.  When dry they will be shriveled and wrinkly.


Using your food processor, pulse the dried rose hips until they are coarse chunks. Don’t over process them.

Using a mesh colander, sift the pulsed rose hips so that the little hairs and seeds fall through, leaving you with a lovely colander full of reddish-brown tangy-tasting bits of Vitamin C.

rosehip tea

As a nutritional bonus, rose hips are also a good source of  vitamins A, B-3, D and E, bioflavonoids, citric acid, flavonoids, fructose, malic acid, tannins and zinc.
How to Make Rose Hip Tea

Rose hips are most commonly used in teas.  Commercially, most fruit or berry flavored teas contain rose hips. They give a tart, tangy flavor due to the naturally occurring ascorbic acid. Always prepare rose hips using non-aluminum cookware – aluminum destroys the vitamin C content.

    To make tea from fresh rose hips, steep 2 tablespoons of rose hips in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes.
    To make tea from dried rose hips, steep 2 teaspoons of rose hips in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes.

Rose Hip Jam

    8 cups of washed rose hips
    1/4 cup of lemon juice
    6 cups of water
    5 cups of turbinado sugar
    1 package + 2 tbsp of no-sugar needed pectin


    With a sharp paring knife, cut the rose hips in half, then remove the seeds and the “hairs” from the inside of the halves.
    Use a food processor to roughly chop the rose hips.  (You’ll end up with about 4-5 cups of rose hip halves.)
    In a large non-aluminum pot, add the water, lemon juice, and rose hips. Bring this to a hard boil, uncovered,  for about 30 minutes to cook down the rose hips.
    In a small bowl, use a fork to mix ¼ cup of the sugar with one packet of pectin.
    Stir the pectin/sugar mixture into the rosehip liquid.
    Boil for 1-3 minutes, then TEST YOUR JAM with a spoon from the freezer.  If it is not the right consistency, add the extra 2 tbsp of pectin and boil for another two minutes, then retest.  Repeat until your jam has reached the desired thickness. (Be sure to skim off and discard foam throughout this step.)
    Ladle the jam carefully into your awaiting (sanitized) jars, wipe the rims and cap your jars with snap lids and rings.
    Process in a water bath canner for 10 minutes, making adjustments for your altitude.

Source:The Organic Prepper

Ultimate List of Natural Cures

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Common ailments normally respond very well to the treatment with herbal remedies and fruit and vegetables. Using alternative means to treat your ailments is a common practice in all areas of the world, with the most popular forms of alternative medicine being Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Magneto therapy, Shiatsu, Herbalism, Meditation, Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Chromo therapy, Diet therapy, Hydropathy, and Reiki.

Here is a list of natural products (organically grown plants containing no chemicals is always recommended) that may be used cosmetically as well as for health and nutrition. The ailment is described in bold blue, and the treatment is followed in black. It is incredibly important to realize that going through a whole body detox to clear your issue and symptoms is often needed to truly feel your best. Consuming real, whole foods, high in raw fruit and vegetables, and removing all processed foods from your diet is the only way your body can truly heal.

Aching Joints (arthritis, joint pain, gout): stinging nettles (make into a tea – can also be used topically for painful joints after made into tea), cayenne pepper, grape juice, celery, comfrey, rosemary, St. John’s Wort

Aching Muscles: consume magnesium rich foods like spinach, swiss chard, squash and pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews, sesame seeds and flax seeds. You can also rub apple cider vinegar on your muscle/cramp or use essential oils like basil, and marjoram.

Acidity: eat a high-alkaline diet rich in leafy greens and herbs. Cloves help with gastritis, and mint helps combat acidity and indigestion.

Acne: caused by bad diet, lots of processed foods – reduce amount of processed foods consumed and follow a whole foods, high raw lifestyle to help detox and regenerate the body. Tea tree oil helps combat acne since it is a strong antibacterial. Apply tea tree oil directly to your blemish in a little bit of carrier oil like jojoba oil.

Allergies (i.e., Hay Fever): make teas which help reduce allergen symptoms. Drink teas like nettle, and echinacea.

Alzheimer’s Disease: rosemary and high-antioxidant foods like berries to help strengthen neuronal connections in the brain.

Anti-inflammatory (arthritis, gout, inflammatory diseases): ginger, cayenne, and turmeric; these three foods combat the inflammatory response in the body. I like to juice these, about 4-5 inches per juice.

Anxiety: calm your nerves with chamomile and lavender. Practice breathing techniques, meditation & yoga.

Asthma: cayenne or lobelia. Decrease protein intake to 10% of your daily calories, and eliminate all milk and milk products. Eat organically grown fruits and vegetables and eat ginger and turmeric daily for anti-inflammatory relief.

Bad Breath: deodorizing herbs like parsley, dill, fennel and mint. Juice them, put them in smoothies, or salads.

Bloating: drink peppermint tea, or chew on some fennel seeds. Often caused by heavily processed foods and bad food combining (aka. eating sweet and acid fruits together).

Blood Pressure (high): basil and celery. Eliminate sodium from diet.

Blood Tonic: beets! They help re-build our blood cells and prevent anemia.

Boils: put a little bit of goldenseal or echinacea drops onto your boils to help them heal.

Broken Bones: eat lots of calcium rich plant foods like broccoli, leafy greens, bok choy and chia seeds. Get ample vitamin D from the sun (go sit out in the sun – use some coconut oil for a natural SPF).

Bronchitis: oregano oil, contains carvacrol which is a phenol anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory that eases chest congestion and eradicates disease. Take 5-10 drops of pure oregano oil in a bit of water twice per day until symptoms subside.

Bruises: arnica gel or aloe vera. Apply a cold press to your bruise and then apply these remedies after 10-15 minutes of cold pressing. Consume pineapple too! It contains bromelain which is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Chills: ginger – helps stimulate digestive fires.

High Cholesterol: reduce animal products, and consume a high raw plant based diet. Eat lots of green foods like broccoli sprouts, chlorella, spirulina, sea vegetables, leafy greens and dark green vegetables (broccoli, bok choy, etc.)

Poor Circulation: cayenne pepper & ginger helps dilate blood vessels, which helps improve circulation.

Cold Hands: See poor circulation

Cold Sores: take L-lysine supplement, or use tea tree oil and garlic to kill the virus. Hold garlic on the cold sore, or use tea tree oil as a topical supplement.

Colds: eat lots of lemon, and drink plenty echinacea tea. Eat 1-2 cloves of garlic twice daily and drink 3-4 L water. Get lots of rest.

Poor Concentration: maca root and ginseng help improve concentration, as well as high-antioxidant foods like organic berries.

Congestion: cayenne pepper and ginger help open up sinus cavities.

Coughs: help soothe your throat with lemon and raw honey.

Cramps: rub some peppermint oil on your abdomen (dilute with carrier oil like jojoba), and my favourite, use a hot water bottle. Ginger tea also helps stop cramps and pain.

Diarrhea: eat more foods high in fiber like fruit and vegetables, and make sure to eat them raw to ensure you get live enzymes and pre-biotics to help ensure healthy gut flora.

Diuretic: celery and watermelon act as great diuretics.

Drug Addiction: plant medicines like ayahuasca have helped numerous individuals get over their drug addictions – do your research, use google. You will likely need to travel to peru if you want to see a true shamanic master healer.

Dry Skin: often a cause of a dehydrated diet. Eat hydrating foods like fruit and vegetables, and get rid of processed foods. In the mean time, rub coconut oil or jojoba oil on your skin.

Ear Infection: Make a warm mixture of salt water (1 tsp. salt to 1 cup water) and put in your ear 4 times a day until healed.

Exhaustion: sleep! Get to bed regularly and get rid of stimulating foods which disrupt our sleep patterns (caffeine for instance).

Fluid Retention: see diuretics.

Gastric Ulcer: eat cabbage! Probiotics in cabbage and the high fiber content are great for healing ulcers of all types.

Headaches: drink 1 litre of water and your headache will likely disappear. If not, try eating some cayenne pepper which will dilate blood vessels and release tension in the head.

Heartburn: Drink 1-4 oz. aloe vera juice.

Itchy Skin: use soothing essential oils like peppermint and lavender.

Jaundice: cleanse your liver and kidneys with dandelion leaves, and dandelion root.

Kidney & Liver Problems: cleanse with dandelion, beet root and herbs (parsley, cilantro, watercress, fennel, arugula)

Menstrual Problems: Chaste berry, and sweet potatoes help regulate hormones.

Nausea (morning sickness, motion sickness): include plenty of ginger in your diet! 4-5 inches in a healing green juice will leave you feeling amazing.

Nosebleeds: this might sound crazy but individuals with nosebleeds who have snorted cayenne pepper have found that this cauterized the blood vessels in their nose, stopping the bleed and permanently stopping future nosebleeds! It hurts and stings during the actual snorting but if you want a quick and easy way out, this is the way to do it. Otherwise, use a cold compress on your nose to help tighten blood vessels and slow blood flow.

Osteoporosis: get rid of dairy and animal products which contain acidic protein that is neutralized in the body by alkaline minerals like calcium which is leached from the bones. Eat calcium rich plant foods like broccoli, chia seeds, kale, bok choy and leafy greens.

Overactive Thyroid: get rid of gluten – it increases the autoimmune attack on your thyroid. Eat foods rich in antioxidant molecule Glutathione which boosts your body’s ability to modulate and regulate the immune system, dampen autoimmune flare-ups, and protect and heal thyroid tissue. These foods include asparagus, broccoli, peaches, avocado, spinach, garlic, squash, grapefruit, and raw eggs.

Parasites: parasites hate chlorophyll (what makes plants green). Eat lots of green leafy herbs and vegetables.

Psoriasis: eliminate all dairy and animal products from your diet. Eat whole, fresh raw fruit and vegetables. Get rid of chemical-containing household products and body creams. Soothe the skin with coconut oil (slather it on your skin).

Rashes: coconut oil is a great way to get rid of rashes. It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. Slather it over rash area. Also use aloe vera which is cooling and soothes the skin.

Relaxation: chamomile tea helps relax the mind & body.

Scalp Problems: put olive oil in your hair, until evenly coated. Wrap in warm towel and let your hair and scalp soak up the oil. Rinse with warm water and shampoo your hair with a chemical-free, natural shampoo like Dr. Bronner’s.

Scars: rosehip seed oil or vitamin E oil are great at diminishing appearance of scars. Rosehip seed oil actually repairs damaged skin. Put these oils on 3 times a day, for a month or two, and watch your scars disappear!

Sore Gums: chew on some cloves throughout the day.

Sore Throat: ease sore throat pain with ginger tea and echinacea tea.

Sprains: rub peppermint oil on top of area that is sprained.

Stomach Aches: ginger and peppermint tea help ease an upset stomach.

Varicose Veins: caused by poor circulation. Eat things like cayenne peppers and ginger to help stimulate blood flow.

Warming the body: ginger – helps stimulate digestive fires.

Wounds: tea tree oil and oregano oil

Originally posted on Live Love Fruit

A Cure For Cancer Big Pharma Doesn't Want You To Know

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A simple inexpensive four herb tea that cures cancer? Even AIDS maybe? This has been a critical concern since Essiac tea was introduced in Canada during the early 1920's. For over 50 years, a humble nurse, Rene Caisse (pronounced Reen Case), used the tea successfully with many terminal cancer patients from her clinic in the tiny Canadian village of Bracebridge, north of Toronto.

At first, she accepted whatever anyone could easily afford, even eggs and produce, for her services. She turned no one down. After 1937, she charged no fees! She didn't make money off the tea though she successfully treated many hundreds. Her rewards were harassment by the Canadian Health Ministry, and betrayal by a private corporation she had hoped would help make Essiac tea a legal cancer cure.

Though the name of the tea, Essiac, was derived from spelling Rene's surname Caisse backwards, she was not the original formulator. The ingredients and recipe came originally from an Ojibway Native American medicine man in remote northern Canada.

Essiac's Origin

Rene Caisse was an RN in a Canadian hospital in 1922 when she came upon an elderly patient who had survived breast cancer 30 years earlier. At that time, the woman was living in remote northern Canadian mining camp with her husband. She was admitted to a hospital for breast cancer and told her breasts would have to be removed.

She decided against surgery and went back to the mining camp. In the camp area, she had earlier come upon an Ojibway medicine man who claimed he could cure her cancer. Upon her return, he showed her which herbs to use, how to pick and culture them, and how to prepare the tea. She followed his instructions and within several months was completely cured. She lived in good health for another 30 years.

Since Rene had an aunt and step father with cancer at the time, she was interested in the herbs and how to prepare the tea. So that elderly woman conveyed the Ojbway medicine's ingredients and recipe to nurse Caisse, who in turn treated her cancer stricken family members. Regarding her stepfather: "It took some time, said Rene, but eventually he was cured."

From then, she continued with so much success that in 1933 the small town of Bracebridge allowed her to use the defunct British Lion Hotel as a clinic for virtually no rent, one dollar per month. She continued her work in the clinic from 1934 to 1942. Hundreds of Cancer patients were treated successfully, while she charged little or nothing. She cultivated the herbs, brewed the tea in the kitchen, and administered it both orally and by injection.

Of course, during that time and after, Rene Caisse was the center of controversy and harassment from Canadian authorities. She has stated that the only reason she was not imprisoned was because of popular support from Bracebridge's Town Council, several prestigious doctors, and of course her many cured patients. One of whom was cured of both cancer and diabetes.

The diabetes cure surprised even Rene! Due to this support, from 1937 on, Nurse Caisse was permitted to treat cancer under the strict conditions of 1) treating only terminally ill patients, 2) using an established medical doctor for prognosis and diagnosis, and 3) not accepting any fees for her services. She agreed to those terms and continued.

Regarding her over 50 years of harassment, Rene lamented, "I never dreamed of the opposition and the persecution that would be my lot in trying to help suffering humanity with no thought of personal gain."

Essiac Makes It's Way to the USA

Despite so many successfully treated cancer patients' testimonies, the general public was kept in the dark about Essiac Tea. Caisse made an effort to get the Essiac out into the public light in 1977, a year before her death. She made a deal with a company called Resperin, whom she thought had the clout to legalize her Essiac tea. But Caisse was told she was no longer needed after the agreement.

Resperin was actually in the pocket of the Canadian government and medical authorities. So that project vaporized, and the formula seemed destined to obscurity. Then along came a successful California chiropractor who specialized in treating world class athletes of all types, Dr. Gary Glum. He had heard about Essiac's healing qualities and started his search for the formula and recipe.

He eventually came upon someone in Detroit, who chooses to remain anonymous, who was cured with Essiac of what was diagnosed as incurable cervical cancer. She had the original formula, and Gary bought it from her. Then Gary went to Canada to interview Mary McPhearson, a close personal friend and assistant to Nurse Caisse before Rene passed on in 1978.

There Dr. Glum also confirmed the authenticity of the formula he had purchased, and uncovered enough information about Rene Caisse and her work to begin writing his book, Calling of an Angel. In that book, Dr. Glum told the story of Rene Caisse, and he told how and where to get the formula, which since has been disseminated all over the western world.

Gary Glum had to self publish the book because it was so threatening to the cancer industry, and there was the danger of slam dunk wrongful death lawsuits on publishers since Essiac was not FDA approved. So no one would risk publishing it. That book and his second, Full Disclosure, which reveals the true source of AIDS as man made and the depopulation agenda, put Glum in harm's way for some time.

He was harassed by US Marshals and almost completely financially ruined by bogus IRS claims, and a Naval Intelligence operative later threatened his life and the lives of his family if he continued publishing his two books. Only a few of Gary's books are still available, but there are summarized pdf versions available free on line.

Here's what Dr. Glum had to say about Essiac for AIDS in an interview circa 1990: "I also worked with the AIDS Project Los Angeles . . . . They had sent 179 patients home to die. They all had pneumocystis carinii and histoplasmosis. Their weight was down to about 100 pounds. Their T-4 cell counts were less than ten."

"The Project gave me five of these patients. I took them off the AZT and the DDI and put them on Essiac three times a day. Those are the only ones alive today. The other 174 are dead. But this information is not being disseminated either, because AIDS is on the horizon as another big moneymaker.

Dr. Glum also had success with a few cancer patients that came his way. For example, he was involved with treating one young boy with a virulent form of terminal leukemia. The boy recovered completely with Essiac Tea, only to die later from heart failure. The damage to his heart that caused the failure was traced to his earlier chemotherapy treatments!

While researching for his book, Gary Glum came across Dr. Charles A. Brusch, who was a personal physician for the late President John F. Kennedy. Dr. Brusch also ran a cancer clinic in Boston, MA. He had Rene Caise work there with him from 1959 to 1962. Dr. Brusch treated both his own cancer and Ted Kennedy's son's incurable cancer successfully with Essiac. Unfortunately, he was hit with a gag order and told to keep quiet or wind up in prison for the rest of his life.

Of course, Dr. Charles Brusch chose to remain silent publicly. However, Dr. Glum, in his book Calling of an Angel, had this quote from Dr. Brusch, "The results we obtained with thousands of patients of various races, sexes and ages, with all types of cancer, definitely prove Essiac to be a cure for cancer. All studies done in four laboratories in the United States and one more in Canada fortify this claim."

Immediately after Rene Caisse's death, authorities ransacked her home and burned Nurse Caisse's records. But her friend Mary McPherson had saved some, and a series of autobiographical articles by Nurse Caisse had become public record. The few privy to the treatment's ingredients and protocol kept a low profile to avoid harassment.

But thanks to Dr. Glum's investigative journalism, the secret is out, albeit among the scattered few, and without the caveats that should be known widely among those scattered few. First the ingredients, then the caveats.

Essiac Ingredients

Despite the development of 6 and 8 herb Essiac teas recently, the 4 herb version remains as a staple. It has a proven record of cured patients since the late 1920's. Brewing your own Essiac tea is favored by most upon ordering the herbs, which are sometimes packaged individually, or pre-mixed into one bag.

* 6 1/2 cups of burdock root (cut)

* 1 pound of sheep sorrel herb (powdered)

* 1/4 pound of slippery elm bark (powdered)

* 1 ounce of Turkish rhubarb root (powdered)

These amounts of ingredients combine to make 8 quarts or 2 gallons of the tea. Cutting each amount in half makes one gallon at a time. Some instructions say to mix all the ingredients well before placing them in water, store the dry herbal mix in a glass jar in a dark dry place, and take out one ounce per 32 ounces of water (one quart) at a time.

Which ever way you wish to parse it out, the herbs are boiled hard without a lid for 10 minutes, some say 20; then, cover with a lid and steep over night on the stove. In the morning, heat it up to steaming hot (not boiling), then let it settle and pour into glass or ceramic containers. Use stainless steel or cast iron pots for boiling, and glass or ceramic containers for storing. Keep the containers or container with the tea capped in a dark cool place until first used. After opening, it must be refrigerated.

The dosage depends on the condition. For immune tonic use or very mild ailments, 2 ounces once daily. Increase the frequency up to 3 times daily with up to 3 ounces each time according to the severity of the ailment, which is usually cancer. The refrigerated tea can be added to hot water or warmed up for consumption. Cancer patients undergoing other treatments, even with allopathic drugs, have used the tea as well.

However, cancer or AIDS should be treated holistically by abstaining as much as possible from toxic medicines, toxic foods, toxic household and cosmetic items, and toxic thinking. The cancer patient should also have a meatless diet of organic food and get as much sunshine and Vitamin D and C supplementation as possible. Using Essiac tea while indulging in old life style habits that probably started the cancer or any other disease is not the best way to heal.

Essiac Caveats

The quality of the ingredients is the most important aspect of beneficial Essiac. There are too many watered down versions out there. Dr. Glum has stated that some providers are using irradiated herbs and even replacing sheep sorrel herbs, a common weed declared as illegal for use in Canada, with curly dock, a weed similar to red sorrel. This is critical since it has been laboratory tested and proven that sheep sorrel is the actual cancer cell killer in Essiac Tea.

The other ingredients combine for a synergistic immune booster and blood purifier. Even as important is the fact that Rene Caisse used the whole sheep sorrel weed, roots and all. She discovered the roots to be very critical for sheep sorrel's efficacy. Most Essiac herbal or ready made tea providers use only the leaves of sheep sorrel even if they do use the weed. It's easier and cheaper to harvest the leaves from the weeds while leaving the roots intact to grow more leaves.

To avoid irradiation, order via commercial overland courier services, such as UPS and FedEx, not the postal service, which is required to irradiate herbs. Even if flown in by a commercial service, there is a strong chance of irradiation, especially if coming from another country. This is a problem with Turkish rhubarb root, which is not naturally indigenous to America.

However, there is a possibility of getting Turkish rhubarb root cultivated in North America, as well as the powdered sheep sorrel complete with roots. There are many people who have survived cancer, and a few have used Essiac to cure AIDS as well. Many have improved their overall health by using Essiac Tea as a tonic. Yet there are some who complain about little or no effect from Essiac.

This discrepancy points at least partially to the herb quality issue. The proper high quality 4 herb mixture has been effective on cancer, AIDS, and diabetic patients. Rene Caisse never compromised on the ingredients, and she could be stubborn about mixing protocols as well! It's important that anyone using Essiac have the best ingredients the way Nurse Caisse did.

Go here for more information on this matter:

Sources: Higher Health

The History of Essiac and Nurse Caisse

Sovereign Health Freedom Network

Cancer Industry Conceals an Alternative Cure

Essiac: Nature's Cure for Cancer
An Interview with Dr Gary Glum by Elisabeth Robinson.
About the author
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at

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