Natural Cures Not Medicine: Living, Breathing Human Lung-on-a-Chip Could Replace Animal Testing

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Living, Breathing Human Lung-on-a-Chip Could Replace Animal Testing

Can this Lung On A Chip Replace Animal Testing! 

Only if you help make this technology known!
Photo from wikipedia commons

This breakthrough in science has been relatively ignored. The applications of this technology mean that we can all but stop horrible animal testing. This has been about a year... have you heard of it?


  1. Kill and eat animals. God created them for man.

    1. You imaginary friend dont care if they create this.

  2. Kill and eat animals. God created all of them for man.

    1. Yea that sounds great. While we are at it, why don't we destroy the ecosystems in the name of god, and kill all infidels in the name of god. And when we run out of animals to eat we will genetically engineer them and change what nature has given us in abundance. I think we need to genetically modify your brain. Dogma is DOOM!

    2. Yeah, that sounds terrific. While we are at it, we can destroy the ecosystems and kill all the atheists. And hell when the animals run out we will just turn to this nature that you dismiss as expendable, and genetically modify our food in order to feed the masses. Which you will probably end up killing and eating them too when the system fails. If "God" and nature acted this way as you say, we would not exist. Dogma is DOOM.

  3. We kill animals humanely, testing against them is potentially tortue. Idiot.

  4. ^^^ I eat meat but I'm not so full of ourselves as to think anything was *made for* us. we're all just little parts of the whole thing and your worthless bag of skin holding a bunch of independent cells, along with non-human life like bacteria and fungi has mistaken it's complexity (shits beyond your comprehension) for causality. else, by your line of reasoning, god created man to be eaten by parasites and transformed into compost.

  5. God did not create animals for us to eat,for if that was the case we would find that animals contained minerals and nutrients vital to the human condition that are not obtainable from any other source. This is not true,we can find an abundance of minerals and nutrients needed for the body to function in a array of different vegetation.peace be with you.

  6. Toby animals were not meant to be painfully tortured in cages for a lifetime. If you want to get biblical, it also says that men are the stewards of the earth and animals. Men are to care for them both without cruelty or greed.


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