Natural Cures Not Medicine: Guerilla Gardening 101: How to Make Seed Bombs

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Guerilla Gardening 101: How to Make Seed Bombs

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  1. "...not getting the love and attention WE think it deserves.." So by you r standard I should be able to hold you down and cut your hair? I should be able to come visit your girlfriend if I don't think you are giving her the attention I think she deserves? How about stop imposing your beliefs on other peoples property.

    1. Theyre plants you stupid jackass. You act as if it were spray paint or chemical waste. Go complain about something that matters.

    2. We're talking about plants here. You act as if its spray paint or chemical waste. People are trying to brighten up the world, and you take issue? Go complain about something that matters, you stupid jackass.

    3. a human cannot be another humans property.

    4. Certainly it was a foolish comment, but calling him names just makes you the troll, not him.

    5. Certainly it was a foolish comment, but your reply makes you the troll, not him.

  2. Could you at least just put the recipe above the video?! you can't expect this video not to get flagged by the government and allow it to work very well.. the freaking word bomb is in the title for shits sake! All I am asking is for a small summation so you do not force your viewers to rely on videos alone... SMH..

  3. Hi David. You can read more about the seed bombs on my web page here:

  4. You can read more about seed bombs on my page here:

  5. No need to make these. Simply broadcast the seeds where you want them. Plants have been doing it that way for millions of years. A tip: try and cultivate the soil first, if even lightly.

  6. I love the idea of home made seed bombs. But. Please buy your wildflower seed mix LOCALLY. Be very very careful about buying wildflower mixes and seed bombs online. Why? Because wildflowers native to another geographic area (or state in the US) could well be an invasive species in your area.

  7. I love the idea of home made seed bombs. But. Please buy your wildflower seed mix LOCALLY. Be very very careful about buying wildflower mixes and seed bombs online. Why? Because wildflowers native to another geographic area (or state in the US) could well be an invasive species in your area.

    1. Tis' true, the wrong species/genome can ruin the bunch. I collect many types of wildflowers native to my area, and it pays the bills. Today actually, I collected 100 bulk pounds of Burr Reed, and also roughly 300 bulk pounds of Chair Maker's Rush. Fun in the sun, lemme tell ya. lol.


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