Natural Cures Not Medicine: Hemp Oil Is One of Best Alternative Cancer Treatments

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Hemp Oil Is One of Best Alternative Cancer Treatments

I've been studying alternative cures for cancer for 15 years thanks to making my film
"I Cure Cancer" and was on a radio show with Rick Simpson last week and have conversations with him since.  I believe Hemp Oil is probably the best bet in healing from cancer thanks to the cannabinoids in it.

I am now working on Part II:


  1. I was told i must get surgery and follow up with radiation for my prostate cancer... No way Renee !! I pushed a few buttons and had more info about alternative means of curing cancer than i could handle, took me a while to get through just some of it. What I learned immediately was to go all organic, no GMO foods and no sugar, no honey, and easy on sweet fruits, lots and lots of fresh, raw greens and other foods, at least 90 % raw, I love it, so awesome to be alive and well, working out and enjoying life instead of what was recommended. Check out Cancer fighting strategies on the internet. So much info so many ways to cure cancer, some common threads, fuck the AMA and big pharma.

    1. I hope the best for you Anonymous. sounds like you are on the right path to wellness.

    2. Good for you. Glad that works for you. I have been mainly raw for 2 years. Cut out sugar, gluten and additives. Tricky staying 100% under the current way. Maximising Fruit and Veges especially Green...can't go wrong in my eyes. Love with Gratitude your food <3

  2. Where can i order cannabis oil? I'm trying to find it for already 6 months. I live in Croatia, and if anyone knows anyone who would sell it and send it to me i would be grateful. You can send me info on my e-mail:

  3. Imam isti problem gde nabaviti kanibas ulje. Zivim u Irvine, California. Sve info na moj e-mail:
    ili tel: 1-323-791-8326

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. With the statistic one in two,men and one in three women have cancer we should all take a few minutes to hear this it can save your life!!

  6. Where is the science to back this up?

    1. Just google alternative cures for cancer. You can find a plethora of peer reviewed journal articles.

    2. Just google alternative cures/treatments for cancer. You should be able to find a plethora of peer reviewed journal articles.

    3. Which science do you speak of? The same one that tells us we need surgery and radiation or chemo-therapies to fill their bags....uh help us getting well?

  7. Can anyone answer if this is for specific type of cancers and if age matters for treatments.

  8. Where do you find cannabis oil at?

    1. If you live in Colorado or Washington state it shouldn't be that difficult. I would try asking someone from one of those states. If you do live in one of those two, you will need a medical MJ card and then you can purchase from a supplier.

  9. Big statements to make with no peer reviewed scientific back up to go with it

    1. Yes -- I thought the same thing as I have a scientific background as well ... then I spent the last 2 years researching the claims and - they are true. There is a good reason that there are no double-blinded case-controlled studies .. the US government has been making it virtually impossible to do them ... cannabis was medicine in the USA from 1850 to 1937 ... the AMA of the time did NOT want it made illegal when it was made illegal ... it was all about politics, nepotism, racism and greed -- nothing to do with science.

  10. Age does not matter nor does the type of cancer. It destroys free radicals at their source.

  11. Age or cancer type does not matter. It destroys free radical cell production at the source.

  12. At the risk of sounding stupid, what exactly do you do with the hemp oil?

  13. At the risk of sounding stupid, what exactly do you do with the hemp oil?

  14. BE CAREFUL. While I am a huge fan of a healthy, organic, even mostly raw diet and alternative treatments, I hope we aren't suggesting that alternative treatments can actually cure cancer. It may be so for a rare few people, that their cancer will turn around, for millions and millions, this just isn't so. My sister died from ovarian cancer at age 50, all while eating an organic raw diet, no sugar, coffee enemas, and spending literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on insane alternative medicines and treatments, even traveling to Germany in the end stages. Please know that most alternative treatments like hemp and cannabis are great to treat symptoms, but they are not always going to miraculously cure cancer.


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