Natural Cures Not Medicine: How To Use Cayenne Pepper To Stop A Heart Attack

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How To Use Cayenne Pepper To Stop A Heart Attack

How  To Save A Life - Heart Attack:
Some great advice that could save your life. Share it around.

If the person you are with is seen to be having a heart attack - you may want to try this while you wait for an ambulance.

  1.  If the person is conscious - mix 1 tsp of Cayenne powder* in a glass of warm water and give it to the person to drink
  2.  If the person is unconscious - use Cayenne extract* and apply 2 full droppers of full strength under their tongue.

Note* the Cayenne must be *90000 heat units (h.u.) to stop the heart attack. This should stop the attack in 60 seconds.

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Natural Cures Not Medicine

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  1. wow, i'm prepared now!
    What does that mean, that cayenne must be 90000 heart units?

    1. Scoville units (hear units) are the numerical measurement for how spicy something is. The higher the number the spicier the food. If I am replying correctly the scale goes up to 15 million or something.

  2. Smoking is so dangerous that the stench of cigarette is repulsive to non-smoker. Moreover, it wastes a lot of money. So all of us irrespective of caste, creed, colour, religion and age should launch a massive campaign against smoking.gout in ankle


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