Natural Cures Not Medicine: hemp can save our economy

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Showing posts with label hemp can save our economy. Show all posts

WHEN WE GROW, This is what we can do (Full Documentary)

Hemp can save our economy. The health benefits are staggering. It's not just a bunch of people that want to get "stoned". This plant is a revolution. The benefits are endless. There are reported to be over 10000 different uses for hemp. We highly suggest you look into what hemp might be able to do for you or your town.

 US National Cancer Institute
History of the medical use of Cannabis:
Cannabis and Cannabinoids Antitumor Effects:
 US National Library of Medicine
Cannabinoids and Gliomas:
Cannabinoids in intestinal inflammation and cancer:
Cannabidiol inhibits human glioma cell migration through a cannabinoid receptor-independent mechanism:
Cannabis use and cancer of the head and neck:

Cannabis is The Most Nutritional Plant in The World


Before trying anything you find on the internet you should fully investigate your options and get further advice from professionals.

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