Used by many:
Sprinkled on nearly any kind of food - added to smoothies etc..
Chia seeds are great for:
- Energy and stamina
- Strengthens the immune system
- Weight loss
- Maintains blood sugar
- Helps Arthritis
- Cleans the Colon
- Gets rid of toxins
- Anti-inflammatory
- Promotes better sleep

Also good for:
Digestion - Knee pain - Hyperactivity - Joint pain - Horse feed - Pet food - Healthy skin, hair and nails.
Chia seeds are stirring up a lot of attention with their lovely health benefits. They contain more calcium than milk - 5 times more. It has 7 times more vitamin C than oranges. Chia seeds contain 3 times as much iron as spinach. - Twice the potassium as a banana and 8 times more Omega 3 than salmon!
In other words:
Chia Seeds = Milk X 5 (calcium)
Chia Seeds = Oranges X 7 (vitamin C)
Chia Seeds = Spinach X 3 (iron)
Chia Seeds = Bananas X 2 (potassium)
Chia Seeds = Salmon X 8 (omega 3)
Natural Cures Not Medicine
Healthy Eating is Health Insurance!
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