Here is an excerpt from billionaire Kevin O'Leary's pro-Monsanto rant
"Monsanto Should be held up as a hero because they’ve developed technologies that help under developed countries increase productivity by 5 and 10 times. You’re an ignorant and stupid person if you say what Monsanto does is bad for human beings" – Kevin O’leary

The study also found that the GMO policy of the US is actually lowering yields of crops while at the same time causing more chemical pollution due to the heavier use of pesticides where GMOs are grown.
Please enjoy this video of 14 year old Rachel Parent as she destroys the patently false claim that Monsanto is a hero to the world. Her website is
This is not good video - the extraneous noise made a joke out of it - come on you can do better - try again.
ReplyDeleteReally? She's 14. It got the point across.
DeleteHater go home.
DeleteMaybe you should just concentrate on what she says...what do you think?
DeleteMaybe you should concentrate on what she says...if you can comprehend.
DeleteMaybe you should just concentrate on what she says...what do you think?
Deleteunderstood every word Rachel Thank U for standing up and America as we have the worst food supply in the world ... !!!
DeleteI thought the video quality was fine, considering the context of where it was being shot. Honestly though, I think you might have missed the point she was making. I have mixed thoughts about the dangers/benefits of GMO's, but at 14 that was the last thing on my mind. What a brave young woman to risk ridicule and stand up for something she believes in, whether or not you agree with her point of view or not.
DeleteI thought the video quality was fine considering the venue where her speech took place in. I have mixed thoughts about the benefits/hazards of GMO's, but I want to take a second to praise this young woman for standing up for something she believes in. It was the last thing on my mind at 14 whether my food was a GMO or not.
DeleteWhy is this comment being taken as negative? It is not an indictment of the message but rather of the medium.I tried to focus on the message (as you are all suggesting) and found it nearly impossible.Tried to listen to it both with and without my hearing aids before giving up. Now I'm off to search her website (among others ) to try to find a transcript of her speech because I really want to hear what this young lady has to say, but I'm not going to get the message with this video.Don't be so quick to label people haters, maybe you should have read more than just the first four words of the comment... what do you think? Personally, I think the criticism was spot on!
DeleteI see your point. Next time, the rest of the City will just have to be Quiet, right?
DeleteYou seem confused..............
I see your point. The rest of the City should have just gone Quiet for them. Next video, maybe they will get the hundreds of other people and cars in the area to just shoosh, eh?
DeleteConfused much?
Inspiring kids.
DeleteSuch inspiring kids! Give us hope for the future.
Deletesorry you didn't like the video quality. I shot it and understand it had some problems. Some people seem to be having problems hearing it and I'm not sure why. Most people can hear Rachel's clear voice quite easily. The room she made her announcement in was filled with people who were visiting stalls making purchases etc, while she spoke. I had been walking all day with the march that comes up later in the video and seemed to have lost the ability to hold the camera still as well. I'm really not sure why - maybe I was dehydrated or something. But I thought the important thing was that Rachel challenged Kevin O'Leary to a debate and am very happy to say, she will be appearing on a show on CBC television on July 31 to debate this windbag. You may have a tough time getting CBC in the U.S. but I suggest you will probably see it pop up on line shortly afterwards - on youtube - if you just google "Rachel Parent". Finally, I really hope that natural cures not medicine deletes the comments by bookguitarguy. Rachel is a real person with a real family, and his comments are really uncalled for and lack discretion. Moving right along...check out the video most recently shot featuring Rachel (not by me). I think you'll find it very professionally done and easy to hear :)
DeleteI thought this was GREAT!!!!! Thanks for sharing \m/
DeleteAll my LOVE to you Rachel! Very courageous! I hope you continue! The World needs people like you! <3<3<3
ReplyDeleteMarianne Silfverlåås, in Sweden
All my LOVE to you Rachel! Very courageous! I hope you continue! The World needs people like you! <3<3<3
ReplyDeleteMarianne Silfverlåås, in Sweden
DeleteAt least she's doing something about it! :)
ReplyDeleteAt least she's doing something about it! :)
ReplyDeletegood for her, to those who are negative, read get informed and don't be stupid
ReplyDeleteTaking on Monsanto at the age of 14 is a brave undertaking, not just for Rachel, but also for her parents. God Bless her parents for giving her the strength to stand up for her convictions, and the freedom to do so!
ReplyDeletepreach child!!! PREACHHH
ReplyDeleteI am glad that You have been passed the torch of activism. My cousin was the same age when He fought development on the San Bruno Mts.---The area is wild to this day, and that was 45 years ago! Keep up the struggle & much love to You. Power to the people, by the people, and for the people. Right-on girlll !
ReplyDeleteWell spoken by Rachael...convincing argument by any aged person...and very sweet demonstration footage.
ReplyDeleteexcellent speech :) you got your facts right on :)
ReplyDeletehaha, in America even the kids are smarter than politicians.
ReplyDeletehaha, in America even the kids are smarter than politicians.
ReplyDeleteThis is all OK with pinocciobama who loves Monsanto. He appointed the CFO of Monsanto the head of the FDA. They are poisoning us all with the gubments help...
ReplyDeleteThis is all OK with pinocciobama who loves Monsanto. He appointed the CFO of Monsanto the head of the FDA. They are poisoning us all with the gubments help...
ReplyDeleteOK, I'm gonna be honest here. First of all, she didn't "Destroy" anybody, that was a RIDICULOUS exaggeration to con people into clicking on the link for ratings/views. Unethical shit like that pisses me off, because I can't stand liars, and it's not Rachel's fault, but whoever came up with that headline is a liar. Secondly, let's face it, while I realize she's only 14 years old, and has only been menstruating for a year ago, she's absolutely gorgeous, and sexy as hell, and in a few years she's going to be an absolute heartbreaker, I mean she's beautiful. I mention that for one reason, and that is that is she'd been an ordinary looking or "ugly" girl, or a boy *regardless of how handsome he was), this video would never have been seen by anyone online. While I give her credit for speaking out for a good cause, and recognize that as a normal and beautiful 14 year old, she was enjoying the power and attention of being in front of a microphone, when it comes to the seriousness of the issue, what she had to say had very little substance to it. I was looking forward to hearing a rich idiot "destroyed", but instead I was treated to a beautiful young goddess who could have talked about the weather and been sexy as hell doing it. I'm not putting her down, but the reality of our world is that she could do a lot more to change the world, and make a real difference, by becoming a famous actress/model/sex goddess (when she's of age), making millions (if not billions) of dollars that the average hard-working person could never dream of, and then donating millions to help support the causes she believes in. She seems like a great girl, and if the headline said, "14 Year Old Girl Destroys Angelina Jolie", it probably would have been more accurate. She's a freaking goddess already, and she knows it, and just like Helen of Troy, her face could not only "launch a thousand ships", but that kind of beauty is a good reason for protecting the earth and all life on it. Go ahead and call me names now if you want to, I could fall in love with her in about five minutes, and she's the most attractive 14 year old girl I've seen in awhile. Maybe it's because I woke up with a woody... :O), but seriously, her beauty (and poise) is a lot more remarkable than anything she had to say, and I don't think we should be giving her a big head about comments that really didn't amount to much, just because she's beautiful. She already knows that she is, and she'll command a lot of power in her life because of it, but the speech itself didn't really amount to a hill of beans.
ReplyDelete(cont'd) To be completely honest, I wish I was a teenager again, and if she was of age, I wish she'd have my baby. She's freaking gorgeous.... and beautiful young womanhood like that can bring a man to his knees-though feminism is teaching us to hate normal heterosexuality, and flying in the face of Biology as well. I guess I'm babbling now-but to be fair, I'm pretty sure lots of other less attractive kids around the country have made speeches that were a LOT more substantial than this, and will never be heard because they're not gorgeous and sexy like Rachel is. God help the boys in her school, through high school, and the men she'll be attending college with, and I envy the lucky bastards who get to make love to her. Before you call me a "pedophile", no, I've never been with a minor-but more to the point, women her age have been marrying and bearing children in cultures ALL over the world for thousands of years-or for as long as our species has been here. When a girl's body starts to ovulate, it's preparing for pregnancy, and girls/young women become UNBELIEVABLY adorable and sexually attractive at that time, just as Nature intended. That's when cute, innocent young girls that normal men would never think about having sex with-ie, 10 year olds, etc- become unbearably sexy, when their bodies make those changes, and the fact that we have "extended childhood" in our culture, with 18 year olds less emotionally mature than 14 year olds in other parts of the world (with a lot less responsibilities) should not cause men to be demonized for responding to the cues of Nature, to be drawn towards BEAUTIFUL, young, ovulating females, whose beauty and sexual appeal LITERALLY was put there to draw men to want to procreate with her, like moths to a flame. I realize this is off topic, but it's what came up for me in the video (no pun intended :O). True, our 14 year olds are not EMOTIONALLY prepared by our culture to accept the responsibilities of parenthood, but I'm not ashamed to say that physically, and physiologically (pheremones, etc), a gorgeous young woman like this was literally made to be made love to, and men should not be shamed (or CRIMINALIZED) for feeling this way, it's a witch hunt. Birds, bees, young dogs, and every other species on earth procreates when they're biologically ready (and biologically, they are adults because they can bear offspring). Only in human society, is our emotional development SO out of sync with our physical development, that I have to even talk about this, because basically, we're the MOST screwed up and out of touch with Nature species on the planet. All this because she's freaking gorgeous, beautiful, and absolutely, unbearably hot!!! I rest my case on the power of female sexuality... and I submit to it... I will not be shamed!!! <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeleteI actually just listened to an introduction of Rachel, on another YouTube video, that listed some of her impressive accomplishments. I stand behind my statement that this particular video (14 y/o "destroys" billionaire) not only did not live up to its billing, but it did not in any way do justice to what this young woman is capable of. Good for her, I give her full credit, and yes, she is absolutely beautiful and sexy as hell. Those traits can be used to accomplish a lot of good, if she doesn't let them ruin her, because the power of feminine beauty and attractiveness is probably the most powerful force there is. I think it's great that she's speaking out, but would an unattractive girl or a boy receive the same amount of attention, for saying the exact same things that she does? I think we all know that the answer is no. I'm still infatuated with her, and my raw physical attraction to her is not without love, she's a gorgeous example of young womanhood that men have been dying for, competing for, yearning for, and worshiping since the beginning of recorded time. God, I wish I was a teenager again. <3