For the Simple Crime of Smoking Marijuana, the Government Ruined This Man’s Family Forever:
For the simple crime of smoking marijuana, Texas man Joshua Hill's family is destroyed forever.
The government took Hill's two-year old daughter away from him because he was caught smoking pot while she was asleep. But under the watch of Child Protective Services (CPS), Hill's child was abused and eventually murdered by foster parents.
Hill told KVUE television, “We never hurt our daughter. She was never sick, she was never in the hospital, and she never had any issues until she went into state care."
This story is down right sickening! First off, studies show that 28% of kids in the foster care system have been abused while in the system. 35% of foster children are put on psychotropic drugs compared to the also sickening number of 10% for non-foster care children. So taking a child away from their parents for doing something that is legal in 2 states and legal for medical use in 20 states is ridiculous. This goes to show you the insanity that is the war on drugs. How can you think that a child is safer in foster care instead of with her pot smokin' parents?
source: policymic.com/articles/58329/for-the-simple-crime-of-smoking-marijuana-the-government-ruined-this-man-s-family-forever
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