Of course you're not going to like this:

This is the conclusion from a new study that looked at the long-term effects of consuming Monsanto's genetically modified corn. This is something they never do before releasing it to the public.
A few bits from the study:
The study was published in The Food & Chemical Toxicology Journal
The study was led by a man named Gilles-Eric Seralini from the University of Caen and it was the first ever study to examine the long-term effects of eating GMOs. Ya I know what your thinking... WHAT? Ya... First Ever. Normally you would expect the food be tested and approved for long-term effects but no.
- Obviously and literally - "Ain't no body got time for that"
Some quotes from the report:
"The animals on the GM diet suffered mammary tumors, as well as severe liver and kidney damage. The researchers said 50 percent of males and 70 percent of females died prematurely, compared with only 30 percent and 20 percent in the control group."
"Scientists found that rats exposed to even the smallest amounts, developed mammary tumors and severe liver and kidney damage as early as four months in males, and seven months for females."
You might want to think twice or even thrice before buying your next set of shopping.
Want some sources? Sure you do -
How about another? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2205509/Fresh-fears-GM-foods-French-study-finds-rats-fed-controversial-crops-suffered-tumours-multiple-organ-failure.html
The international journal of biological sciences:
And if you live in California - Prop 37 is still pushing to label these foods:
the word was. "consuming"...not injected...eaten
ReplyDeleteEither way, it makes you think the next time you buy that same corn from your local grocery store.
DeletePlease everyone stop eating this crap I love all of you with all of my heart ~NAMASTE
ReplyDeleteNamaste..... :)
DeleteHare Krishna my friend i agree with you we need to do all we can to get people to start growing their own food. Radhe sham
DeleteHare Krishna my friend, i agree, we need to convince people to start growing their own food, they do not even know what Karma is accruing in their lives. i will do all i can to help, for i too Love everyone. Radhesham
DeleteThis study was testing for the potentially harmful affects of weed-killer that yes, very much so was deadly to these rats and most likely to humans. This has nothing to do with actual GM crops.
ReplyDeleteyou have removed parts of the text out of context to support your argument... yet again... on this site... you have made the unwitting people who read this dumber and made the actual campaigning for this sort of thing another laughing stock.
also "- Obviously and literally - "Ain't no body got time for that""... what a horrible way to cheapen the lives of these animals that were sacrificed in the name of science and the well being of people and animals alike. Shame on you.
You know y'all are ridiculous! Since you have a problem with testing the rats then bring in your children and let them do the testing on them. That made you mad ha? Either way we don't want to Hurt a rat or child but it has to be tested is the point. Stop being ignorant, the fact of the matter is this, our government only cars about making a dollar and blinding our people to do so and thus is sad that you would get on here and attack people instead of helping people to solve a problem that eventually is going to kill us all. Wake up look at our babies dying from cancer at an alarming rate these days and it's coming from our government allowing these companies to poison us. We have went from a government for the people to a government that f#*ks us with no grease. Stand up for the right things and stop starting confusion for your ego. A man puts away childish things so get it together.
DeleteFight for rats? What about fighting for children that's dying from cancer at an alarming rate because of the poison they're consuming?
DeleteActually, much of the Monsanto GM food it "round up" ready' which means, it's been genetically infused with round up to be more pest resistant. But there's no way you can convince me that that doesn't trickle into us...and now we finally have a study that can back that up!
DeleteLet me help you out here country girl. Plants need to make the amino acids tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan. These are the aromatic amino acids and they are found in just about every protein in your body. Animals (like us) cannot make these so we get them from the plants and animals that we eat. Plants have an enzyme that makes these called EPSPS. We do not have this. Glyphosphate (round-up) inhibits EPSPS, thus preventing the plants from making their amino acids that they need. This SHOULD not have an affect on us in the amounts that could be leftover on crops but i'm definitely not saying round-up is totally safe (as this study is likely showing). The GM plants have a modified version of EPSPS that glyphosphate/round-up cannot inhibit. The plants are NOT "genetically infused with round up". I cannot understand why you would believe this. Such a thing would not be in anyones interest including monsantos (who's, I will acknowledge, only interest is profits. I am in no way defending them or any other corporation. only science).
DeleteJust tell the truth... let the fact speak for themselves and let people with half a brain make an informed decision. If you want to lead lemmings, where's the challenge in that?
ReplyDeletefight for rat's rights ! ...pinky and the brain...
ReplyDeletefight fo rats rights ! // pinky & the brain \\
ReplyDeletepied piper would be proud !
ReplyDeleteI would rather find out through the lives of these rats rather than the lives of my grandchildren. Thank you for the info.....and bless the spirits of the rats for their sacrifice when you dispose of them.
ReplyDeleteSad part is your grandchildren may still become victims, courtesy of Monsanto - I'm not keen an animal testing, either, especially with something that's a KNOWN POISON (now that & their refusal to label these damned dangerous foods so we know what we're ingesting is the REAL crime - and they're big enough & rich enough & have enough political buddies in their pocket, it's going to take a MIRACLE - of awareness & caring of individuals of this nation - period!
ReplyDeleteWas there a control group? And if so, what were they fed?
ReplyDeleteI try not to by GMOs when I can help it, but was the GMO corn specifically responsible for this, or was it the Monsanto roundup chemical?
This story is blaming two things for the same effect.
Turns out the whole study is fraudulent. http://www.forbes.com/sites/henrymiller/2012/09/25/scientists-smell-a-rat-in-fraudulent-genetic-engineering-study/
ReplyDeleteThis is so sad on so many leves! GMO is disgusting but I think its even worse that people think it is ok to harm these animals, they are incredibly intelligent and have amazing personalities, its so terrible that we are allowing any of this to go on.
ReplyDeleteWe need to stand together and put an end to all of it!
They did not inject anything into those rats. What they did was FEED them the very same food you and your babies eat everyday.The same food that is on the grocery store shelves by the millions. Now do you know why Monsanto and Du Pont and other companies want this secret?! Kind of sad people feel sorry for those rats yet so many people and kids have cancer, leukemia, autisum...ect...because of this very food they keep secret from us. They did nothing but feed them our own table food. Whats cruel is that fact that it is legal to feed anything living with that food....Especially Humans!!!
DeleteIf anyone should bother to READ the sources linked - and with the eye of a scientist - the FIRST thing they would notice is that NOWHERE is the blame pinned on GMO. It is repeatedly suggested - both within the studies and by the Peer Review professors - that it is more likely a case of the PESTICIDES used on these GMO products that is the problem. So please - USE YOUR BRAINS and stop living in Fear of the wrong thing. GMO is not the problem. (Yet - that's not to say something detrimental won't happen in the future). The problem now - and with all these studies - is that there are pesticides being used. And any pesticide with any sort of knowledge will be able to tell you that pesticides are the things that are detrimental to human (and animal) health. Just look at DDT as a classic example - or the theory of pesticides (particularly nicotinoids) causing Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in Bees...........
ReplyDeleteIf you want to be safe then eat Organic. But don't jump on the GMO bandwagon - as it's entirely the wrong thing to be fearful of and is making you miss the true horrors of pesticides.
Here is the actual study, not sure if we were reading the same thing!
However it says that there is a clear link between GM maize and Round up which is what they have put into the GM maize that caused all these health problems. This is from the study "In conclusion, it was previously known that glyphosate consumption in water above authorized limits may provoke hepatic and kidney failures (EPA). The results of the study presented here clearly demonstrate that lower levels of complete agricultural glyphosate herbicide formulations, at concentrations well below officially set safety limits, induce severe hormone-dependent mammary, hepatic and kidney disturbances. Similarly, disruption of biosynthetic pathways that may result from overexpression of the EPSPS transgene in the GM NK603 maize can give rise to comparable pathologies that may be linked to abnormal or unbalanced phenolic acids metabolites, or related compounds. Other mutagenic and metabolic effects of the edible GMO cannot be excluded. This will be the subject of future studies, including transgene and glyphosate presence in rat tissues. Reproductive and multigenerational studies will also provide novel insights into these problems. This study represents the first detailed documentation of long-term deleterious effects arising from the consumption of a GM R-tolerant maize and of R, the most used herbicide worldwide."
Am I reading this wrong?
Darn you Mosanto!!!!!